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An Old Story Retold

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Ar the New York democratie state touvention at Saratoga last week, ïhe iollowing reaolution was poseed: Resolved, That this conventloii Views wlth gratification the. growing irkndly feeling toward the democratie party of our colored fellow-citizens in thia state, ïhey are welcomed to our ranka with assurance that Xvithin our party dlserimination on account oí race or color Is discountebanced. This brings to mind the oíd familiar story of the spider and the fly. The epider was very pollte to the fly as the demócrata now are to the colored men, but the acceptance of the invit a tion meaus to the colored race just what the acceptance of the spider's invita tion to the fly then meant. It is not mauy years ago since the colored people were In the democratie party. That party owneil tlirm. body and soul. It bought them and sold them the same as it did cattle and sheep. Mow that the republlcan party has ïreed them from the democratie web of slavery, lifted them up into citizenship in oue of the grandest nations under the sun, the same party invites them back Into the same oíd web again. Wil! they go? Not to any great extent. The memory of the pas1 la too fresh in their iuinds. The fate oí too many colored people who have attempted to exeroiae their rilits, in the solid democratie south is before their eyes even now. It i not natural that the colored people should desire to commit political suicide, and they wlll not follow an occasional one whom th' demicrata have secnred with tempting ait. Wlien the people can be made to unilerstand that it artimlly eosts more ín time and money fco travel over a jpoor rond, tlian it does to travel over a good onc. thcy will le lesa Inclined to begrudge the expense o! good roads, and, what is of more importance still, will be wlUing and anxious to put the business of roadïimking into the hands of Intelligent men who understand thé business, yoor roads are the expenslve things 'that curse a country district.- BurHngtOn l'li'c Press. DoesnM it geem to be almosi a liopeless taak t; make them onderstand that point? Tliey have been travellng over poor roads a long time now. Gen. Jones, of Binghampton, gaye ■Jie could have had the democratie DOminatlon for governor of New York had he been wlfling to have pald the freight to Tammany. Onjy $50,000 was (leiuaiiilcd. So inun for Taramany. Now, how ahMrt Flower ? The peoiile who have Interested themselves in the affaira ol the Boldler'a Home at Lansing, win please notice that Dr. Rush .T. Shank's un-Cle Jeronie V. Sliank, has been ]ut back as quartermaster by the commandant who took Capt. Manly's place. Uncle Shank must not Buffer as long as Nephew Shank has it In hls power bo help hlm. Tliis very fact oualit to lead people to be earèfnl in their judgment of the maangement oï that institntion. In New York, the campaign cry is 'Havy's in the jrravy. Flower is in the soup." The Campbell doesn't appear to bc coming down In Qh}o as vet. At leasi te is nowhere in slght. If it oost Roswell Pettlbone Flower $50,000 cash to get the democratli nomination in New York, how mucli will it tost hiiu to earry the election 1 Ans.- More than Ue eau ralse. Koggr Q. Mills, of Texas, is umv jiriinliiiK out free trade, free llver aal free whisky speeches to tlie ])eople of Ohio. It might b ■ noted that Roger Q. does not beloiis to -t lic Mills of the (iods; he belongs to the Mills of Texas- wind milla. Win. L. fcott, Imown as the coal baron, of Penasylvania, dted at Newport, Ii. I., where he bad been taken by lus physieiins in a last hope of saving liis li:e, at midnisht on Saturday. He was born in 1.S28, and was a prominent democratie politician. Russla, havini; found England ready to meet her in the Dardanelles, has backed down from her position, and will not at tempt to run war sliips through the Hellespont. It was a bluff that bluff Johnny Buil mot like a man and made the bluffer take it back. The demócrata of New York will not be able to take their Flower in until af ter the November fro.sts have wrought their destruction. It ivill be a siekly, limp specimen by tliat time. It was never born to bloom in New York's gubernatorial mansion, anyway. The same democratie party in New York that recently passed a resolution asking the colored people to come into their fold were hanging evcry negro they eould get hold of, to to lamp posts in the streets of New York in 1863. Has the leopard changed lts spots ? Has the eolored man forgotten ? An entire theatrical company was arrested and put in jail at Grand Rapids last Sunday for attemptlng to produce a play on that day at Kedmond's theatre. Good for the Grand Rapids authorities. Six days of the week are suffirient for any company to present themselves before the public, to say nothing of breakins the Babbath. At the banquet of the Port Huron tunnel opening Snturday, a large number of demócrata, lncluding Gov. Wlnans, took advantage of the occasion to make strong free trade speeches. At last a republican in the pernon of Gen Hartsuff, of Port Huron, got the Hoor, and he gave the audience a ringing protection and reciprocity speech, whieh was received wlth enthusiasm, elieiting cheer upon cheer. Ex-President Balmaceda, of Chili, killed hlmsell by sending a bollet through liis temples, on Satunlay last. He was in nidias at the Argentine Legntion in Santiago, and was bo elosely pursued by the junta that he gave up all hope of escape. In letters vrrltten and left by him, he regrets nor having taken U. 8. Mialster Efean's ftdvice and comproniised wlth his enemtea b fore it was too late. He claims that had he been successful he would have giren Chili one of the best and freest governments in America. The Courier can not answer the questious regardlng coinagë the Sentinel has asked it. and dare nut publish our. items in full.- Ypsilanti 8enXo. the Sentlnel'a questions are so leep. so shrill, so tragical, so magnifique, so exasperatingly prolound, so f uil of the evidence of the absence of intellect, that no one outside of a lunatic asylum could control sufficient tliought to answer them. Consequently we dare not publish them, of course not. At a meeting in New York recent ly tlie Workingmen's League passed a series of resolutions among which was this: Resolved, That this league eallg upon the worklngmen of the state of New lork to stand by the candidates noimnated at the republlcan state convention, and by thelr own interest s in the present contest, forgetting paal üifferences, to unite as one l)ody in maintalning the principies ol protecUon to the industries of the whole T nion, 111 the coafldence that the wiee and judicious legislation of the friends of home Industries wlll better guard their interests than thoee who hare hitherto sought to reduce it to the standard of forelgn markets. Water pipes are being laiil on E. Catharine street, east from N. Ingalls Btreet, to the new hospitals, passing through the once famous cup-andsaucer hill and hollows. But there ís no more cup-and-saucer. T!ic inFerted cup has been leveled and the nancer filled up, and housea are rapiiü.v covering the ground, and all tracea of its former beauty and pietureaqueneas have gone. The oíd fortune tellers house still stands but its occnpant lias gone and the "romance" ol tiie place fórever departed. Thua time changea all thlnga. The next circuit court ealender blds fair to be a very large one. Probably one hundred cases In all, of whlch some thirty-five will criminal. The people of this county are lookIng to Prof. Harrington, the present head of the weather bureau, för a fine lot of atniospliere next week. He should remember the needs of hls old home and frienda. T. 1'. Sc hui has sold and dellvered over 250 sefrlng machines alnce Pebruary first. This is the largest number ever gold by any firm in the same time. The rij;iit machine at a fair price doea the business. The White Sewing Machine took the ' premium at the fair at-Ypsilantl ast week. it s well A-i'tii the price oí admisbIotj to see the White Sewins Machine lisplay ai the fair next weel;.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier