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OFFICES TO REUT! A fine suite of offices over the Farmers c Mechanic's Bank, Main st, Aun Arbor. Enquire at Coubieb office. boöb Wm , . , . An elegant suite of rooms, steamlieated, over the Post Office, with all modern conveniences. Hot and cokl water, closets, sewers etc. Enquire at i CouRiEit office. REPOST OF THE CONDITION OF THE FABMEES' fl k II ff n H N r isEOKcisrics' V AA ii Aè AT ANN ARBOR, MICH. At the close of bueiness, July 9, 1891BESOl SI ! B. and diacounts $246,4 8, bonds, mortgages, etc 7-".üxi 07 Overdrafts , Due from banks in reserve cltles 8-2,811 10 Due Erom Washtenaw County 2i:-'. 46 Billa in transit I, Fnrniture and Bzturee 8,000 ih) Curreni expenses and tazes paid 20 00 Interest paid Checks and cash items 2,699 5J Nickels and pennies :;'' " Gold ï'-'W) W) Silver ' 1,966 1 U. S. and Xational Bauk Xotes. 1889 00 Total tOSOi 18 LIABII.ITIKS. Capital stock paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10.000 UO Cndlylded profits 7.723 80 Divldends unpaid 1,500 00 Commercial deposits Lflfl,949 35 Savings depOBifs. 5S.M3 03 844,268 88 Total U8,-tóG 18 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I . ClH'.NTY OF WaSHTKNAW, ( ' I, F. II. BELSEK, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do BOlemny BWear tluit the above statement ia true, to the bist of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Subsorlbed and sworn to before me, this 17th duv of Julv. 1SK1. WILLIAM i. DOTY. Notary Public. Correct- Attest : Reuben Kempf, Junlus E. Beal. Chas. E. Greene. Directors. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of üll ilie IViten Design. PBICES tiie LO'WEST. AT OSCAR O. SORG, Tïi.e XDeosrator. 70 S. MAIN ST.. AKH ARBOR. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, A N IJ FLOUR AND FEED STORE. ep constantly on liuml BREAD, CRACK Kits, CAKES, etc., lor wholesalè and retal! trade. We shall also keep a Bupply of SWIFT & DELBt'L'S BEST White Wheat Flour! osborn's gold dust flofr. buckiu:at flour, corn meal, ' FKl.D. 8tc., at wbolesale and retsil. A general stock of GEOCERIES ani PBOVISIONS Constantly on hand, whtob %ill besold on as reasonable terms as it sRyother Iiouhi1 iu the city. Cash pald tor BUTTER, EUÜS. aud COUNTR"Ï PRODUCE eenerally. Goods delivered to any part ui the city without extra RINSEY & SEABOLT. MAKING A BEÁUTIFUL HOME is ïiot u guêsHon qf money. Taste, expertenoe and sklll bare much todo wlth it. If yuu inteud to buïld, it will be a mistakenot to send for our booka of Sensible Low-cost Houses, now arranged in tkree volumes. In them you will nnd perspective views, floor plans desuriptlons, and estiinates of costs for 105 tasteui, netDdesign fbr ".. They also glve our pt iris for complete W'urktng Plans. Details, and Specïtlratlons, whlch enable you to bulld without detiUfSt miêtakes or quarrel wttti vour imlldtT, and whlch anij oncean under stand, (iood luilders receomend these plans. Testimoníala f rom all parts of the country. Vol. I contal ns ;Vn-opyrighted designs of houses costing between K00 nnd 11800. Y1. u coiüatai 35 copyrlghted designs, ïstNj ro3üO). Vol. III contains 85copyriííhtfdihsÍKns, 3WX to $9UUU. l'rice. by mail, 61.ü0ííií'A, or xs.iXiforthe set. Wealsopubllsh "COLONIAL HOUSES." a volume showtngPerspectives and Floor Plans of houses arransed in the Inimitable style of the Colonial Architecture, and havlng all modern arrangements for comfort. Prlcetö.00 PICTUBESQUE HOUSES FOR FOREST AVI) SIIOIïE:- Thla shows Perspecttves and Kloor Plans of new designs for Sunmicr Cnir;iLr', whlch are romantic, convenlent, and cheap. Prlce i.0i) by mui!. Address NATIONAL &ROHITECTS' UNIQN, Jii S. BCTentli Phllaclelphla, St., I'a.


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Ann Arbor Courier