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Denver Pete

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h;i(l been ven more li ei vagr - the big ram ipast ure in ti a ■ irts and ages. There ■ iumber country, roti bearded men, who .;'. t ;i luck. There w ere old nul young ones, allke ragged and hung, ; 1 1 1 1 i bhey crovi leil one ough another. I hcrr n ,' n Mg, cúter man, w i oe resem and a oice that mlgjii be likened i o ping of ;i [Ie, sa1 in b chalr i ver hls eyes and boiii I deep in als tri al the 'luist - miases o! hls boyhood, .-111(1 ol a little briek house he remembered ;ivay back In Oblo state, wiu-n the door of the tramp room opened for the entrance b ni'iv guest. !!■■ was a youngsber, i'nis aew-couner. Uhere wasn'1 a hair on íiis face, and a he ■ showed thai he had nol b n tramping il long. Tihe lad looked at ii ! around liim, and then turning to the Jaller osked U there were any IkmIs. A hoarse laugb trom the old-tiiners, in wliicli tihe offlcers !. i.ihi bbat beds were nol ■ tin' luxurles al life in trampdom. The Closed, and the loy found Mmse-li helr to i -i i - solï 1 Bpot he could flnd on the Boor. He was ptcking !,is way through the recumben1 vags i„) a íar corner of the place, vrbeo the VOlee Of ■■Denver Pete" hade liini gtop. "Oome here, you!" Tho gtranger drew near, as though ex-pectlng some new ..ii' at liis nüs(ortune, Wlicrc'rr ye trom '.'" ■I [rom Etardln cotuity, Ohlo, and workcil in 8 -imimissi(a iimisc on Roberi streel natu two montha ago. Then I go1 Blek. 1 was jusi lel out Oi Imspilal and liavrn't a:iy money, so had to come here." ■Whcir's youv folks V " Kciiton. OhiO." "Able bo nrk niiw. ain't you?" "Yes; 1 am KOioK in work as soon as i can gel somèi hing o do." ■■f'.vi r ]■ en tramipln' betore ?" "No, slr." "Shui ap and Iet niks sleep, ean'1 3 on ?" 3 elled a volee from across the ■■ii.j to Jerteho!" responded the ciuestioiu'r. at bhe same time taking from a pocket inside hls shirt, a greosy leathcr w.-illi-t. He dri-v inrth a íivc-dollar Wil, crumpled and torn om ili'1 edges, and handed it to the yowngster -vitli the rentark: "See here, pard, I guess yon oln't used to bummln'. Ttoere alnM no beda hon - nothin' but boards, om' hard boards at ihat. They don't serve breakfasi reglar, an' 6he place ain't yonr style nohow. Here's a blll. You go out an' toll the hotel keeper, ttoe lodgln's ain't up to the mark. The i'ivc'll keep you through the week, an' UuMi ye kin look fer a Job." "But maybe i can't gel one right away," broke In the otlier. "Well, mebbe ye can't; but try. My mother used ter teil me there wasn'1 noilun' Uke tryin'. it dldn't never fto me mud good, bul you take her t an' try. ■111 pay you back as soon " "All ïiülit." brobe In the lender. ■-V iu Jes1 addresa ffiie letter feo 'Denver Pete,' ' Pólice Station, si. Paul, an' l'm to git it." The sick man thanked lus dellverer profusely, Bhook lus hand, and withdrew. ,- any more Jokes to scatter, Pete V" askcd a lïrizzicd veteran of the road. Pete gol OP and lookrtl at i-vowd betore iiim. "Youse fellers," he aald, "reckon 1 done a fooi job on that kid. Well, I knowed liini. #I knowed his sister. boo, an' used ter take her alelgn rldln' beiünd my old dad's graya She wouldn'1 have me, of, course; could not expert it iiiilunv. but 1 hata'1 sroin' lo 96e hor kid brother goln' bungty." "Waere'd yer .uit tbe Bve?" askeir :t .(insumptive-looking ÜBtener. "Btt'n savin' it Ier a mouth to celébrate o." and with that reply "Deover Pete" curled up near the baèeburner for the nlght. Wüliam Cramp, the founder of ili ol the larges! American siiip yards, was bom i'.i 1 be dist nslngton, huw a pari ol the city ot Philadelphia, [n September, L807. Hls paroiir were Mr. Cramp was educa ted u the pub'.ic schools up m lus slxteenth year, when he was apleed to I b - iul sliiibullder oJ tha1 perlod, Samuel Grlce. The yarda have kng Btnce dls&ppeared, tlhelr Bite beins occupl d al preaeni by Vearce'a Elolling-mlU. Saving comi)!'tcii hls apprentlceship, be worked severa] years aa a Journeyman ship-carpenter. In 1880 he founded lint is now knowo as the WlUlam Cramp & Sona Bhip and Elngine Oompany. Acqulring aome property ii Keasinirton. frontlng on the Dekiware, Iip began the building of wooden siiijis .-nul gteamboats. During tbe rebellion he furnlshed wiih a number oi other warsiüps. the government with i'nc tamoua (rífate "New Cronsldea". He lias contlnuaJly (acreaaed hls estabUahment, and the Crompa have up to date launched over two hnndred vesselB. Hls sin. Mi-, Ohas 11. Cyamp, la iiflv tlic head of the great concern.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier