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1iv nshiner3 fought at a mountain church near Greenville, 8. C, and two brothers named Boward were killed and four othera were Eatally wounded. i: assessed valuation of peal and personul property of the United States and terr I shown by a circular issued íroin the census bureau, i 849,589,894. ïhis is an increase oí $7,846, ace 1890. Nbar Nicholasville, Ky., Mrs. Mary Eioli. id her two girls, aged a andöyears, knocked from arailroad bridge to the rocks 60 feet below by an engine and instantly killed. Bakkers Malott, Decker and Dougherty, of Indianapolis, Evansvüle and Bluffton, Ind., respectively, w-re finel ch and ordi;rcl coinmitted until tlic amounts were paid tor refusing to disclose the accounts of depositors to the board of tax commissioners. Andv Ford, a noted criminal, was lynched by a mob at Üainesville, Ga. Danikl ShüBEKY, a wealthy farmer near Lincoln, 111., was shot and killed by a chicken thief whom h had overtaken. A NEW military post is to be established at a point 150 miles northwest of Duluth, Minn., to prevent Canadiau thefts of American timber. John FitzBHALD, president of the Irish National Leafrue of America, has issued a cali for a national convention of Irishmun to meet in Chicago Octoberl. Neaei.y one-half the village of Charleston, Ark., was swept away by fire, including the courthouse and all the records. Edward Ai.isRitT.soN, seretary and teller of the Fidelity Trust Company bank at Tacoma, Wash., took 89,000 from the safe and fled. The national convention of the Daughters of Liberty commenced at Waterbury, Conn. , on the 25th. In an old trunk which belonged to Edward Baker, who died recently near St. Louis, was found 817,000 in money. Baker left a widow and three children, none of whom suspected hls having the money. WnrLE handling a gun supposed to be unloaded George Decker, of Williamston, O., shot and instantly killed his 15-year-old sister. At Tullehoma, Tenn., Will Lewis (colored), aged 18 years, was taken from iail by eight masked men and hanged. Lewis was a drunken rowdy, trat had been gnilty of no great crime. F. M. Woodi.ockk, of Odell county, Neb., was run over and killed by the cars. He was 92 years old and the oldest resident of the county. Firk destroyed the business portion of Grand Mound, Ia. A LAHGE barn belonging to Mrs. Dr. Righter near Columbus, Ind., was burned, and nine valuable horses perished in the flames. Tiie Morton Uackus Lumber Coinpany of Detroit failed for 8100,000. A IjAIIGK seetion of country around Bangor. Pa., was flooded by the bursting of a mili d;im and great damage ■was done. The Afincan fever luis again broken out in Atlanta. Ga., and hundreda of negroes were talking of emi'jrating to Liberia. At Marión, Ind.. ;i;i o!.d soidier lamed Saltzgaber, while preparing papers on which to secure a pension, walked in front oí a moving train on the Clovcr Leaf railroad and was instantly killed. After one of the most sans'uinary battles in tlie history of the Patriotic Order Sons of America the national camp in session at l'hihidelphia defeated the proposition to admit colored meinbers. Faustino won the $5,000 stake for 3year olds at Independence, la., making the last three heats in 2:18M, 2:17 and '3:1SK. the best three heats ever trotted by a S-year-old. Three hundeicd San Francisco eraployers have formed an association to fight trades unions. A. H. Whitnbt, of Toronto, Ont., and A. H. Whitney, of Cuincy, 111., both died suddenly in the liussell house at Detroit within a few bours of each other. These brothers in death were neither relativos nor knovvn to each other. fSixTY-ONE persons lost their lives in the falling buildings in Park place, New York. It is estimated by the special agent of the govermnent who has just returned from Alaska that the poacbers have secured 40.00 seals this year. The fourteeiith annual oí the American Har association convenec In Boston. A PAS8ENGKB train was wrecked ncai Grantsburgh, Minn., and twenty persons v.ere badly injured. Wai.ikk Lomax and Al Morgan, prominent business men and politicians of North Arkansas, fought a duel at Little Koek with re%'olveis and both wëre fatally wounded. Bbcatjsb f a refusal to do away with a sewerage nuisanoe the Altoona (Pa.) city school board had the entire city council ;ind mayor ari'ested. 