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USEDR.CRAÏG'S ORICJINAL HET USO L1VER CODE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only Safe Re those afflictecl with Bright'a Di8eA3e, ijver Complaint mul Urlnary Affections. Onlythopared in the irv FOBH are the original and the only Kidney and Mver Cure thatwlll restore you to perfect he&lth. ALL LADIE8 I O. 3S H.. JSl.. solb et ll rEC53::r:. THE CRA1G MEDICINE CO., PASSAIf', N. J. 150 DOSES 01TE DOLLAR. o rnoro & .of this. Rubber Bhoea nuless worn nncomfortably tlght, generally slip off the feet. THE "COLCHESTER" RUBBEU CO. make nll thlr shoes wtth Inslde of heel llned wlth rubber. Thls cIIiiítr to the Bhoe and prevent the rubber trom sllpplng oft. Cali for the " Colchestor " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOIt SALE BT WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. OOTY &. FEINER, A. D.SEYLER & SON AWW ARBOH. soToHangsterfer's FOR Wallace's N. Y. Chocolates and fVSarshmellows. Kuhn's Detroit Creams and Bon Bons. The Finest Liue of Candy in tin CARAMELS, CLUJES, OPER CREAMS, BUTTERCUPS MADE Fresh Every Day. HAHGSTERFER'.S Michigan (Tbntral "The Niágara í'alis Route.'' Time table baking effect .Tune T. 191. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. BTAII'8. Í tÚ '- '' Í g fiS 4 S5 K- A.M !.. M. ' . I'. M. A.M. I Chicago. Li 110 Kala'oo. (0 fi 10 Jacis'n .. 2 56 4 25 5 30 s 47 4 40 6 15 9 05 Chelsea. . 368 .. .1 Dexter 4 14. .. . . . 545 7 25 9 55 P. M. !'. M.ll'. M.IP. M. A. M. A. M. AnnA'r. .. 4 42 5 2516 23 9 4S 6 03 7 15 10 10 Ypsil'tl.... 503 510 ... 95Ö 623 3 03110 82 VTeJe ...." 27 . . . 6 4718 85 10 50 l'e'I .. ,Ar. C. 1.) f.45 7 211 10 45 7 ::i' '. ('10 25 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. STATIONS. '- - - 35 "-. ■ -,' -, - - fr '- - --i A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. Y. P. M. Detroit.. Lv. S 20 7 401 120 8 00 9 251 915 4 4 Wayne J'n.. 900 . . . .8 38 . 9 M 5 19 Ypailantl. 922 825 206 900] .1015 540 A.M A.M Ip.M. y. M.Ia.M P.M.P.M. Ann Ai 2 [9 9 lv m 19 1080 5 52 '.i 5ñ . . i-ISi. C07 a. 1 10 . . '.i 58 . (i 18 Jaokson . 11 i 9 85 3 1 1 10 I" 11 18 11 45 6 56 Kiiliuuazoo.. 2 05 1150 5 OOl 100 12 55 217 9 30 Chicago. Ar. 7 55 3 5ó 9 :. 11 15 G. W. EUGGLES. H. Vi t;. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Aun Arbor NEWTIME TABLE. Toledo, Ann Arto and North Michigan R'y. GOIXG NOHTH. Xo. 2.- Through Malí and Expresa 7-40 a. m. 4. - Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom 11 20 p, m. t.- tlura Passenger 506 p. m. goixc; sOüth. Xo. 1.- Clare & Toledo Acconimodation 11 SO a. m 3.- Through Mail 9 20 p. m. 5. - Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom 7 o a. m. All traína daily except SÚnday. Trains 4 and o run between Anu Arbor aud Toldo ouly. V. H. BBNNBTT, (.i. P. A. K. S. ÖEEKNWOOD, AGT. Honest Work ! í;:W.Eá men and women. U furn%8h the capitall Ii you mean business, drop us a card and get some facts that will open your eyes ' A legitímate lino of goods, and honest men wanted to introduce theni in town and country. Don'l U'ait.' Address at ouce, P O Box 649, Cincinnati,O. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S Lll ÏAffl) ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our , s lor all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Luraber and ginranVERY LOW PRICES Mfc_ i cal] nud we will mnko it to your interest, as our large and wel] graded 9tock f ully sustains tion. Telo.hone Connectiona with o T J. KBECH, Supt. JAMES TOI.BERÏ I'roP


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