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Foi ■ vvore serlously and three fatally liurt by a runaway team near Vandalia, IU. P. J. Iíkblo, of tlie Manhattan Athletic club. broke tlie American record for a half mile at Spring-field, Mass., making1 the distanee in 1:3 3-5. The effortsot Melbourne, the Springfield (O.) man. to produce rain at Cheyenne, Wyo., were successful. A half inch o'f rain feil when, according to the governmental signal service observer, there had been uo premonitions of a storm. A. 11. Pattow, a bookkeeper, was murdered in his residenee in San Antonio, Tex., by burjflara MES. MaEï Uvan and her 7-year-old dauffhter. of Oklalioina, wera altacked by a negrcss, Mary Hewitt, with a hatchet and fatally injured. Ce.nsi , C0MMI88I0NHR PORTKB received the lust card sbowing the exact population of the United States to be ö2,622,aS0. It was deei led that a tower would be erected at the world's fair to exceed 1,100 feetin height and to cost 8.3,000,000. AI.ONSON Kkox and daughter were killed at Chadron, O., by a train dashing1 into the earriage in which they were ridinz. MOSKS Güvetts. landlord of the Guyette house, Sheboygnn Kalls, Wis., was killed by a full f rom his bus. He was one of the pioneers of the county, havinfr arrived in By the colusión of tvo steambarges on the Detroit river tb ree persons were drowned and one of tlie vessels stink. A sf.w snbmarine cable line, which I for the first time provides direct telegrraphic communication between Brazil and the United States, was formally opened for business. Robbers held up a train near Canon City, Col., and robbed the express car of S3,ü00. " The public debt statement shows that the decrease of the bonded debt during the month of August amounted to $1,091,216. Total cash in the treasury, $766,803,847. James A. Chambers, a window glass manufacture r, of Pittsburgh, Pa., assigned, with liabilities exceeding L500,000. James Pattox and his son, aged 5 years, were burned to death in a fire which destroyed their honiö ia Johnstown, l'.i. . Jacoii Eankt, a horse dealer of Myerstown, i'a., failed for about 8250,000. ROBERT WlEIiANB, a rich brewer of San Francisco who was at Dayton. O., on a visit. was found dead in his room with tiro bullet holes in his Ikm I. Richard Nash, a Reading engineer, ■was decapitated by some obstruction beside the track while passing1 through Oreville, Pa., with his head out of his cab window. Farmers of Grand Forks and adjoining coiraties in North Dakota organized the Northwestern Farmers' Protective association ior the purijose oí handling their own wheat. Firk in the business portion of Willows, (':il.. did tam age oo the extent oí SlfO,OOO; partly insured. train at Del Rio, Ti ■::.. i severa! thousand dollars. l'i: ','::. SCOFIE] ■, who resides about 7 miles from ■ i ag, N. Y.. Bhot and killed ■ and brother while quarreling over piokle crops. The Indiana stat : board of equalization gives the prand total of all property in the sti 731,811, as against 8783,872,12 l La : David liKi.A ■ Ciowell (Mass.) shorjkeeDer. was stabbed in death in his store by an unknown intruder. At Monmouth, l'a.. Susan Tims fired a shotun at twostrange mon who liaii entered her home, bat missed thern both and fatally hurt her little brother. IIknky Van Oost was stabbed and fatally wounded at his own wedding1 in Chicago. The assailant was the best man in the wedding ceremonies. A sudden quarrel was the c: W. F. Mubpht, of the NeTv York Athletic club, rode a solid-tire bicycle three-fourths of a mile in 1:43 2-5, breaking the world's record for that distance. Tin. fair diractory's executive j committee unai coininunieated i to the conmissioii ssion that j the ffovernment be asked to loan 3f5,OOü,OüO to the fair on the security of the first pt . Edwahd Lixn, :i nicmber of the New York produce exchange, eommitted snieirtc by shootiag himself throuffh the head. Peter Renfbow, who was found guilty oí mtirder ia the first degree, was sentenced at Springfield. Mo., lo hang Friday, October 9. He murdered j Deputy Sheriff Dorris in Texas eounty, I Jaly 18, Fiiie at The . destroyed property worth 5i;:iüü,ü00. GbokGE ii. V, :ini! entang-led ' in the meshes of aballoon while it was i an ascent at Osweg'O. N. V.. and feil a distancs if 100 feet, aiighting on his liead. Ten thousand people , witnessed his terrible dath. Tiib body of Alexander Hrellerwork, who was buried at-Dubuijue, Ia., nineteen years ago, was exhumad lor reinoviü and was fotmd to be perfectly preserved, although not petrified. Even the grave, clothes showed no sifrns of decay. Aböümksts in favor of closinsf the world's fair on Sundays were made before 1I1 oatinnal commission and the board of lady managers by the American Sunday-school unión. No action wa Bkfork being Ij nel 1 by a Georgia mob Williaai Allen, the negro who shot and fatally wotmded Marshal Myers, praved that Ood f...n!