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"ffL 'íi'u'y' DRESS eOOBS SEPTEMBER 21sl lo W will shadow any previous sale, including every yard of Dress (Joods l'rom the largest slock between Chicago and Detroit, being equal to any in the state. "The Store" being now (3) three times the size oí any otlier dry goods store i n Washtenaw (omty, shonld niíike a customer oí every lady living in or near Washtenaw County. ■ ïlie many modern improvements with a passenger elevator, taking) people to thecloak and shawl, blanket, comibrter or carpet and drapery departments; also the specially low reduced fall prices and weekly sales should gaiti favor with every buj-er. MAGK&SCHMID. Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waghte IIIIW, The underaigned haring been appointed by the Probate ('omtof saidcounty, Commissioners to recelre, examine and adjust all claims and demande of all persons against the tl Francia Woodbridge, late of sald couutv. le:eased, hereby eive notice tliat six months trom date are allowed, by order of Baid Pn Oourt, Eor creditors to present their elaima against the estáte oí sald deceased, and that 16ey will meet at the First National Bank, In the city of Anii Arbor. in said county, on Tuesday the29tb day of September, and on Tnesday the 2i)th day of December, nest, nt 10o'clock a. m., of each of sald days,to recelve, examine and adiuat said claims. Dated, June 29th, 1891. ('1IAS. IJ. DaVISON, ) „ . . W.M.R. Price. i Commissioners. %5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking i-owdor. Highest of all In leaving 8trength. - Latest Ü, S. Govemment Food Report. TO KEEP THINGS MOVING MARKED DOWN TO Boet Bottom Prices ! .vi J. J. iilIB'S PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Prescriptions a Specialty ! We desire your patronage and will give you satiafaction. ISCHIFFMANN'SASTHMA CURE ■InsUntl.T rellevei th mntl violent attaelf aml libares ■fomforlable sleep. Ko WAITI.tU Tor KESC LTS Being Hused hv inhalalioo, itaaction ig lmmediate, direct and 9UÍKTAIN, and a cure is the resnlt ia all curable cases. ■ A inele trial conTiucea the most skeptlcal PricoöOe Btua 9 1, or Druggists or bj mail. Pamnles FRHK for NOMCE TO UUEDITORS. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte nltw,ss. Notice s herebyglven, th'at by an order of the Probate ('uurt for the County of Washtenaw, made on the twentlethday of June A. I). 18B1, s. íiiontlis trotn that la'ti_' veere allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte oí Mary Ann Pebblee (Peebles), late of sald county, deceased, and that ull creditors of said deceased ai to present theli claims to sald Probate ('ourt, ai tin1 Probate Ornee in theelty of Aun Arbor, Eor examinatlon and allowanee, on or befon tlu' twenty-flrst day oí December next, and tliat such claims will be heard betore sald conrt.on Mouday, the twenty-flrst day oí September aud on Monday the twenty Brst day of Di ber í un o'clock in the íoreñoon of each of -hí.i days. Pated, Ai'ni Arbor, June 30th, A. D. 1S91. J.WILLAKD BA.BB1TT, Judfre of Probate


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Ann Arbor Courier