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A SCROFÜLOUS BOY Running Sores Covered His Body and Head Bones Affected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. When slx montha oló,the leít hand of our rrandchild began toswell.and bao appearanceoí a large boíl. We poultteed it, bul uil to do purpoee. Aboül five monthi t becamea running sore. Boon other Formed. then two yfS. ofthemoneach band, gÉ0ZZÍÍE as liis blooii Ijcc-hiih; more sKfeïsiA :tnl more took í? wl less time ior tnem to brealt B vffl A soro -"iime '"i tln1 SS 'ÍS g VH_ chin, beneath the under llp H W; whlch waa very offenalve. C A Hl hcad was one solld scab, T. y y di8Charging a great deal. "3!" ThlB waa nía eondltlon at vv. L í$s twenty-two montlis oíd, Vy1 wlion Ï undertook the cure srji n 's&S; dled when he waa a Hule more than a vear oíd, of consumptloD (scrofula, of course). He could walk a llttle. bul eould not get up n he leu rlnwn.and could not move when nvbed.having no ase oi ola hands. I iininediately com1 witli the CrncniA Kkmi ij uil freely. One BOre after .nother healed, a bony matter formlng Ín each eme oi tnese flye deep onea lust before healing, whicli would flnallv grow loóse and were taken out; then they would heal rapldly. One f these ugly bone formations ] preservad. Alter taklng a dozen and a half bottles he was eompletely cured, and lsnow, at the age oi n yeai strong and heal thychild. Mes.E.8.I)RIGG8. Mat 9, 1S85. 61ÏB. Clay 8t.,Bloomlngton, 111. My grandson remalns pertectly well. No BlgnBOfsoroíulaandnosores.EgDRiGG8i FEB. 7. lf90. UlooinliiRtoii.lll. 0-o.ticnra Eesolvent The new Blood Purlfler, Intemalli f to cleanse the blood of all Impurltlea and polspn elementsand thna remove the cause,) ":il I dtithegreal Skln Cure, and Coticdea Soap, an exaulsfte skln beantlfler, externally to the skin and sealp and restore the halr. Cnre dlsease "f tne -kin and blood, trom pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Prlce, Poticdiií, 50c.; 8OAP,25c.; ai bow E ■ i (1.00. Prepared by the ]-,,,! ■ :; DBl G I -i' I B i. ■ [( COSPOBAHON, Boston. _. _ send for"Howto Cure Skln Dlse 64 pages, 50 Illustrations andlOOtestlmon DIDV'P Skln and 8calp purifled and beautlDCDl ü Bed by Cuticuea Soap. Vbsolutely pure. fcT ñHEüM&TIG 'PálHS.' gWi In one minute the (Tth i'im AntiBLn Pain Plastee relieves rheu Vl sclatica, hlp,kidney,che8t.andmus N cular [niiits and weakm twenty-flve cents. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1S78. W.1aker&Co.'s wBreakfast wËk Gocoa 111 írom whicb th0 erces3 of B oil lias been removed, is j lm Absolutely Pure JJfMand it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of oa mixed with Starcli, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far moro economical, costing le3 than one cent a cvp. It is delicious, nourishing, strcngtliening, easily diqested, and admirably adaptad for invalids as wcll as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchester, Mass. HEADACHES for 2c. CURED { SOLO BY DRUbCT V SWUGGS' MEDICINE GQjËZ i ■ -Ts - A y 'Tv EBERBACH & S), A.i Vit BOR TRÜCKandSTORAGE Nowweare ready wlth a new liiïck Storehouse tor the storage oí Household Gooda, Pimíos. Huuk-i, Suives. etc. PIANOS AXD HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of lu-uvy and Ught Draylng. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 83. Res. md Ollice 4G N. Fourtli Ave. KAMIXiTOHV INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGEHCY No. 2 Hamilton Elock. Life, Fire and Accident Policies ritten in First Clasi Compontes. Rates Low. Losses libenxlly ad] usted and promptly piíd. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition f or sale on easy terms. Office Hours: From 8 a. 12 m. and 2 to 5p m. A. W. HAMILTON. PS?' :Las? év';; ;' For twenty-Sve ye ;a of ni!lioT!3 of snflterera.'oM s?i'd yoroii Ie, havo grateiuily euJorsed ihe miraci tuta uL TM Pharmacenticc] cfíIieAga A Yitaliainsc rat al cohoL A ñervo withou'; j5ErootíG3. A blood purifler wi1 pcisons. Alivsr cloanaer. A parely vegetable tissue-mak e digestión, nutritlon, Eoeretion, ez. on and reepirati o?., A life-givlníj tonic, puro end simple, withou disastrous reactions oí' ibe deadl7 compounda of rcim and alcoiiol U3ually Bold as bitters. 7 as nevar faoTr. ': sé rs ti !Í33 T7orld. lía aiseoTery amo? tbe medicinal fruits, roo( and lierbc c WAS lCXE, nd thcir oonibiü&tion lato a phenomcnal liíojiviug tonic A TRÏUMPn of 10 AjBT. The only chango made in the formula (íiirirr ■ ftve years lias líetn ío present it in two combiuations. The oíd orifrinrrl ramaln Tischanged, hv I '-T, more laxative and b 1 r. . new J'avtn moroaí;rocabletotli3 tn ■ ired to f7r : -t;tt'trtnncih anti chïMren, bnt ooza] ■ ale propertle, ia now inAda and the ttrhiirt' f.f tfift icvrtd is chiih:uj tí to producá ::al cf thia TRÜLÏ & ONLY TKMPEBENCE BITTERS KNOWN or to produce apnrely vegetable bitten ov medicina rfany kind, who3flftction isa üucu so üai"ef so cer ain ai; CAUFOKNIA YINEGA3 BFTTZBS, or any coniponn;! Tvhich frnsi its varied artioa li?oil tho viu.l iunctions is equal to tha cu:;e oí? fio atASY diseases. ■ ■ mafósm. Neníatela f,-,:- Jiisi-ase. Scrofula. stia n, PiiesaDd all dla0Hi i:upure blood, idated constituticin : ■ i like inist before tha snu, . n'.:ir powerover [OROBE ASD OirSIPRESEXT :niA ndioates its rnperiority in all diseascs of malarial origin,! ilttlio EEST VEIUIIFüGE EHOWIC. ÏTo family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE TINEGAR BITTERS in the houso, as expressed by thousanda of testl xnonials. Send forboautiful bock. Addresa, R. H. McDOKALD DRTJG CO., Ncvr ifoïK Fargtís Shoes a for the# a Famtly iSÈI "Box Tip" School Shoes ïwkl for Boys and Girls. TOJS.. Heeled or Wedge Heel. ( ' SVSt Sizes-8tolO4 81.35 [ &ÖjTt&F Jltol3y' 1JÏ0 fëfèSC'-A Yj lto3 1.75 SBP0" S'Sto 5H S.00 1MV $2.50 Calf Shoa vvSk for Gentlemen, K l. Ktrrii-7 - Si Anu-ricu at the same V HO6 Lprii-c. In ConercR. BntBKLJ4iaLiaiiB' ton and I.ace. :.ii'hwm1 11 I$2.50LM)IES'BOÖT I íw N. Dongola or Goat, Button, if? v Opera, or Common Sense. _. pflSj.X Tackles and Flexible. f ?OOl AÍSEtíWairanted the mest ■■ - - .Etvii-ii and mi ySQ npSi5sLíí'Madeinljlleeaiid4U DÜR NAME IS DN TKE BOTTON! OF EVERY SHCE, Ask your deak-r lor FtiriroV Khood, It tl teet nol keep them seud to sana wovii: fuxnteb yon a pair on receiutof prlee. & ml postal fortleflcrii tlve list. C. H. FARGO fc CO., Chicag-o. I1L DOTY & FKIHS5ER, AGBNT8, AKK RBOH. M. & H." WRITING TABLETS. The Handsomest, [ost Economioal, mul BEST metbod of putting op WrlUng Papers for home and oflice use. üet them from your Statloner, or seud direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N B - A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Corre8pondence mailed for Twenty-Five Cents. Hutzel's Water Baek ! ver y important inveiition which vvill be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfert WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments ■■■hich accumulate in water backs, offen making them useless and in great man y instances becorning dargerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city r for hot water circulation. Can be 'jsed in any stove. Ask your sicve dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. MaFon & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our irnprovement. Rverybcwh