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Cure Yourself. Don'1 ]i;iy large doctors' bilis. The ies1 medica] book publlslied, one hunIred pages, elegant ootored platea, will be srni to yon on reoeipt of three 2 cent stampa to pay the postage. AdIresa A. 1'. Qrdway & Co., Boston, Miiss. .hiL'fcon says he doesu't like to spring onundrums on seasick people because hey are so very willing to give up anything. ' Easy to catch - Cold. Now's the Time. Never put off till to-morrow That "vvhich needs doing to-day. If you do you may find to your sorrow, Too lato, that you've trifled nway lic golden opportunity of a llfetlme. lf tiiow wlui complain oí weaknese nul debility, have hacking cough and pain in the side or chest, poor appetite, broken sloep and other aymptoms i; a genera] decay of vitality, would prompt ly procure Dr. Pierce's Oold■n Medical Discovery and fcake it as llrected, they mignt tarow off the lisoasc that threatens them, and bood egain a liold on the li they ire surely loin;. Oonsumpticni may ; a verted, il' prompt ïneasnres are aken, by tne use of this standard rem'ily. let tliose Mini have reason to eel that their general vitality is riinnng low e wise and do BomethiOR or bhemselves at once, for delaya are lanui-i-mis. "Colden Medical DlSCOV■ry" is -u-arrented to benefit or cure n all cases of disease for wlncli it is ecommended, or moray pald for it rcfundcd. BRONCHITIS Is an inflammation of Uu bronchlal tubes -- the air-passages Ieadiug int tlic lunps. Few other complaints are so prevalent, or cali for more prompt and energetic actlon. As negleet or clelay may resiilt seriously, effeetive remedies .slionld always be at hand. Apply at once a mustard poultice to the upper part of the eliest, and, for iuternal treatment, take frequent doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral C. O. I.epper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind., writes : " My little sister, four years of age, was so 11 from bronchitis thatwe had almost (;iven np hope of lier recovery. Our family physk-ian. a skilíul man and of large experience, pronounced it useless to dve her any more medicine, saying lie liad done all itwas possinle to do. and we must prepare for the worst. As a last resort. we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly say, with most happy resulte. After taking a few doses she seemed to breathe easier, and, witliin a week, was out of danger. We continued giving tlie Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely well. This indisputable evidence of the great merit of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lias given me unliounded eonfiilence in the preparation, ail I recommend t to my oustomers, knowing itcannotdisappoint tlieni.'" "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a bad cough and my partner of bronchitis. I know of numerous cases in whicli tliis preparation has preved very beneficial in families of Young Children, so tliat the medicine is known amoiig them as 'tlie consoler of the afllicted.1"- . Jaime Kufiis Vidal. San Cristobel, San Domingo. "A short time ago, l was laken with a severe attack "f bronchitis. The remedies ordinarily used in sucï] cases failed to givfl me relief. Alinost in despair of ever findlng anythlng to cure me. 1 bouglit a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was helped trom tli'' lirst close. 1 liad not finished one bottle beflore the disease left me, and my throat and luns were as sound as ever."- Geo. B. llimter. Altoona. l':i. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARKI BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1; nii boules, $5.


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