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Aceording to the school census Chelsea has 468 children of school age. Wha1 is being done In your dlstrid this full to improve t lic wagon roads? Anything ? The Washtenaw county (air is to be a boomer thla year. Come and see tor yourself. There are 1778 chlldren in Ypsllanti of school age. Au lncrease ol nine over last year's census. Manchester vlllage has eommenced laying cemeut stone walkfl, and thinks Bhe will Ltke them very well. M. J. Noyes, oí SylYan, has posted notices forbidding anyone trom huntíuíx, shooting or trespassing on his farm. Right. The blcycle is galnlng in favor each year, uot simply as offering an ogreeable pastlme, Uut as an excellent means oí rccreutioii. - Herald. It paya to run a mower over your stubble iields, the cutting of the weeda and stubbles foruis a mulch whlch will greatly protect your young seedling next winter. Complalnt is being made ny farmers in sonie sections, that because of recent ralns tliat potatoes iu the ground are sproutiug. Something seldom ever knovn before. "The robber McKinley tariff" and reciprocity maich right along and gain converts every liour of every day. The American people read for themselves and they know a good thing when they see it. It will tiike a pile of British gold to buy them off from protection this year. At the recent school meeting in Derter Messrs. J. ï. Honey and John Costello were re-elected trustees. It was voted to establish a district library and $25 was voted to purchase new books therefor. The townsliip library will be divided pro rata, and the district given its share. It cost $4,000 to run the schools last year. The services oí Prof. Bartholoinew assisted by Miss (jertie Carmo, the famous balloonists, have been secured for the county fair, at Ann Arbor, this fall, and will doubtless be a ilrawing card and a source of great attraction for the occasion. Miss C.'s trapeze work is without fail and a mark of success. provided the drop does not come too soon.- Saline Ob6erver. A very peculiar worm, aboul aa large as a Btraw and about one inch long, is destroying all the foliage in the woods in portions of Cohoctah. They conunenced operationa in the woods belonging to Adam Zalm and have stripped the trees as bare as they are in winter. There seems to be millions of them and they are moving upon other woods in that vicinity.- Fowlerville Review. Rev. Patrick Duhig, the Brst resident prlest attached to St. Mary cüurcli, Chelsea, dled last Saturday evening in Jackson, after on illnesa of one week, trom pneuinonia. His funeral took place yesterday froin St. John's ehurch, Jackson. the Rt. Rev. Bishop Poley and many priests assiBting. Pather, Duhlg waa a man of splendid appearance and fine attainments. His last appolntment was as Chaplaln of St. Joaeph'a Betreat, Dearborn, Mlch.- Chelsea Herald. The Ypsilantian has had occasion severa] times to refer to the original and pretty departure talen by the engineer'a department oí the Michigan Gentral in presenting each lady passenger with a sweet bouquet. The wéil kepi nower garden maintained by the company at thia station, has bfsen onable to supply the Iarge demand made upon it. for flowera for bouquets. The tiro liitle -iris. Jeafie Swalne and taille Damon, have distrilmted :!„-,4:; boqueta 'to date, and constant employineni is glven to six girls in the gatherlng oí the flowers. Many ex]iressiims of delight have been heard from paSBengers elnce the giving away of Bowera eommenced, and many compHmentary letters from prominent ladies have been received.- Ypsilantian. Abont a week ago there stepped from a Lake Shore train at this station a young Swede. He could neltoer talk nor onderstand English, neither was he conversant with the system of raaking signe, bat Frank Magian took hfan in hand and to those who know Frank this means nuich. He and the young man started in search Of some one to talk with. Many was the Joke he played upon onr cltizens but at last they fonnd some ohe who understood Rueslan and the Swede informed him that he wished to go to Mackinaw where he has a brother living. Someone had swindled him at New York and got a Manchester ticket off on him which dropped him here, some :,)( miles short of liis destination. He lias written his brother for money.- Manchester Enterprise. School opened Monday with the most promising prospects of a successful year of many a day. The full corps of teachers were in thelr places with a pleasant smlle to greel the many old pupils and weieome the new. Commencing at the prlmary rooms wc find a good at tendance ready for enrollment. The grammar rooms, too. seem to have been wel] remembered and thelr number someWhat increased. The high school we are proud to say begins to have its old fashioned appearance of days gone by. As many of our readers are well a ware this room has been rather too Iarge of late to accommodate its pupils, bnt not so now. New life seems to have crept in and the In-armbreeze of prosperity flashes in upon the distrie t. and at the opening of school Tuesday, there were 47 pupils ready for enrollment. Nearly $200 has aíready been added to the school treasury for tuition. Xotwithstanding the ups and downs of school report, etc., iiiis is certalnly a credit to our teachers and officers of the district as well as to our village. - Raline Observer. The ncw M. E. ('hui-i-ii al Ypsilanti is being pushed forward rapully. Andri'w Sawyer, who Uves north of Chelsea, killed a mad dog the other day. The Chelsea Standard tells of a doublé potato weighing over two pounds. The boys go "cooning" nnv a days and som.' farmers are laylng traps for the "coona" also. The inerriage of Alfred Kaereher and Miss WVhhy Allyn, both of Chelsea, is annóonced ior to-morrow. The Lutherans of Chelsea held thelr fil'st animal niission festival last Snnday. lt was a pleasant occasion. Among the most cheertul of the Portage Lake campers, for the last t"vo weeks, was Mrs. Alinira Bill, lio has passed her sist btrthday. - Dexter leader. Xrom the top of Prospect hill, owned by Mr. Birkett, abont five miles north of Dexter, is to bc obtalned one of the finest views in the country. A Held glaea greatly improvee the view. H. E. Jaime who committed bigamy by marrylng Miss Landfair at Leslie, in July, is now working for the state in lonia. He will have steady work for a whole year. - Stoekbrldge Sun. "Wliat's tikkat ?" asked a man in a music store. "That! Oh, tliat is used on violins. It is a chin rest!" "A chin restl well, gi'me one, iis just i he sort oí thiug I want to present to iny wife." The Dexter Leader Clalmfi that the recent game of ball bet ween Stockbrldge and Dexter was a vietory for Dexter. The score it says was í) to 0. It evidently niakcs a dlfíerence who tells it.- Sun. The Methodist Suuday-sehool liad the pleasure of listening to an excel tent address last Sunday, from one of its former pnpils, H. W. Newkirk, of Luther, Mich. Mr. X. is superintendent of a lively Sunday-school at his home. - Dexter Leader. Charles King, Sr., one of Ypsilanti's most prominent business men, died last Friday aged 68 years. He went to Ypsilanti in 1837 with his father and brother and had been in business there ever since. His son, Chas. E. King, Jr., is a gradúate of the university, and a daughter is the wife of J. H. Wortley, of that place. M. 1!. Millspaugh lost a valuable horse Monday night. It seems that the animal caught its hoof between a door and the sill, and in its efforts to free itself received injuries from which it dled soon after being diseovered. Mr. Millspaugh liad an offer from parties in Xew York a short time ago for this horse but refused it.- Chelsea Standard. The Teeumseh Heralil. in a write up of the celery industry of that vicinity, says eight years ago H. L. Stewart planted an acre as an experiment, and six years ago began the business in earnest. Xow there are 1G firms in the work, with areas ander entire cultivation varylng from three to 45 acres, and aggregating 225 acres, dn nearly all the celery farms arranuements for Irrigatlon are in use. Soine ])lantations are irrigated by means of drive wells, others liy dltches and dame by which water is earried off or held back at pleasure. Force wells are in the majority. Buisness Locáis. The score or more oi sherry trees mi South Huron street dead and dying of black knot, threatens the destruction of every tree in the city. Erery knot contains enough spores to infest a thousand trees. "To be cut down and cast into the öre" Bhould be their instant doom. February and August the knots mature their myriade of spores, and il we would save OUT trees, plum as well as cherry, every knot Should be cut out and burned as soon as discovered. Where the branch cannot be well cut away, infection may be prevented by covering the knot thoroughly with ;i coal of linseed oil. No half-way measnres will suffice. Black knot means business: it is a vegetable small-pox.- Ypsilantian.


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