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A Curious Combination

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"Did yon ever think what 0 pecullar charaeter a newspaper man must have ?" Huid a gentleman who folio ws the business ol catering to tiio reading public in one of our city papera the other day. 'No ?" "Well then, I will teil you. He must be able to mix witli all classes of people, and llave a pleasant word for all. "Ho must philosophize wltb the philosophical; re.jolce witli the fortúnate; eympathlze with the unfortunate; have a kind word for those in trouble; prive to those in greater need than hiniKelf; talk society with the ladies; talk business with tlie business man; uivc pointers to the politicians; talk archaeology with the areheologist: diseuss Danto and Carlyle with the literary crank; praise the Browning to the unknowables; rave with the base ball enthusiasts; bluster with the boomers; lenil a helping hand to ehurch affaire; attend the theatre and d-al 1 nlently and even kindly with the 'stars!' " "Is that all ?" was asked. as the gentleman stopped a moment ior breath. "No, th.-it is not all. He must be ready with liis pencll to puff every entertainment or show, or social, or auction ov any other undertaklng, and nsually- with a few notable exceptiong - 11 lu asks for pay for work and Bpace so giren, (whieh is dollars mul cents to liim as mnch as a nierchant's goods ave to the merchant, or a church social's oystera are to the ladies of the church) lie is termed 'mean,' 'stingy,' or 'lacklng Ín enterprlse.' "Tf he is niven a i-om])linicirt..iy ticket, it is often wlth the remark, 'I Ruppose yon neirapaper fellows expeet to be dead-beaded.' "II inay be wrong, bat I don't believe there is ,-i dead-head in the Iraternity. An editor ahvays paya for what he receives, and often a ftreat dea! more. "And then the garrulons .story teller; how lip has to slt and listen to the samo old story over and over and over again, untll the tympanum of his eara become perforated and decomposed llke unto the old moth-eaten battle naga. "He must also lic gentle with the ftne-lunged nml sharp-tongued tele plione liirl wlio cracks her gum in the receiver for ;n answiT to a cali. "Another tVmuri1 of a newspaper man's life is quite perplexing. Every oewspaper is expected to advocate peace, good wlll and good moráis for the eomraunity in which il is published, but il' one nelghbor becomes miffed or angry at another neighbor, about the first thlrtg he does is to rush to the editor and 'show him up,' as he terras it. and often swears at the editor if he is not allowed the ose of Beveral valuable columna of spacc for tliat pmrpose. 'Then. if a man (rots into a bad Bcrape he rushes to the editor and makes all sorts of promlses, U his name can only be kept out oí the ]iaper. There are those also who are anxious to have their natnes in the paper. Al classes and kinds of people he lias to deal witli and musí keep thein sh11 kooiI natured, at the sam time taking the course thai In his own Judgment is besi for all concerned." Hcnv much more thi man ■oiiiil have said is not knmvii, had not the telephone rung at pt and BOme brlght youth enquired of ïim iï he had heard why the mayor stopped the eire trie Miss Jennie Shadford and Miss Moilie K. Corson have purchased the milinery stock of Mrs. Roehm, No. lo E. Washington st., ander the finn name )f Bhadford $ Corson, and wlll bavi i grand faU opening on Wednesday, Phursday and Prlday, of tiús week. I'hey vsUl combine dressmaking with heir business and !1 employ sificient holp to do a large business. The membera of this firm are young adies well known in this city. Miss Shadford havlng been in the office of 3. W. Beakes for the p;ist tro years, ml Miss Corson has been with Mrs. outhard for sometlme. They have he bi-st wishes of many (rienda for heir success. The entries In the cattle department re largesi ever knowu in th" Isto'ry of the Washtenaw county ArIcultural and Horticul lore ad to be o accommodate the floo ' ra.


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Ann Arbor Courier