(l destroy the world and blot out humanlty. The dynamite faetory of F. H. Reynolds & Co., at White Pieon, Mich., containing twenty tons of dynamite exploded, and sixteen workmón wero annihilated so that no vestige of them could be found. Over 100 deaths had ocourred at Wheeling, W. Va., f rom typhoid f ever, and 250 cases were reported. George Ellis, while bathing in Lako Gardner. Maïs., was drowned. James ingtfins, a, while atterhptinff to save the boy, was also drowned. The Central Market Gompany of Chicago made an assignment with liabilities of $100,000. THE monuments erected by the state oí Illinnis on the batttefield of Gettysburg to the Eighth and Twelfth Illinois cavalry were formally dedicated with. solemn services. . A nkgiío who assaulted the wife of á planter at Oxford, Miss., was captured by a mob and hanged. The first 100 pounds of sugar made under the sugar bounty clause of the McKinley hiw were shipped frora Chino, Cal., Aufrust :A. It was estimatcd that the bovmty on sugar this year would amountto 810,500,000. Heavy frosts killed corn and all other vegetation in some seetions of Iowa on the night of the 3d and did much datnage in other parts of the state. Official notice was fuiven that the order the importation o{ hog products into Germany had been removed. "Watkrmelojï day," the festival ol the Arkansas valley, was celebrated at Rocky Ford, Col., by 1 0,000 people from all prominent points. S. I'. Coo.v, a prominent business man at Rantoul, UL, was killed by being thrown from a wag-on by a ruoaway team of horses. A BULi.KTrx from the census bureau showed that there were 45,233 persons confined in the penitentiaries of this country. Charles Rebdeix was found dead in bed at St. Paul by a dcputy sheriff who had gone in nis house to serve a writ of ejectment. He had committed suicide by taking carbolic acid. The barns of Dr. N. P. Valerius & Co., at Watertown, Wis., were burned, together with thirty-two head of registered stallions. Thk Erie lïeach hotel, on the Canadian side, near Buffalo, was destroyed by fire; loss. 8150,000. Rev. J. II. Newton, was struck on the head by a falling tent pole at the Free Methodist camp meeting at Sodus, N. Y., and instantly killed. Four persons were killed by lightning during a storm which struck the house of John Couch near Magnolia, Ark. Treasuhek IIiltt, of Richland township, near Lima, O., was reported a defaulter in the sum of 810,000. John and Wade Kelder were sentenced to bo hanged Friday, October 9, at Rusk, Tex., for the murder oi Younce Thompson, the father-in-law oi John Felder. The total valuation of real estáte oí Indiana was placed at 81,096,000,000, against f800,000,000 last year. lx the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 4th numbered 217. against 220 the preceding week and 203 for the corresponding' week last year. The Youngstown bridge works a1 Young-stown, O.,were totally destroyec by fire, including several bridges nearly ready for shipment, throwing 250 men out of employment. Joh.v Colman, superintendent of the Ruby mine near Forest City, Cal., was shot and killed by John St. Pierre, the night watcfiman. It was said that heavy fi-osts on the night of the 3d destroyed the corn erop in VVisconsin and Minnesota. Frank Danforth, a negrro wife murderer, was hanged at Augusta, Ga., and William Builing, another wife murderer, paid the penalty of his crime at Savannah, Mo. Öhortly before hi.-i execution Ui empted s.-if-destruction by shooting himsslf twice in the breast with a revolver which had been given him by his spiritual adviser. Experts who ! the books of Martin Mower. president of the St. Croix boom Corporation at Stillwater, Minn. , who te time since, found that he was short S26.T01.78 in his ar O. O. L. ■ bant principal of the EDglewood i ;! at Chicago, was killed by a Chicago & Western Indiana train while Crossing its tracks. It was said that enough peaches had arrivt'd in Jaltiniore during1 the last five weeks to supply four poaches to every iñba '3 States. The : s received was 1,200.000. Tuf. Ui-, of Indianapolis i; ' .nous trott.-r. .'■■■ was sold in Cli Í r 8105,000. Two C0MPA3IE8 of Uaited States cavali'y boyun lo orive , i'rom the )" x reservationa. Th: and live stock show will be I Chicago in the expositioi: lm ovember 11-21, inclusive. Tb ate premiums would be limit ■ Í to $10,000. ALLEBTON trotted a mile in Independenoe, Ia., in 2:10, breaking the world's stallion record. 