'ïuk two daughters of .1. B. Morrison, aged 17 and . 15 respectively, 'vvere drowned near Birmingham, Ala., while bathing. Eastern capitalists hiive bought (140 acres of land near Pomona, Cal., and will set out 7.-,)00 fig trees. A MOVEMENT is on foot to coloniae ■with negroes the Indian lands in Oklahoma, soon to be thrownopen to settlement. The business portion of Fonda. Ia., was almost entirely destroyed by fire. Gov. Btrd, of the Chickasaw nation, says no permits will be granted white settlers to remain in the territory ttfter the permits they now hold have expired. il ns. !i . ■ . ■ . . Conn., has presented $275, lü io the Yale preparatory school, which she founded, and in addition has given the school seventy-five acres oï land. Omo property had an assessed valuatton of 884,340,589,804 in 1890, against a valuation of flG.902,993,543 in 1880. Casuiek Lawuf.n-ok, of the Keystone bank in Philadelrjhia, has confessed ........ une uopics ot wie n&ntc m:ri itered to deceive Examiuer Drew. Ot ::: ■ ■ i [, of Penn lylvania, was elected president of the P'atriotic Order Sons of America at the national camp at Philadelphia. Ox the Bound lirook railroad between Neshamny? Falla and Leghorn, Pa., an entine drawing three coacliea ran 5 uiilr-, in :; minutes 86 4-5 seconda and 1 mile in ■)'■ 4-5 soconds. or at the rate of 90 : i hour, the fastest time ever made by a railroad train. At the national encampment in Minneapolis of the Sons of Veterans Barlow S. Weeks, of New York, was elected ïmanfler in ehi The Bremaker-Moore Paper Coinpany of Louisville, Ky., made an. assignment, with liabilities oí $200,000. At Independen ce, Ia., Nancy Hanks, a Kentucky mare, trotted three straight beats in 3:13, 2:12% and 2:12, breakin all trotting race records. Georgia's legislature, by a vote of 94 to62, declined to accept the confedérate veterans' Iwme, an institution built with private funds. Jamus BOBNS and his daughter Alicd were found dead in tlicir house aboul 9 miles from Red Oak, Mich. It waa thought they took their own lives. A. J. Montgomeky and two brothera named Jarvis were killed by Milton Kendall and his four sons in a street fight in Georgetown, Ky. A cali, for a statehood convention to be held at Oklahoma City September 24 nexthas been issued by the Commercial club of that city. A I'ASsenoeb train on the. Western North Carolina railroad jumped a trestle and went to the bottom of a deep ravine near Statesville, killing forty passengers and in j uring thirty others, nine seriously. At Ironton, O., in a joking way Mrs. Tillie Reckman pointed a revolver supposed to be unloaded in the face of Mrs. Dora May, who was visitinsr her from Ashland, Ky. The weapon went off, killing Mrs. May instantly. Lizzie Wilson, 32 years old, fatally poisoned herself and her child in Phili adelphia. In the United States the business f ailures during the seven days ended on the 28th numbered 226, against 216 the preceding week and 189 ior the corresponding week last year. A cloudburst in Rensselaer county, N. Y., did damage estimated at 8250,000. Three persons were drowned. Gen. R. S. DyRenfobth, who conducted the recent govemment rain experiments in Texas, says the experiment were correct beyond question. In three weeks six rains were produced, three of which were downpours, and the last one was the heaviest rain in three years. Monbars, a 2-year-old colt, trotted a mile in 