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For twenty-flve years flie expcrfence of miUions of sufferere, old and yamiB, mr.l ■ &cd fomale, have gratefully eudoraed the miraenlutbi viriucS uL This Pliannacectical ::s.Cjx of íiie Age A vitcMzing etim'J-.nt without al cohol. A nerve Geiiative without nareotics. A blood puriñer vrtthout poisons. A liver cleanser. A ijurely vegetable tissueinake?, pr-omottn, ; digestión, nutrition, Bocrötion, cretion and roffpiration. A üfe-giving tonic, pura cnd simple, without the diBastrou3 reactiona of the deadly compounds of ruia and aicchcl usually sold as bitters. Was never kaoTn lefcre ir. t'na World. lts aiBcovery amona the medicinal frnits, root and herbs oí OaUfoniifl WAS A MTRACUE, and their conibination into a phenomenal lifegiving tonto A TRIÜSrPn of tlie CHEMIOAt ART. The only change ma'io in tl formula during twt'iiíT íívh years lias been to preeent it in two oombuiatione. TJu' oíd orh'inal remain nncbanged, bnt being eirouger, more lasative and better. .1 nw fortn moreaj, -oeuVle to th3 taste and better adapted to trwtmien nwl chitrtren, but comprielcg tbc same touic properttes, ia now madu and the ariertce-of the trorld Ís cittiUtnyrd to produce the equal of this TKÜLT & ONLY TEMPEBENCE BITTEF.S KJíOWÍÍ crto prndurcapnrplyvppetable bitters or medicina of any kind. wlioee aetion i.i at üü.u bo safe, so curtain and coinprehensive as tho cautoknia vtnegar nrrnsRa, or any oomponnd whirh frnm its voried antion upon the vital fanctions is equa,! io the E OP HO KANY DISEASES. . , Piles mui all disordera arfofDg from fndiec ion, impuro blood, nervons prostration, ftüd i I pidated eonstitntion from ;.. mist beforo tha eun. while its singular pover oti r TOE DEADLY MIOROBE AND OMNIPEESENT BACIKBi V indiratrs U Btiperiority Ín all diseases of malarial origin, aucl ronder it i ba BEST VERMIFÜGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AKD NEW STYLE VIXEGAR BITTERS in the house, aa oxprefised by thousands of teiti monials. Send for beautiful boofe. Address, B. H, McDOIÏALD DRUG COM New YoHfr Shoes I3BBB Of tilO 8 ramtly l$i "Box Tip" School Shoes ÏSVV fr B0ïs anti Girls %V,; Heeled or Wedge Heel. f oísñaK Sizes-8tolO', 81.25 i ■oTpíoTri ntoi3 i.5o tegst !.3 Ito3 1.75 WPSíSSí SHto 5!3 3-00 n FARGO'S }1V $2.50 Calf Shoe lsiv for Gentlemen, t.tjjQkjS_ n Cnequaled by any shoo "fc F CLÏrtr7,n America at the sanie B&''liLiiQHUfr_JaÉprice. In Coitre-, lint : --i ■4ttarr-rfJ ton and I.aee. Meu'sand Boy 's si zes. T FARGO'S il ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT fÖÏ V Dongola er Goat, Button, ƒ BiB Opera, or Common Sense. êtVELt& ) Tackless and Flexible. ÖU I tVei-- ■ttnrrnnted the most OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTONI OF EVERY SHOE. Askyour dealer for Fanto' Shoe. If he does not keep them send to usand wo wili fumish yon a pair ou reeelpt of prifo. Sepd postal for deacrlptlve list C. H. FABGJ & CO., Chicago, I1L DOTY & FEINER, AGENIS, - ANK ARBOE. "M. & H. WRITING TA8LE7S. The Handsoniost. Most Economical, mh1 BEST method of putting up Writing Papers for home iind office ase. Get tlicni from your Stationer, or send direct tci the Manufacturer8, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 538& 538 PEARL ST., NEW YOBK. N. B.- A Handsonn Tablet sultable for Polite ispondence malled for Taenty-Fivt Hitó Water Back ! A very important invention ,-hich will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range tbr h ot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfeci WATER BACK. It overcomes all the presen! troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becorsing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZEL & CO., p-;'h-' itvrl Steomfittsrs. ANv a !■■'" i . ■ MICH O1 "1 I ï touch nnyfairlymtellip-ntpcraon of either W ■E I I I I I !!. 