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David Henning la án Aira Albor vlsitor. Leo Preltag Ís vieltlng al A. A. Meutli's. Dr. MacLachlan and wüe Bpeni Sunday In DetroH . Mise May Corsón has retumed to remain pi nnanently. Iter '1'. Wïight, of Albion, visitcd l'roí Beman over Sunday. W. i:. Bowdish lias gfone bo Stockbridge to visit relatlves. Mrs. A. Gasser, of N. Main si., is vislting frlends In Hillsdale. .Mis. Thos. .1 . Knrli lias ïiirA ■ tO lancaster, N. V.. to visit frlends. Mrs. C. W. Wagner and chlldren have returned from Wequetonsing. .Miss Georgië Hawes daa returned fiom a isii ii'i Wenda In Ohlo. John V. Bheehan la expected tiome trom a week'a stay In Chicago, to-day. Mrs. Ed. H. Eberbach has returned trom a visit wlth friende at Manistee. Mrs. N. W. Cheever is entertainlng .Mrs. Harriet Boyal, ol Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fred Schairer have returned home from their eastern ncy. Mrs. Wm. W. Saundera Ief1 yester(l.-i.v for Grand Bapids, to visii lier sou. Mate A. Clark, of 48 N. Main Bt., Leaves to-day for Detroit and tlic eas1 . A'Imiu A. Meuth, oí Detroit Bt., has buen undcr the weather for a lew daj i. Mis. G. M. Monroe, ol Felcb Btreet, 1, i; yesterday tor a visit with frlenda in Saline Miss Jcnnie Wilea who has been visiting Mrs. Byron Cady, ol the 5th ward, returned home yesterday to Cantón, Mioli. Keuben Kempf leaves to-day tor a trip to Texas where he owns a large trad ol land. - Mrs. E. B. Pond lelt Saturday for Adrián, to remain a cöuple of weeks ■tt-ith relatlves. Mrs. Chas. 8. Woodward and son are guests of Mrs. Fs párente, on N. Fourth ave. Miss Clara Mack has returned fioni her visit with her sister Mrs. Abbot, of Chicago. Miss Carrie Britten, lit. '88, has gone to Fon du Lac, Wis., to commence her duties as teacher. Mrs. Sterling and daughter, of Detroit, have been visitlng at J. H. Nickel's on 8. State st. Dr. Joseph Clark lias returned trom Wequetonslng, but lelt his iamily in Lansing, for a few days. Register oí Deeds Seerey expecta l commeace living In hls fine new resldence on N. State st. this week. Miss Lizzie Dignan ñas been entertaining her triend Miss Maggie Eyan, ol Port Austin, daring the week. Mts. Lottie Medarls, oi E. WiUiam Bt., has been visiting friends in Rlchiii.iiii, Jnd., during the past -eek. Miss Florence Anderson, ol E. Madison st., expects to go to Florida SOOn, where shc will engage in teaching. Mr. and ilrs. Jere Walsh, of the 3d ward, have been vlêltlng friends at Dayton, Ohio, during the past week. i'ost Master Nestelle, of ter was in town yesterday making arrangements for enlarging his office. Robert L. Warren and famlly cxpec1 to remove to Detroit to-day. where they reside on Alexaudrine ave. Miss May Payne, of NashviUe, Xenn., i.s in the ctty for a snprt timo, the guest o! Miss Carrie Norton, of E. Aun st. Pred. C. Wetmore, law "JO, of W. Hurón st., has gone to Cadillac to enter the law-offlce of his uucle D. E. Mclntyre. Miss Blanche Kobbins, who has been the guest of her unclc Dr. Mack, on N, State s t., has returned home to Cinciunati. Mr. and Mis. George Wolaver, of Detroit, were in the city over Stmday, called here by the death of Mr. W's mother, Mrs. Dr. Irlsh. Mr. Lilly, who lias been visiting his daughter Christtne, at Mr. John M. Wheeler'a on W. Huron st.. returns to his home in New York to-day. Mrs. Pres. H. W. Eogere, of Evaraton, is visiting Kev. B. Day, alter whieh she will go to Washington to attend the convention of the W . 11. M. .Society. A pleasaut duplícate whist party was glven by Mr. and Mis. H. W. Clarïson on Tuesday evening last, in honor of Mrs. Dr. Lynch. 0Í Manchester, and Mr. Lilly, of New York. Mrs. Prof. J. O. Keed and family have come to Aun Axbor to reside (or the present, while Prof. Reed goes to Harvard to pursue his studies, wlicre he i.s to take a post gradúate course. ('lias. J. Kintuer, ol New York, who la ylslting ai the home of his wife's motner, Mrs. C. L. Pack, on X. Ingalls st., left for G-rand Traverse reglons Prlday morning for a tiro weeks flshhiü' excursión, aecompanied by Walter Pack, of Ypsllanti. Sam S. Bllta and famlly are at present in about the wiklest portion of the wild west, at Hot Sprlngs, Horn Baaln, Shoshone reeervation, Wyoming. There are about 80 campers and IS cowboys wlth them. Each one is amioil wlth two or more revolvers and a repeating rifle whlch are constant companlons. They are 60 miles froni any human habitation- except Indiana- the nearest place belsg Los1 Cabln, whlch consista of three stores. They dweil in tents, and are practlcall'v roughing it. The campers are all there lor the benefit of the baths. Mr. lilitz and family expeet to return BOmetlme next month. To-morrow afternoon. at the resldence of the brlde'a mother, on B. AshLey ave Miss Libbie Wahr wlll be ui'iiietl in marriafïe wlth WUllam Gwinner, ot thU city. The couple have a long list of warm (rienda to wlsn thcin well. Kx-suprrvisur Fred Brann, ol Ann tuwii, feil froni a tree in wMch he was plcking apples last Monday, and Injured tla leJ1 vrriai quite Berlouely He says lie only feil abont Imir Hve feet, but strnck in guch a manner as to Cause 1 1 1 1 . i serious tronDie.


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