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A SCROFOLOUS BOY Running Sores Covered H...

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A SCROFOLOUS BOY Running Sores Covered His Body ' and Head Bones Affected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. When six nionths oíd, the left hand of our little grandohild began toswell, and bad every appearance of a large buil, We poultlcedlt, luit til J to no purpose. About flve monthsafter t becamea running sore. Soon other sores íonned. He then had two ■tIv oí tin-in on earh hand, and ÜJKs3gg? as his blood herame mere opP"gíA and more tmpure, it took fir tl less time f or them to break m V out. A Bore carne on the 6S & &f chin, beneath the Y)) which was vrry oflenslve. v, -- íy His head was one solid scab, y rS dlscharging a grreat deal. This ras bis condltlon at IV -v twenty-two raoiiths oíd, V3WLK! when I nndertook the care yf )P of hiin. liU mother having SS . 'raS dii-d when he WU a little inore t han a venr oíd, of ionsumption (scrofula, of course). lie c palk a little, but could not get up if he fell low ii, and con ld not move when irbed. having 10 use ni' lii hands. I Immedlatelj eoinnencedwitb the Cíuticuba Remedies, uslng Ul freely. One sore after another bealed, a mu y matter forming In each one of 8ve leep ones iu-t before heallng, which would Inallv grow loóse and were taken out: then hey would heal raptdly. One of these mly tone formations I preserved. After takJng a dozen and il half bottles he as comp uured, and now, at 1 1 ars. a Btrongandhealthychlld. Mrs.E.S.DRIGGS. May 9, ],-:. 613 E. Clay st.. Bloomlngton, 111. )lv grandson remains perfèctly well. No siens oí' Bcrofulaand no sores. Mi:-. E. S. DRIGG8, Feb 7,1890. Bloomlngton, 111. OnticuLra, Resolvent Thenew Blood Purlfler, internally (tocleanse the Mond of til [jnpuritles and polsoiJ elementsand tnus remove the cause,) and Cutii ra, the gr ei t Skin Cure, and Cni.i i: Soap, mi ezquislte skin beautifler, externally to clear the -kin and scalp and restore the hair. Cure every discus.' of the skin and blood. from pimplea to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cdticuea, BOc.; Soap, 25c. ; I'íksoi.vent. $1.00. Prepared liy thi' Potter Drug and Chemical Cobporatiok, Boston. H.!M'iid for" How to Cn re Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 60 illustratlons and loo testimoniáis. DADV'C skiu nnd Scalp purlfied and beautlDRDI O fied by Cdticuba Soap. Absohitely pure. 4T RHEUMATIG PAINS. Sf% In oue minute the CüTICÜRA AntiR Pain Plastbr relieves rheumatlc, Vj sciatlca, hip, kldney, ches t, and mus■ cular pains und weaknesses, I'rice [ twenty-five cents. GOLD 1ÏEDAL, PARIS, 1878. L. Baker & Co.'s DlBdmuuI Cocoa from which the excess of oil lias been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it i8 Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its proparation. It has inore than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing Ies3 than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengtkening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. HMDACHES for 2c. QJREB (" SOLÜ BY.DRUIIG EBERBACH & S-Jf, A.ÍÍ VBOlt. Xow wc are ready witli a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Piamos, Boots, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AX1 HOUSEHOLD -:- GOOIS All kinds of heavy and llght Draylng. FREIG-H T "WO R K C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Res. and Office 46 X. Fourth Ave. m A 3MC I X. X 0 1STS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Btock. Life, Fire nd Accident Policios writnn in First Cías? Companles. Ilutes Low. Loases llberally adjusted nul promptly paid. One hundred Lotsin Hamilton Park Addition f or sale on easy terms. ■ s Hours: From 8 a. ni. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p m. A. W. HAMILTON.


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