'ho du ri-a.l and rite, and who, 111 P 1 ï I lafï.T i.stm. tion.iïill work ndutlriously, T W V Yt. i. uii'i Tliausnnd Dollars a Tearinthfir lm I-. ,iliut-.1 li' r. -rthey livc.I will atsofunmh the 8itualilnorvin[il..vui. n Wlh yf.u cun cani thatamr.iint. Nomoiiey mennli u bu. cvsshtl ;is abore. Eaiilyasd 5u:ck]y learned. Í daatni !tit one woricer fruni cach district orcomity. I havealready teuglit and ]irrvided with employment a largo numiipr. h tro makiu? over f :lc) n Jtareach. Il XEW and SOI. II. Fall pu-Hcolan FRJEIÜ. AdrlrcH at once, i;. , Al,l.i:. Dok 43H, Aaptta, Muiue. ff $ compo u B Wf Soomnosed of Cottou Rn . 'S7 and k y y3 Pennyroyal - a reeem by au moiiuiiy- Safe, Effectual. Pi mail, sealed. Ladies, ask yuur d'u . . .'ook' Cotton Boot Compound and UtKe ititata, or inolose 2 stanips for sealed p ' . " ara Address POND l.TLY COMPA1 ibiier Biook, 131 Woodward aye., D "WoodL's 2P!ta.osp!ta.ocL33_O. THE QRBAT BW6LISH RBMBDYüsed for 35 years _rt_ - of Youthful folly by 5t aaii the exresses ucssfully. fm'&mm'&w ' later years. anteed to cure all TÏiR Jm (ytl'i's iwedioe forras of Nervous ctKNJ? strength andvigWeakneps, 1''mlftftftaa. Ask druggists Blons, ■wiWPfor WoocTg Phosrhea, Impoteucy. iTlu -"" T )l 'phodine; tafceno and all the efferts Hl:oto fromLlfe. snhstitute. Oue package, 31; six, $5. hy mail, Write for pamphlet. Address The Wood Chemical Co., 131Voodward 'ive., Detroit, Mlch. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T AT'il?C TRY DK.LED0C8 Í-JXJJj.JjC5 aiODICAL" PILLS from Paris. France. Established in Europe 1889, (;i]iuti;( in 1878. For Suppreasions, Irri'irulari,.i Monthly Derangements. A rvliable monthly medicine. They alwaya relieve. Any dnigglst, i'.'. American I'ül Co., Proprietors, r, lown. Robert Siephenson & Co., Wholesale agenta, and all other druggists In Ann Arbor. These ] il 1 are warranted to bring ou the " change. CET HE BE8T PIRE INSURANCE $29.000,000 Security held Lor the iroteetion of the policy cHHisfiiN mm Represeuts the following firat-clase companies, OÍ w hicn o:n'. the .V.üia. bas alono paid i'i".000,OOü firi' losses in sixty-flve years: JEtua, of Hartford ii).i;i-J.iV4l Fraukliu of Philadelphia 3,118.713 GL-rmania, X. Y 2.7U0.729 Germán, Amerioan, N. Y ifitöfifö London Assurance. London 1416,788 Michigan F. & M.. Detroit 2S7,608 X. V. riulerwriters. N. Y 2,596,676 National. Hartford 1,77405 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Lossos liberallyiadjusted and proniptly paid. Policies lssaed nt-the lowest rates of premium, il'.utf HLS IH AC rWva'lli;-v aild hb1y. i.y n - ■■ of IU9 I 9 JU h W eiih.-r se, yoiniff or oM, aml in their ■WK I C ï Vi i 1 owiili.calitii-s.tu'iivcr flit-vlive. Aïiy GISVIlH ■ on can do ibe irork Ey (o Ifaru. V,"e ftiruicb everythinp. We start roa. No risk. oa Cn Uv,.to ■ itioiiu-iiis, or nlt your lime lo the werk. 1hU is mi ntlnly new ld ,and bringt n oiidcrful aueceu tu -verv v , . ker. Befrfnnen ero eamlng frota - to í.'.o per wei k and upwardi, and aller a littlc ezpvrlmc. Wa enn furnifti uii ihc finnlorment atid ti-ach vnu t'RKB. No ipacto ezplaio herc. Full iuformation mi, 'T It E fc CO., ALGLSTi, BAl&k. MÏliSrQixSv'G3' or oïhers.who wr.V to examïn Kü SLïè 9 EldERd this Mtimatot spC4 wnen n Chicago, w;i ímd it on filo at 45 to 49 Rndolph St., p Anit S,TUÍiUñ HwAd.wt'.GAgancyofLvnil % SnUÜHdp _M_ 96000.0 a rear is bcínp marie by John R. A-"-' v GoodwiD,Troy.N.V.,üt ivork lor us. tí vader, k 3ro" my not nke as miich, but we can ■Li V A t h yonqnlckly how toi ra fromtftM Hlnj. ,nm fff '' a l1liv :" ''"' !'nti '■■ ra ai j .;■ i '♦- W-uüf 3t HLon Both sexrs, all apes. In nny {mrt of ■ POAm erica, you can ootnmence al hom■R Ml Ving all your lime.or Bparo mmuttits only to m ámBttkT'W tl10 A11 iá t;reat ].ay SI 1(1 'i, r m. ■C'Jr cvorv workcr. We start you, furnishine k ILdT ev.ivtliintr. KA8II.Y, SPEEDILY leupwL yTMBrk. rAKIKLLAVS IKKK. Atl.lrossnl once. lKA. MINSON CO., J'OKTLAM), SlAi;,t..


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