2:20 at Independence, Ia., breaking the world's record of 2:21%, madeby Regal AVilkes. Direct paced a mile in A FIKE of incendiary origin destroyed almost one square of business houses at Danville, Ind. PoSTMASTEE GENERAL WaNAMAKEB has sent letters to the postmasters in every county seat in the United States asking them to visit each office in their counties and make reports upon their observations. John Baxter, a New York painter, killed his wife and two children and then comraitted suicide. Fraxk Diiii.ey, a negro, waslynched at Georgetown, Ky., by a inob of white men for murder. Wai.tkh Carb& Co., produce dealera in New York. failed for $100,000. Charles Mulijsa, a negro who assassinated Ike Frauenthal, a leading Jewish merchant at Conway, Ark., was shot to deatb by a mob. The United Brethren church at Bourbon, Ind., was totally destroyed by dynamitc. There was no clew to the cause or perpetrators. Cokxki.U's Vandkkhoof and his little son were drowned uear Holland, Mich., by the capsizingr oí a sloop. The American Bar association in session at Boston adopted a rcsolution recommending the passaga by each state of an act for the promotion of uniform state laws. A tornado swept over the lower part of Newark, X. .)., wrecking many buildings. The reunión of the survivors of the lih;ckhawk war. which occurred in Illinois fifty-nine years ago, was held at Lena, 111., on the 28th. BlbCTEIC cars collided in Denver, fatally injuring Engineer William Morrison and Mrs. Lockwood, a passenger. Missouri bankers met at Lebanon and organized a state association. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The state central committee of the peoples party met in Boston and effeeteil a state organization. AYii.liam .!. H.i!:-. of Chicago, aged 103 years. and a veteran of the war ot 1S12 and the Late war, is the oldest pensioner in the country. The Vermont legislature convened in special session on the 25th. IIon. IlKDFiF.r.T) Proctob, how secretary of war in President Harrison's cabinet. has been appoiñted l'nited States senator to sueceed Georjje F. Edmunds by (ov. Page, of Vermont. Martin Sm i in celebrated his 107th birthday at his home iu Montville, Coiin. The prohibitionists of Pennsylvania in state convention at Harrisburf? nominated W. YV. Hague. of Warren, for attorney general, and George Drayton, of Media, for state treasurer. Dr. LTMAN C. Dbaper, the noted historian, died at his hom; in Madison, Wis., of paralysis, aged 76 yeara. Newton BACON, the oldest member of the masonic order iu Wisconsin, died at Oshkosh, aged 90 years, The deceased had been a masón sixty-seven years. .. ■ ; .■-.': il ■ ts Bon ator frotn Kans . died it Wliitensville, Mas... aged 76 years. The Maryland republicans in state convention at Oeean City nominate( W. C5. Van Nort, of Kent county, for Jovernor. Mus. iMautha Johnson, aged 1Ü0 years, died at Syracuse, N. Y. FOREIGN, Advices from Chihuahua, Mex., give a fo.arful -Dicture of the destitntion o! itr.v L'or twelve months not ip of rain liad ia 1 1 iiad iall tarmAdVicbs from Santiago, Chili, say that sixty unarmed youths b to good familie ili holdin ca I '■ massacred by a ! ■- ilry by oider of President Ba Tin n of OmiT 1 'ei I of Moi as attacked by a terocious bii i literally torn to The Ca [icate apopulalion oí about 6,000,000 f or the entirc i Ebwaiïd O'üai.I at Kmly, county Tipperary, IrelanU,. agod 106 y e ars. Sixty deaths oecurrcd on board the steamer which arrived at Singapore with 800 Chinese cooliesforthe Penang market, cholera breaking1 out. Foun womes have been arrested at Szenttamas, üungary, for murdei-ing their husbands wiih poison. During a storm in Austria threa women were killed by liiihtniug when a church was' struck. A tamb bear whieli had been trained to drink whisky entered a tavern at Vilna, Russia, and staved in a of spirits. The owner tried to prevent the action and the bear killed him and. his three children. Misa Leonora Mitchell, an American actross, died in London. Gen. Wichotk, who was said to be the last of thé Eriiflish ofticers who fouR-ht at Waterloo. ilu-il in London. The governor of Martinique has appealed for assistance for the people of that unfortunate islam!. In addition to the enormous loss of life in the late hurricane whole villa.ies have disappeared, and the ffroiv 'mg crops were almost totally déstroyed. The wind blow a hurricane at Boulog-ne, France, and thirt.y houses were unroofed. A DI8CHAK0ED employé caused a freiffht and passender train to eollide at Bubentsch, Kohernia, and twelve persons were killed and many injured in the wreek. A youth named Haillet. who had been convicted of coramitting several atroeious jnurders, was beheaded at Douai, France. The steamer (lambier collided with another vussel near Melbourne, Australia, and went to the bottom. Twenty passendere and six of the crew were drowned. The United States consul at Valparaíso has informeel the authorities in Washington that lialmaceda's power in Chili was broken. II is army was crushed after five hoiirs' hard fighting, in which 5,000 men were slain, and was scattered beyond all hope of reorganization. The revohitionists had taken possession of Valparaiso. Changes in the board of directors of the Dublin Freemun's Journal gave the control of that paper to the opponent of Mr. Parnell. Official statistics show that the provincial debts of Italy amount to S'J,980,500,000, and the national debttoSö,000,000.000. Fire destroyed Clark's hotel and a dozen business houses at Onemie, Ont. LATER NEWS. A : ra.-. u,ted the whole country rom : - L'"auik couLty, S. D., 50 rnile.. to ;..■■ ;- ithwest and 20 miles in width. Xotlung was saved and the farmers were ruined. Not less than twenty townships were desolatod. O1.IVE8 Wkndkli Hoi.mks on the 29th uit. celebrated his 88d birthday at lis home in Jioston. A .,(i took possession of Santiago, Chili, and burned Balmaceda's residence and other property, the loss beiug over (1,800,000. bloeks of business houses in the public square at Quinan, Tex., were destroyed by iire. James Ubeenwood, of Chippewa, Can., was carried over Niágara falls in a sailboat. Pieoes of the boat were found, but the body %vas not recovered. Joii.N Ruïtiman and his little daughter were killed by the oarsat Dearborn, Mich. Tbains collided at Lodi, O., and ten persons were injured, but none fatally. A PBABL field lias been discovered at Counei! J'.luft's, la., and a large number of the preciou8 stones have alreadj been found. Jack Hooan feil 2,500 feet from a balloon at the Detroit exposition grounds and was instantly killed. II is brother was killed in the same way two years ag-o. Flajies destroyed overS?l'.)0,000 worth of business property at Winnemucca Nev. Ni; i: Brnsh ( reek, Mo., two freigh trains going :it full speed collided killiuff fonr nica and demolishing both trains. Klam::s in the building of the Automatic Canning Company in San Francisco caused a loss of 100,000. A TYPHOON in Japan caused the loss of over 200 lives. Míj. WlLLIAM Tii.t.max, late cashier of the broken l'alls City bank of Louisvilu?. Kv.. and oue 01 the most prominent men in that city socially, bas tted to Canada with nearly $100,000 of the bank's money. Pbbsideni Harrison bas returned to Cape May from his Vermont tour. In the National lei percentages oí the baseball clubs for the week ended on the '29th uit. were: Chicago, .UIT: Boston, .587; New York-, .661; Philadelphia, .524; Brooklyn, .461; Cleveland, .449; Pittsburgh, .410; Cincinnati, .auü. The percentages in clubs oE the American association were: Boston, .704; St. Louis, .88; IV.iltimore, .559; Athletic, .510; Columbus, Ar: Milwaukee, .428; Washinfrton. .847: Lomsville, ".4U.


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