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Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the worid for Cuts Bniiees, Sores, ülcers, Balt Eheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all Bkln Eruptions and posltively cures Piles, or no pay requlred. It is guaranteed to perteel satlstactlon, or money refunded. Prlce, 25 iruts per box. For sal-e by Eberbach & n. and Geo. ri'. Haueeler, ol Manchester, Carlyle and Some Young Men. When we tliink of boros we aretempted to wisli tliat all men had something of Oarlyle's rudeness. The mighty Thomas was bidding "Good day" toa very conceited young man whohad iavored him with'a long sermón onthings iu genernl. He went politel.V to tf ie door, and thon said : "Well, Mr. Bland, ['ve received ye for the sake of yonrfather. Now goodby : and 1 earnestly hope ['11 never see ye agaiu !" On another occasion Carlyle lookedin a dassionless way at a vieitor who had been bolding forth tor ever bo long, and said : "Man, but ye're a puir creetore !" The anecdote reeaOs oue of a cobbler who once got rid of a tiresome caller by putting his hands on liis lapstone and pensively gaziug at the talkiug nuisauce. Finally íie said: "I suppose, now, they teil yon that God made you?" The terrible insinuation was too muco for the bore, and he ried, utterly routed. - Irish Times. Hibbard's Rheumatie Pilis. These Pilis are sclentifically compounded and uniform in action. No eriping pain so commonly followiui; thie use of pills. They are adapted to both adults and children wlth perfect Bafety, We guarantee they have no equaï in the cure of Blek hendnehe. constipatiou. dyspepsia. and billiousness; and, as an appetiser, they excel any other peparataon. "Knot in it," as the young man rémarked to the thread, when he attemptcil to sc u button on hia clothes. Togel ri'Hrf fi-nni Indigestión, MliotiBin's, cimsi ipatinn cir torpid Uver wlthuiii dlstreBslng the stomach purglim- the ImiutIs, taike a few doses uf Oarter'a Llttle Llver l'ills, they wlU please you. Reinorse of conscience doesn't begin to gall the sinner real hard til! after he has licen found out. It is easy to i borrow trouble, but hard to gêt other people to any iuterest when you do so. ► ■■lMvr yeara ago I had a constant cough, n'iuiii Bweata, waa greatly reduced in tii'siv. and bad been glven np lv iny pbyatelans. I began to take Ayer'a Cberry Pectoral, and after osIng bwo bottlea ol thia medicine, waa coanpletely cured." - Anga A. Lewls, Richard, X. V. ■. ■ llave a pull - Oxen.


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Ann Arbor Courier