1'. a tüBBAY, a colored outlaw, w;is killed near Archer, Fla.. by liard .'o bul 17 years old. lx i tal t ie British steel teamer Carr Rook, bound .r.mi Dundee to San Francisco with coal, was burned ai sea. Four soldiera- J. O'Keefe, Corporal Offerson, J. lirowii and Patriek llogan - bcloi:;:'1! r to Conapany II, Fourth iiifantry, were drowned while oat boating- oi Lalce Coeur d'Alene, near Spokane i'als, Wash. It was reported that Secretary of War "Proctor had sent in liis reaighation to the pivsident and that Stephen B. Elkins would be ap as his successor. PERSONAL AND POLITICAU United States Commissiqnek A. W. Brazee died at Denver, Col., aged 65 years. Forman y yeara he had been au acknowledged leader of the prohibitiou party. Mbs. '. Salisiukv died near Bellinghani. M ín a. , aged 103. 11er husband, 108 years, could not Lonff survive. The coupíe had been married eighty years. Mus. Dr.ri ki.t.a MoGBXT, of Petersburg, Ind , died atthe age of 104 years, and Mis. Mary Lenard, of Johnson county, Ind., expired at the age of 100 years. Ma.t. John J. Safki.t, a prominent politieian and mine owner of Indiana, died at liis home in Lodi. jonv ÏOTJNQ r.r.t'w n was innuurateu 'oremoi1 ky. : v. .1. i. D. Soülk, T). D., l'b. T)., of Highland I ark, I1L, áied al the residence of his son in Chicago, aed 70 years. Mbb. Büsan öalts Cook, who has been acting is secretary ui' the lady managersol the world's fair since tne removal if Mis-, Couzins, was formally elected to f:11 that position. A TICKET headed by .1. W. liruce for povornor was nominated at Albany. N. Y., by the New Vork prohibitioniats. The pesolutions declare against na-' tional banks and favor a turifï for revenue only. The legisiature of Georgia passed a bilí disqualifying physicians addicted to drink from the practice of their profession. I'knnsvi.v .nia dumocrats in state convention nominated Robrt E. Wright, oí Liehigh connty, for auditor general and A. L. Tilden for treasurer. qJoii.n II. DüNHAM (colored), of Kentucky, at present United States consul at San Domingo, was appointed by President Harrison ministor resident and consul general to ELayti. Captain James Füan-km-i, a noted horse breeder, died at Gallatin, Tenn., aged 45 years. Brig. Gen. Edwabd Aictstis Wii.d, late of Brooliline, Mass., died at Medellin, Columbia, South America. FORF.IGN. Misa Mat'.y Lincoln, daughter of United State ; Minister Robert T. Lincoln, wu-. ü. íshatn, of Chicago, at London. Thk schooner I' innonin was wrecked on the reei lawaaia n ú ami twelve por e ís ■. i drowned IT .. London ihat the prioce liam of G ■!■ ai ' won id attautl the world ■ ■ The Ütcvele Bta'ol?3 at Ayr. Scotlaifli. were dsstroye ' ■ and nintí valuable race horses porisbed in the Sames. ïhb twenty-first b y of thbattle of Sedan wascelebrated thn cut Germany. Empeboi: Wilijam, of Germany, Emperor Francia Joseph, oí Austria, and the of Sa -.. atG ipíritz and together witn !Ssed the Austrian military mam", At a Free Methodist meeting in Kingston, Ont., all the vomen removed their corsets and burned them, saying1 that tíiey "would dio as God mado them." It wassaid that the last ot Balmaceda'a foráes in Chili had surrendered, and that business oí all kinds had Bumed its usual routip.1. The nuinber of emigrants from the Unití'il Kii i America during the last eighi 151, au increase of 3. OJO over tiie same period of 1890. Of these 11,578 were trom Ireland. A motion of want of eonfidence in the government was defeated in the Canadian parliam nt by a vota of 103 to 81. Tuk steam j'acht Albatross, owned by J. Eggleston, ;f Iloston. and valued at $100,0J0, was wreoked on the rocks oiï the Ne' oast latí:r news. Is .Kii league tlia percentaficr- u i , . ■ , for the week : on the 5th vvere: Chicago, .i...: I'obton, .."Ï7; New York, .550; ! .533; Cleveland, .4(S0; Broo ttsburgh, .414; Cincinnati, . ' . Tl percentages in clubs of th ■ i iei ca i association werc: Boston, .705; St Louis, .625; Haltimore, .5."(; Athletic, .531; ('olumbus, .444; M' .428; Washington, .358: i ''v.. partinent at Washington notific'i Mini t r Egfan to formally ivcognize Chili's new ffovernraent. At Elizabettttown, Ky.. Col. William Wilson was fatally goreil by a buil which he was trying to halter. A BILL Ki : the New Zealand legislature granting suffrage to women and quali unen for election to parliarnent. iRGE l'iiüi.ii-s and .1. H. Leed, of Weüington, IL. were instantly killed whi! ■ railroad track in a buggy a ion, liul. í fr )u drinking poisoaous wat'i' taken i'roin a well oa a i'ariu i: se, Mieh. Witj.ia four other i-i in mv ; near ■y. 0 . "V the explosión oí a thru! in whieh ;i .' mite ea ■ ■ ed. Tin Mrs. Jane Hill, 99 years of age, otícurred at Detroit. Mich., yyhere she had lived seventy-five years. Four generations of childcen survive h( r. The death is announced of Ilon. John DoriCnis, husband of Queen Liliokalani, of Hawai! He was formerly an American, born at Sehneetadv. N. Y.


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