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Syrup of Figs, Produced froni the laxatlve and nutritiotis juice of California figs, comblned wlth the medicinal vlrtuea oí planta knoivn to be most beneficia] to the human BYStem, a(;ts Rently, on the kidneys, Üver and bowels. effectually cleansing the system, dlapelllng colda and headachee, and euring habitual constlpatlon. A Kentucky man called his horse "'Hot Biscuit" because it was the fiuest bred he ever knew of. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our eitizena, that for years we have been sfllin Dr. King's New Discovery for ConBumption, Dr. King's New Life I'ills, liuoklen's Árnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitóte to gnarantee them every time, and we tand ready to refund the parchase price, f gatlafactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity pnrely on their merite. i S(in. and Geo. T. Hnusslcr. of Manchester. Wlicii ;i man marrieg in France be becomes legally reaponslble, not alono tor tlie support of ïis wlfe, but fov the support oí her parcnls slioulcl they become destltute. Thls law is older tlian the Divorce law, and there aeema to be spme defect in the provlsions of the latter. Our Public Schools. Are the maln-stay of our republic. In Uiciii are being cultlvated the tninda whieh are to be our fature law-niakers and leaders In every walk in Ufe. How essential it is that these minde Hhould be unlted to strong, healthy bodies. Si niaiiy ehlldren suffer trom lmpuritles uid poiwons in the blood that il is a wnoder that they ever grow up in bc men and women. Many párente cannot Hnd words strong pnouf;li to exprese their grátltude to llocid's SarsapariUa for its sood effec1 upoD their chlldren. Bcrofula, salt rheum and other diseasee of the blood are eftectually and permanently cured by this excellent medicine, añil i he wiioic beinx ír glven strength to rfsist attacks of discase. Canada's census shows G.000,000 people. I havo been troubled wlth chronlc eatarrh for years. Ely's Cream Halm is the only remedy amonji the many that I have used that affords me rèIelf.- E. W. Willard. Druggist, Joliett,


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