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The World's Fair And Its Cost

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It is now estimated that nearly $18,000,000 -vill be spent upon the World's Fair by the Kxpoaition f'ompany alone. This aam does not indude whai wili be expended by the United States and othrr aationa, the States of the Union, cities Industries and private enterpvises. The report of Chairman JeHery, of the Grounds and Buildings Committee to the Exposition Directory, vrhloh was submitted to the National Commtsslon for informution at its September meeting, contained among otlier matter the following: ' 'Contrae ts have been let ior the buildings as (oIÏowb: Adininistration, Y450,000; Manufaetures, $1.000,000; ,: rioultiire, .'?."40,000; Machinery ïlall, $1,200,000; Klretrichy. $875,OO0; Minc-s and Mining, 0.000; Transportation, $JGO,üOO; Horticulture, $300,000; Fish and Fisherles, 200,000; Woman'8 Building, $120,O00. "There rrniains to be let for all of these buildings, contracta lor annexes and rooíiiifí, the grand entrances, interior finish and decorations, as wi'll as V.KhtiiiK. plombing, etc. "The Casino anl pier will COSt 'ilSO,00. The Fine Art Palaee will eoai 500.000 and contracta lor these Uave not vet been let. "Your committee herewith RStlmatea ior the eompletion of the neceBsary buüdinga, machinery, decorations. administra tion. and maintenance up to the date tixed for the opening of the Exposition as follows: "Buildings, $7,295,000; gradlng and iilling, $ir.().().K); landscape, $323,490; i.-.ducts and bridges, $125,000; piers, $70,000; waterway improvemente, $225,000; water supply and Bewerage, $600,000; railwaye, lOOOOf steam plant, $S00,000; eleetricity, $1,5,00,000; statuavy on ïraildings, $100,000; vases, lampa and posts, s."0,000: fucl and light during ■construction. $20,000; heatlng, $8i 00: making a total o! $12,066,890. ' There Ikis been appropriated fov the parpose of the Wortd's Congress Auxiliary, $200,000; landscape, gardening, viaducts, fountains, et-., on the Laka-Front, $200,000; general exyense of Construction Department, 8500,000; niaking a grand total of $12,960,890. Tlie cstimates of your Budget comoittce made Eeb. 20 last, whleh were ■carefully considered and revised before preeentatlon to the Board of Directors, put the cost of organization and administration at $3,208,563, ol whleh $1,822,790 was tor the salaries and expenses ol the departments :■ the control of the Director-General, and $1,485,773 for Th" expenses bhe departments and committees ; agents for the Board ol Direcr tors. The same estlmates toï operatïng expenses, pólice, fire department, attendants, watchmen, etc. was ■■' .- 000, making a grand total of . -,::.■


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier