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Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Timmons, I'ost masirr oí Idaviiic. iiid., wrilés: "Eleotfic Bittere has done me more good tlian all other medicines combiued. t'or that bad feeling arislng trom Kidney and Lívlt trouble." Joan Leslie, farmer and stockman, of saine place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to the bes! Kidne and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. V. (ardner, hardware uierchnnt, saine town, says: Electric Bitters is Jusrt the tbrlhg ïor :i man wlio la all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies: he fcmnd now streiiírrh, gnod npipetite and (elt just like he had a 7iew tease a life. Only 50e, B bottle, at Eberbaeh & Son, and Geo T. Hausslor, of Manchester. DOH'T GlVE UP Tlie use of Ayer's Sarsapariüa. One hottle may aot cure "riglit oflV B ooroplatut of years ; jiersist usitil a cure is c!Vctl. As a general rule, Improvement follows slmrtly afti-r beglñnlñé Hie use (,[ this meilioine. ■Withmany peijpl, the effect is immediately noticeable; but some enusiitutions are less susceptible to medicinal lrifluences tliaa others, and tlie curativo process may, thereíore, lo such cases, be less prompt. Perseveranee in using tliis remedy is sure of its reward at last. Sooner or íuter, the most Btubborn blood diseases yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Tor several years, in flie spring monthü, I nsed ti ! troubled with a drowsy, tlred feeling, and a dull pain in the ..„„, m my back, so bad, at times, as to prevent my being able to wa!k, tJ i Ifast sudden motion causlng me severe uistreás. Freciuently, bolla and rashea wonld break out on various parts of tlie body. l)y the advice of friends and my family physician. I began tbe use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla and continued it Uil the polsoo in my blood was thoroughly eradicated."- h. W. KnglUh, Montgomery City , Mo. "My system was all run down; ïny skin roiigh and of yellowish luie. I tried varioua remedies, and while some of them gave me temporary relief, none of them did any permanent good. At last I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, eontlnulng it exclusively for a considerable time, and am pleased to say tliat it completely Cured Me. I presume my livr-r was vcry much out of orclrr. and the bloed Impuré in eonsequence. I feel that I cannot too highly recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any one afflicted as I ■was."- Mrs. N. A. Smlth, (lever, Vt. "Por years j Buflered frojn scrofula and lilood discases. The doctors' prescrlptlons and several so-called blood-purlflers being ot no avail, 1 was at last advised I y a frlend to try Ayer's Barsaparilla. I dld so, and now feel like a new man, be restoredio licaltJi."- c. N. Flink, Dec irali, lowa. Ayer's Sarsapanila PRBPARBt) BT OR. J. C. AYER & CO., LoweB, Mass. 8old byl)njt-iftd. fl.siïij. Worth 5 a bottle.


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