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An Astral Projection

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Au Unpresslon that I tu as grcw anti! fnrther resla to H startted as I I silent, mogloom, tor I kn."A ii waa there m&ny minut .,,,,. i ; aal observatlon o! ertinR. "Well, Bir '.'" As 1 I .'. in a thr Ing i ruus■ piCii laiiy. It ■ fonxdshtp, hideous and ii; the crown ol the shapetess slouch Uai 8, grlmüng 11 b cracks and lacrusted i:!i the mud and dust oí many higtvways. The ! tliis young man. WhiCh was li,m1 Uy a brtstly beard n' a dusiy yelliw hne, was almost livid In lts palUw, and haggered as ir. mi the combined effects at hunsrer and sarrow. Tte features, howevw, were regular eitougb, and miiïlu even havo been called handsome under a healthier conditiun and a happier cuviroaincnt. llis eyes were dreamy and melancii-oly, bot Bteady in their gaie and almost Intense i öieir searcbing, appeeling preslstency. As 1 loofeed into th., I ceasod to wonder Tliat I Bhould have been oonsclous of tbeir singular tnflueooe wlu-n dlrected upon my iiassic wUl. if ever a man'a soul shone throuRh liis eyes, tttüs nv crtainly made ïtseM manifest on this occasion. '1 beg your pardon, sir," lio besan in a low, música] volee; "but I have prosumi-d to intrudo upon you for a moment, on the assuramce of a tricad vrtio told me that if I should evCT wender as lar as this city you would tiot turn mo mvny without, rit least, ;i kind word. You know Jolun Carrol I" "Very well, indeed. You enne from Hirvi " J! Uil . "Not directly. I haven't seeii liim for a y car. 1 was in botter cireumi-taniis ilicn than I am nt present. I lwive knockrd abotrt throuirh the West from city to eity, Boeking what ï wH'k bere - work." "You are a newapaper man ''" "Yes, sir; Uut not altogether a succeasfnl one. I don't know why. exactïy. hut I am generally unlortunate in my effort- U 1 were an egotist I Bboold say tliat late had aomething to do with it. Pertaapa ït is my ciuii fauli; perfcapsl am restiess: 1 am certainly improviilent; I have no business faculty." "Perhaps you are not thoroughly adapted to the newspaper proiession." I suggested, aa geatly as the hareh suppo8ition WOUW pcrmit. "Thai is posslble," lie replied wlth a sigto; "bul what eau I do ? It has lMen my trade ever Bince I left eol1 have u -,i toM thai I coBld good wort- tai a certain direetion- and I have !;.:! eonmected at different times with sume of the leadïng newspajiers ot the country: bat when 1 seemed on the verse of a permanent eompeteney 1 have lailed mleerably, and. as lar as T eau tmderBtand, unaceountalr'y. Sometiinis. I Avill admit, when circunisianc 's liave been otfoerwise agreeable, my own ieelinirs becaine permeated with a repugnance for my work or tor Uhose by wiinin 1 was surroonded; to sueh an extent, in fact. that I found it Unpossib'.e to continue in my position. On tlhe impulse of these (oollsh, disasterons w4rimB and táñeles, I have 'moved on' to other placee- I have been 'moviAs on' all my life: perhaps 1 s!iall continue to move on to the end." Where did you work laat ''" I askod. ■In Qiicago." ■ii.nv tong have yon been in this Oity ?" "A'boul an liDiir." ■■Did you come direct from Chica"Barrlng Kide-trncks and the iiu-idents of travel frequently lnterrtipted by t ie appoBltion ol brakemen and conductora of freight-trahw, I am direct (rom i hicago." "And a i yon carne !n ar a brakebeam '■" i Bald. "No; 1 walked the laai lliirty miles. '{']■ roads were good and the rallroad ; . -i dldn't object ." "Wltat is your name V" I a "Nelson Tremaine." As he answered, a messengeT from the foreman, tlemaniü; naore of that Washington stuff."' interrupted the 60 and v!ii;e I was nnmberlng the Trematne seated hlmaelf ti t a desk beside me. "I will do what I can for you. Mr. Tremaine." 1 said. as soon as the "daughter of the horse-leeoh" had departid. "As yon wlil oibserve," 1 added. "1 am the telegrajib-editor of this concern. Mr. Bcotl has charge Of the city (lepartment. I will I to biis and he will probably glve you an asstgnnaent. Wliere are yon lyinir V "Auywhere - nowhere," he answereA. with a sad smiV. It is latí - nearly t vo o'clock." T . looking at my watch: "when thirty' comes, we'll ro and set sonn - thinir t" 'at. After that. if you won't mind. ril take you round and introduce y mi i.i the nlght-clerk of the Overbon; you can Reí a room tliere. In the mean time. if you are not too fcired, yon mlgbi help me mt on this miscellaneoua truck." "Certainly." Baylng whlch he llghted the gaa over the des In front of which he nat, lnserted his hand between two frayed buttons of liis mlaflt-coat, and drew forth a stub of a pencil. "Here's a hanging Mi Atlanta," I said, .-i - i I oseed blm a the paper, apon wblch uur local operators del o wrawl . iMe tranBCripi o f the IncoI cerebrattón ol rao operator at ..ibiiHv. ingpired by ota ambig and in. in "ftne freazy" and animated by a flerc u'''" I ten or a contlnliail glanced ai --1 1 "h all bhere," L said; 'give it a y-siz Lsn't a very thrllllng affair nothHe as rapid; I Baw that ai u, !■■. Without ana as i in rousthly lamlliar with this brancb of the ut-wspaper business, '.'.' Buppl - . ni i - ted adverl, conjuncttons, and preposiúuas, and haviog "headed" ih" gram, passed ii t: me without a word. There was some "cbpy"-paper on the desk in tront of htm. He arrangedthia neatly a-.ul began .i wrlte. The capatlon he liad Inveai'ted íor the Daraxraph was uninue:


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier