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T3 I ■ he Liver Whe:i outof order, liivolvea every oigan of the bou y. Remedies for smne other derangement are freqiicntly taken without the least effect, because it is the Uver which is tlie real source oí the trouble, and muil that is set right tliere can be no healtli, strengtb, or comfort in any part of the system. Mercury, in sorne lorin, is a comnion speeinc for a sluggish livor; bilt B lar safex and inore eflective medicine is Ayer's Pilis For loss of appetite, bilions Iroublcs, constipation, indigestión, and sick headaclie, these Pilis are unsurpassed. "For a long time I was a sufferer from stomaeh, liver, and kidney troubles, experlencing much rtifliculty in digestión, with severo pains In the lumbar región and other parta of the body. Having tried a variety of romedies, including warm batbs, with only temporary relief, about tliree montos ago I 11 tlie use of Ayer's Pilis, and niy health is so mach improved tliat i gïailly testify to the superior merlts of this medicine." - Manoel Jorge Pereira, Porto, Portugal. "For the cure of lieadache, Ayera Cathartic Pilis are the most eflective medicine I ever used." - B. K. James, Dorchester. Mass. "Wiien I feel the needot' a catkarttc, i take Ayer's l'iils. and lind them to be move eflective than any other ptn I ever took." - Mra. B. C. (irnlib, Burwellville, Va. " I have found in Ayer's Pilis, an invaluable t itnedy for constipation, blllousness, and klndred disorders, peculiar to mlasmatfc litles. Taken in small and frequent doses, these Pllls Act We!l on thellver, restoring lts natural powers, and n malarial polsons." - Cl uitni :■■, Texas. "TYlien ■ ■ ■ ■■■ I ubletl ::: ■■ nstlpatlon, ir s;!ffi i ■ .. , tite, Ayer's l'ilis set me right ügaín."- A. J. Kiser, Jr., Koek House a. ■ In 185S, by the adviee of a friend, I began tbe use of Ayer's Pilis as a remedy for billousness, constipation, high fevers, and ,. Thej served me better than anythmg I !iad previously tried, and I have used them in attacks of that sort ever sinoe." - II. W, Llersh, Judsonla, Ark. -.„yer's Pilis, FHETABKD BT ' J. C. AYER & CO., Loveli, Mass.t ■ t y IJ Urugifiita and Dealere in Medicine, Estáte of Andrew J. SutherlAnd. STATE OF MICHIGAN', Couuty of Washtetüiw, SS. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the elghth day of August in the year one ■ thousjuul eight hundred and ninotv-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judgé of Probate. In thematterof theestatcof Andrew .1. Sutherland deceased. On readlngand flling the petitiou, duly verified,of Elizabeth T. Sutherland praylng that admiiiistration of said estáte may be t-Tunted to herself or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the scvt-nth day of September ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asslgned for the hearing of said petltion and that helrs ut law of said deceased and all other persons interested in sald eatate, are required in appear at a Bession of said Court, tlien to be bolden at the Probate Office, in the City en" Ann Arbor and show oause,lf any therebe,why theprayerof thepetitioner should not be granted: And it Is iurther ordered, that said petitloner glve notice to the persons interested [n eald estáte, of the pendency of said petitlon, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Anu Arbor Courier. a newspaper printed and elrculating in said County, uccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. . [Atruecopy.] J. WIIJ.AKI) BAHBITT, Judge of Probate. w. ;. DOTY, Probate Register. Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE Barber Slop di Bath ROOMS. fiOOD SEáTÜB ud BDT BATBS ! The Great Spring Medicine.


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Ann Arbor Courier