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MASONIC DIRBCTOBY. Ann Arhor COMMANDBBY, No. 18, meets first Tuesday of eacb month, B. F. Watts, E.C. ; John R. Miner, Recorder. Washtenaw Chaptkk. No. 8, II. A.M;- Meeta flrst Monday caen month. L. C. Goodrich, H. I'.; N. 1). Gates, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. MOOISTE, Makes fine Costumes, Tailor Suits, also lUsses' and Chlldren's1 öuits. Ladies' Wraps a Specialty. 11! NORTH FIFTH STREET, ANN ARBOR. 82 Cbas. W. Vogel, Dealer in all kinds of Fresh. and Salt Meats. Poullry, hard, etc, EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St., Asn Arbok. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, O pp Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Administered. It is agreeable and easy to take, and no prostrating effects follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. WILLXAM IEIZ. House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER ! Papering, Glazing, Gilding, and Calcimining, and work of every description done in the best style.andwarranted to give satisfaetiou. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. Jerome Freeman ! POSTO FF! CE Barber Slop and Bath ROOMS. Ei WM ui Sil BATHS ! ieb nsr n DRESS BOODS S.A.XJE, SEPTEMBER M to 27th will shadow any previous sale, including every yard of Dres Goods froin tlie largeet si nek between Chicago and Detroit, being equal to any in the state. "The Store" being now (3) three times the size of' any other dry goods store in Washtenaw county, should make i customer oí every lady living in or near Waslitenaw Coünty. The many modern improvements witli a ger elevator, takingjpeople to the eloak and shawl, blanket, comforter or carpet and drapery departments; also the specially low reduceïl í al i prices and weekly sales fhouW gain favor witli every buyer. MACK &SCHMI0. Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washte huw. The nnderslgned htiving been appointed by the Probate Courtof saidcounty, Commissioners to receive, examine and ad'just all claims and demandn of all persons against the estáte oí Francia Woodbridge.late of said county, deceased, hereby give uotice that six mónths from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their clalmg against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the First National Bank, in the city ,of Ann Arbor. in said connty, on Tuesday thc29tb day of September, and oh Tneeday, the29th day of December, next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of each of said receive. examine and adjnst said claims. Dated, June 29th, 1881. PöwyEn A bso I uto y Pure. A cream of tartar baking povvder. Ilighest of all In leaving strength. - IÁUett u. S. Qmernmt ut Food Report. TO KEEP THINGS MOVING MARKED DOWN TO Rock Bottoi Prices ! j. j, mm PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Prescriptions a Specialty ! Wc desire your patronage and will give you satisfaetion. ,ji M Flu WÍ würep SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE TuBtsntÏT rcMovo tho most violent &tt&ck hvt Ir'ircf íomfortáble sle-p. No WA1T1KÜ for ItEsrLTS Bcin used uhalation, itaaction ig fuimediate, direct and CEIÍTAIH, and a cure la the reult la all curable casee. Asingle trial convinceathemost8keptle:il PrlceftOo. aud # I, of DrueKlst or br mail. fcamplea FRBK Tor süunp. j)B. R. 6CHIFFMANS , St.Paul, Minn. XOTICE TO CREDITOI;s. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, hs. Xotice is hereby eiven, that by au order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. niadeou the twentiethday of JÏme A. D. 1891, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims acrainst the estáte 9f Mury Aun Pebbles, (Peebles), late of said county. deceaeed, and that all oredltorsof said deceased ure reouired to present theii claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Offloe in the city of Alm Arbor, for exauiination and nllowance, on or before the twenty-flrat day of December next. and that such claims will be heard hetore said court. on Mondiiy. the tweuty-rirst day of September and on Monday the twenty flrs't day of December next.iit ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Daled, Aiiu Arbor, June 20th. A. D. 1X91. J. WILLAKD BA.BB1TT. Judge of Probate


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Ann Arbor Courier