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Syrup of Figs, Prodnced (rom tili laxatlve and nutrltious Jnice i California flgs, combinad wiiii Bhe medical vlrtuea ol planta kim n bo i1 moei bemetidal to tehe liuinaii gysbem, actsgeotly, om the kldaeys, llver and bowete, eHectuato cleanatng tihe gystem, dlspelltog oolds and beadacbes, and curfog habitual cuiist pa i bon. the method and resulte when Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prou:ptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sfctem effectually, lispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ouly remedy of' its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly benefieial in its efl'ects, prepared ouly from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities coramend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and" 81 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who inay not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any gubetítnte. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. IOUISVILLE, KY. NEW VORK, N.ï. 13 Greatest Bloei Purifierfeï Thls Great Germán Medicine is the. cheapest and best. 128 doses of SUL-# II l'IIl'uBITTERSforíl.OO.lessthan IV one cent a dose. It will cure theW rn worst cases of skin disenso, from# M EtSa common pimple on the fnveW Sf Jjg Ito that awful disease Scrofula.# er SULPHUB BI1TKKS ia thojJ best medicino to use In nUM ' cases of such stubliorn amlyour Kid.lll deep spatcd diseases. loneyS are out III BLUE PIULS V'vi.'i'l0 Ulnrmcreurv.theTaredead ■ ,: „„IT I Iv. J'la,-c your trust i" Zr wí -U UslW II SULl'I I UK BITTE BS, JG?L ■ I II the pureet and best#ou'u8 Ij medu-ine ever made. ƒ u] n]mr BitterS ! Ij SSIsyonrTongneCoatedj ' 5S ö witha yellowstickyDon't walt nntil yon M ITI subetance? Isyour#are unabletoivalk', or ffl llbtvath ton] iind#are flat on your back, III IHoffeneivc? Yiur#butget someat once, lt III lllstonmi'li ; out#ill cure you. Sulphurlll Hl of order. Dse#Bltter la g Surn:'i;sifThe Inralid's Friend.K jSimmocli:!lclyj#Tlipyounp, tlioacrP'lanil ËS l Is your t"r-#terin are soon made well by III Hl inc tblck,#hs uae. lii'nicinbi'r wliat youlll ropy, clo-j#rc:id bere, it nt:iv save yourl Ijl udy', n'#iife, it lias saved humlmls. ll #Don't wait until to-morrow. E3 r Try a Bottle To-day I E3 ja Are you low-spirited and weak.l I #nr suffeiinx (rom the oxcesses ] II #youlli? lf so, ï-L'LI'HL'K BITTERS "ywiii euro you. Send 3 2-cent st:im(ii. to A. !'■ Onlway A in. Boston, Aluss., ïor ue&t metücai work publUlied? BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS Courier Office, 41 and 43 North Main , (Successors to C. H. Milieu.) The oldest nsrenoy in the city. Kstublished over ■ qiuirtor of a rrnturv ago. Repreaentlng the followlng flrat-clesa companles, with over 60,000,000 Capital anI Assets. Homk Ins. Co., ol New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niawe.v [ns. Co., of New York. Girard Ins. Co., oí I'hiladelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London Liverpool. LONDOM and Globe. llares Low as the Lowcst. Losv.m Llberally Adjustod anI prompt Ij Paid. 3EÜL & POÏVTD. Me TO MACKIHAC Summer Tours Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Tour Tripe per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND PetOEkcy, The Soo, Marquutte, and Lake Hurón torta. Evflry Evening Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Sunday Trip iJcring June, July, August aud Seylunibar Only. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, Ka. leí and Excursión Tickets will be furnibhed by yuur Tickat Ageat, or Addreos A. A. SCHANTZ, Aes'T Q, P. A., Detroit, Micm., TKE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO. jB " ' pl" mart at ÉHËSffÊB w"li '"' ""■ ll' Ahiih l'-ipi', AuMiu, I xa, in t J ■ i ■ ... i oldo, Oliio. !i4' ■ '■ hr T THffjBwJWB""1 v' '' TfROO.On a 1 jKVaL . wvES? l1"11" n'u b" 2ra. an Btrt - '""' ('Bii " ' rl ;" -i"'r(' lil1ie ■d NEW nu. I wniitlerfni. lnl ulnnfra. B.Hollttt A Oo.tBox HdOPurtluiid.MÁlno SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Improved Variable Friction Feed. Send fot catalogue and special prices. A. B. FARQUHAIl CO., Yorfe, P


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