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Mr. and Mrs. George E. Parker njoice over the adveni o! a baby al thelr borne. The Aun Arbor Llghi tnfantry will give an exhibitlon drill apon one day oí tlie fair. Three hundred dollars worth ol Germán books are expected at the iiniversity Ubrary soon. Sonio hall a hundred or more peopie attended the picnic o! the Ladie's Society ol Bethlehem church a1 Wlütniorc Lake last Thuraday. Rev. P. 1'. Farnham, for the past three years ol the Baptist church ai Stockbrldge, lias moved to this city, and the Kun ol tiiat placo gives íiim a good word. There was a general breaklng up ol campal Cavanaugh Lake on Thúrsday evenlng last, vhlch was attended by severa! Aun Arbor people. A general good time was enjoyed by all. Thos. L. Bewltt detírea to publlcly return thet lumks of liiinself aiul daughter for th' klndness of nelghfbore and Irlenda darlng the recent lllnesa and deatih ol Mrs. Hewltt. The time given by R. E. Commlssloner Wch for the building oí a ivw bridge aiioss the Hurón river at this place, by tlie T., A. A. & N. M. B. B. Co., has about explred, and it is underBtood t lia t the time will not be extended. Jed II. Lee, lit. '89. was married at Winifred, Kansas, Axtgusi 26th, to .Miss Mary L. Parks, of tha1 city. Mr. Lee is well known In this city, Uaving lived here a number o! years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Giles l oí State st., and his niany (Tienda extend congra t ulations. The Adrain Press man knows something aiicmt cqrsets, as well as politics. Hear lm: "Ann Arbor i about to have a corsei laetory. The artiele manufacturad will embrace nol only the lady. bnt au Ingenióos new clasp by which the fastenings are vlc.iscd simuiiaiH'inisiy. enabling the trearer to (all apart, all al once." Frank P. Bogardus, the ïpsilanti bus tier, is secretary of the Eaatern Michigan Fair, to be held at Ypsilanii, Sept. 15 to 18, Inclusive, and together wlth the other officials invites all the Burroundlng country to thelr BhOW. lt is safe to prediet tliat the A. A. & V. Si ft. K. will have all it can posslbly do to carry passengers during1 fair linie. Ttae Aun i i uit & Viaegar Oo'a woiks have starled up and are readj lor all the apples, peaches and peöra thial may i e ottered. ai present the works are baring care ol the extra peach Some ol the poorer gradea of applea are belng sqtieezed tato eider. However there ís quite a fvce preparing applea lor the evaporating procesa. Fi-oni gome correapondence publlahed in tha Detroit Journal, it is noted 1hat C. .1. OTlynn', a Detroit l.wvyer, promiaea to appear In our courta in ii fig leal costume the next timo he cornos. "Fly sAvifi around ye wheels of time," etc, for cold weather Is coming soon, and it i posslble that the evidently ofer heated gentleman ntay change his mlnd. One of our patrona had the pleasure :i u-w ilays slnce bo (rast on a. five pounil Germán Cari) taken from Ed-vvard Hlacock'8 lakc on lus farm north of Dexter. Mr. H. feeds hls cari' and when he wants theki to come tor dlnner he glves a .loud whlatle and thcy come tu liim a1 once. On Frlday afternoon a game of base bail as played on the fair grounds in tliis city befrween the Nonparells, of Dester, and the Atlantla club, ol Ypsilanti. The Atlantis go1 1b1 agatn by a score ol 17 to 1. Pfivlng up the game In the fitth Inning. On Wednesday last, the Dexter böya played the Stoekbrldjce club, and at the end of the 8th inning the Stockbrldge boya drew out, whieh by rule givea the game to the Dexter elub 9 to 0. When the name wás stopped the acore gtood 7 1 and tae Dexter boyo liad tw men on basea .-hkI .-ui. 1 (iiily one man out. The doublé umpire pyntem dld not appear to work weU. John M. Eearney, a resldeni oi Tincknry. where he held the pffiee o deputy sheriff foi' Livingston co., was killed at the T., A. A. v N. M. R. R depot in thla city, last Thursday mornin'j.-. .'is the 7.40 train pulled out. He attempted i board tne train atter it had got in motlon, and feil sn that his rlght leg was cut off belo-w the kneo, and his head terrlbly èrushed He was killed inst antly. liever ntterinsr a word or making a move alter belng plcked up. The deceasèd was a man about GO years of age, and leaves a wifo, three daughters and two Bons, the chlldren all belng marrled. Ho had been Belling the "Life of John Boyle O'Rlelley" for eeveral daya in the city. A coroner's jury was empaneled and rendered a verdict blamini? no one. liiilü,!' (tinne wen1 to Monroe Mondar to hold .-i term ol couri . su candldátes were admitted lnto the Commandry Friday evenlng. Louis i.icsciiHT will glve .-i dollar lor tho return of hl si ab-tail do th.-ii has wandered away. Rev. Bradshaw will preach ai the union gerflce a1 the Preabyterian ehurch oex1 Sunday evening. One hundred and twenty bushels ot peaches were picked iu James I. Parahall'a orchard one day Ias1 weck. The evening seryice al si. Andrew'a ehurch wili be continued al I 1-2 o'cloch p. ni.. for the present, a1 lenst, every Sunday. On Sunday nexi Mr. John H. Allen, oí Cooperstown, N. Y., will oflieiate as the ww cholrmaster and organist ol SI. Andrcw's chürch. The lciirs to the Ann Arbor Business Men'a Association are wide open and au Invltation s extended to all to come and Joln the band. The young people's society ol the Presbyterian ehurch, glve a reception nexi Friday evening to the members ol the high school, especially to those who come as strangers. Mi-s. Julia T. Harria, formerly a resident of thls city, died at lier home in San l'ran -hco, Cal., on the l-'Mli uit. She was au aunt of A11. A. II. Flllmore, of Die 8rd ward. Hou. E. 1'. Allen, of Vpsilanti, s' tu oliio noxt month and wil] make ten speeches. From fchere hc will go 10 Massachusette and make severa! speeches lor the republicana. in the casi' of F. Rohinson, of Mllan, and oilicis vs. The Ohio Farmers Ins. Co., judgment has boen rendered in the circuit court by Judge Kinne, allo-wlng the plaintiffs $1,833.60. Mrs. Ellzabeth WalUngton, ly of Iodi, relict of the Late ueonara WalUngton, died it her home in Detroit on the 2nd inst. The remains were brouglit to this elty fop interment. The former office of Prof. Perry, between ihe. halls in the high scliool building has been fitted up as a teaeher's waiting room. It has beca papered and furnished, and made quite attractive and pleasant. The following non-eoinmissioned officers have been selected by old Co. A.: lat Sergeant, George Aplel; 2nd, J. Cearns; 8rd, A. W. Clairj nu, Shelon Granger; 5th, II. Eira. A $50 ciid mednl is to be contested tor overy ix months. There is a very podr strip ol sldevalk on the west ido ol X. Main si., betweeb Aun and Catharine ■ ets. Should a pedestrian tumble lnto the cllars onder these walks who would be responsible tor da mayes ! The city ? Perhaps so. - There has been no frost hereabouts so far that has done any particular damage. Our fruit growers did notstop for Sun-. day but shipped a large amount of ieaches uu that day. There will be a meeting of the "Waslienaw County Teachers' Association on Saturday, Sept. 26th, in the high school building. J. L. Babcock is happy. Ile states that tbrough the efficacioua use of print■ï's ink his lost diamonds are restored to him nul the reward paid, to the satisfaction of all parties. W. W. Nichols has received $500, the amount of h is policy in i'ull ín the American Insurance Co., of Newark, N. J., for the loss of his biini and contente recently, through the igency of Beal & Pond. Offlcer Peteraon went to Torontoa few lays since and brought back a man by lic name of D. B. Seelye, whom he had previously arrested at Milau, but who nul escaped from hini because of lus eniency. At the 20th annual reunión oí the 2Oth Mich. Infantry, at Lansing, yesterday, Capt. Geo. W. Bullis, of this city was chosen president "Í the organization, and N. 1). Gates, also of this city, e ecretary. Word lias been received here of the death of Francia Brunnow, formerly professor of astronomy and director of the Observatory, at liis home in Heidleberg, Gerinany. The deceased waspromnent here along in '61, and waaasonin-law of the lamented Dr. Tappan. On Sunday last Mrs. Heleu Wilbur, of Superior, died at her home, aged 85 years, of dropsy. Tlie deceased had re sided in Superior, about eight milis nortli of Ypailanti, upwards of u half century, and Vas one of the most respected ui' Washtenaw's pioneer women. Yesterday, at noon, at the residence of the bride's párente, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Penny, n N. (Jniversity Ave., occurred the marriage of their daughter Caroline, to Prof. Alexis F. Lange, foriiM'ilv ui the V . of M., now of the University oí California, at Berkley. Only the immediate (rienda of the family vrere present. Miss Penny is a gradúate lit. claSS of '80. The COUple have returned to California.


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Ann Arbor Courier