cáll ai d examine tuis usei'il invention. HTJTZEL & CO., pt'itnbnr and iea-mfif' AN"-1 ARHciW, - - MJCH AAAAA TEAK! I unctertake to briefly O" ■ I ÍB intelligent perjonofeither V "Cl III II"."1""'"" "'"' "'"' wil'. '"' l", .. I 1 1 I lnflM nstrucüon.vini work induslrioniiy, WU V W Uii.M Thr Thimund Dollar Tearin tbalrown li nüitcs.wii. r vírtheviive.I vvill alsofumieh the situationornii' which voucan fflm thntamount Ho moitev forme Billen uw ewftil u abore. Bajrttyud quickly learned i deir but one worfcer frnin each district orcoimty. I ■ havealreailyi.ueht uil prOTided witli; iiirnt larire Dumber, nbo re makins over #i(JOO a veart-ucli. lts M:U and SOI.I S. Pull pnrtiouiflrs FKEE. Address at once, E. O, ALLEX. lïox 4O, Aui;!"tu, Miiiui1. i Uil? C O M P O U N D B JMrComposed of Cotton K i. Trpy and % y-yS Pcnnyroyal- a recen; by an Lold physician. ƒ 8 usea moiniau- Safe, Effectual. 1'. mail, Bealed. Ladies, ask ymir dm i'ook's Cotton Root Compound and ta'.j no -b-ïituto, or ino'.ose 2 stampa for sealed partiou ura Address PONO I.1LY OOHPASY. ! I Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Deu "Wood'è Ï'li.osisti-Oiüiie. THE GRBAT EXGLISH REMEDY. Fsed for 35 years, .-tt HlCfc of Vouthful folly by thousands MÊTn"mt and the exceseea tesstully. MfË3f "t later years. anteed to cure all lïi5ffi S öttv inimedtate torms ot Kervous Vciy'xJ' strength and vtgWeakness, l-nit-A. or. AskdrugKlsu pactase. 81; lx, 85. by mail, Write for pamphlet. Addresa TlicAVood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward via., Detroit, Slicli. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TYYTPC! TKY DR. UE DTJC'8 " PEJLjC1.JJXJ1iÖ KIODICAL" PILLS frora Paris. Frunce. Establlshed in Europe 159, Canada in 178. For Snppressions, Irregularitiea, and Monthly Derangements. A rcliable montlily medicine. Tlu-y alwaya relieve. Any drugilst, ta. American l'ill Co., Proprletors, Spencer, lowa. Eobert Sïephenson & Co., Wholesale ageutg, and all other drugglsts In Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to bring on the " cliange. CET THE BEST FIRE fflSURAHCE $29,000,000. Security held for the protection of thepollcy CHRISTÍAK IWÍICK -■■nts the following firsl . :, one, tl"' áítna, bias alom OOOflre lossea In Bixty-five yeara: .of Hartford '■'■' Fraufelln o. Phlladelphia .... . Germania, N. Y ... - Germau, American, N. Y. ÍJ3653G8 Loudon Londou... i.ih, ;, F. & :i.. Detroit 287,608 N, y. I ers, N. Y.... . J.."-il.Xi.ii7fi ord. í .774.."o.s Phoenii, Broofclyn . ; ■' ]j(ihi' liberal ly'adjuated and promptly pald. Polïciee issued at the lowi -t ratesaf premium. ll'.Utï v,,. a wctW4ï'"i '" liorintnitafwoik. ISI U I 1 IU 8 ,,.,. .i') .h ork. Ky lo lW funii.h verythinfr. W. ittrt yon. No r.-k. Ton cn devot. your.p.4 momíntfc or II your time lo th woik. 1 kto ■■ i . „ Ud,nd bringf Ondetful icrr H' "! '■■"■ ÍHfCS5tlSíCf) wotho,whovi4htoxarr -1 AUbSIII E IvSllLw thitpapor.orobi on adver.ising space when in Chicago, wilí fmd t on Mío ?í 45 1049 Randotph St., AKR O ÍSfigi E gH r6000.0fl a reír la hrinpmart hy John R. -&jfe í (Joudwm,í'roy,N.V.,nt work fur us. KesJr, PTCWftSk you nmy nol make as murh, but e can Bf , ttijBteach yóuqiiickly how toeatn tnmi S tu B jLW10 a'dviy ac the itart, and Diore a yon go WFy BB líot'h sexea, all ages. In nnv }nrt of Bg fBAmerica, you can comnince at borne, giv■ft M. jÊ'tng " your titne,or ipare moment oiily to m ■Ktiicwt.'r'k. All ii new. Grt pay SURK for Hv every workr. We ttart you, fimiishmgÍk, Hf' everything. fASII.Y, SFEEDILY learnet. nVk l'AKTICCLAKS FKEE. Atldre at om-e, IHIK_smMi. A 10-, l'UKTLl.Nb, MA1ML


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