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Geo. Oslufl, of Detroit, iras in tmvn Jlondiiy. Dr. Nancrede has returned home froin Enrope. Dr. Vaughan and wiio are home from their trip to Europe. O. H. Turnbull, Ol the Detroit Tribune stiff. was in the city Monday. W. „ Marquardt went to New York m a busin !SS trip Monday, for a week. E. K. FrueauH, of the Times, was ander the weather last Thursday and Fr ida. v. Mrs. Porter, of E. Ann ut., has been viflltlng her son Frank, at Bay City, daring the weck. Martin Schater is in Ann Arbor for a few weeks, and will help (eorge Wahr for a time. Mrs. A. W. Ames had her hand badly janimed by a window falling apon it, last Saturday mornlng. Will Swectland. Ol Mradvilk-, Pa., spent Snnday wlth hi.s COUslna Drlay and Deloss Davis, of this City. Wm. M. Oeband, of tlie Ypallantlan, was in the city Saturday, and a pleasant caller at the Courier office. Bev. S. ï. Morris, pastor of the Congi'egatlonal church at Dexter, was an Ann Arbor visitor Saturday. Allen i!. Pond, oí Chicago, has spent several days wlth hls párente dariug tlie past week, returnlng home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I'liilii) Quick, of Noble, Branch ('o., have removed to Aun Arbor for a resldence oí four years or more. Miss Josle Rathbone lcft Ann Arbor last Wednesday for Albany, N. Y., where sin1 expects to remaln durlng the coming winter. Miss E. Wiltse, of Naw York, who lias been vialtlng hor sister Mrs. Prol. de Tont, for a couple of weeks, turned lióme last l'riday. Gco. H. Suow, of the Register, lelt Ann Arbor Thursday, for Wlnona, Mimi., to visit liis parents. Tliis is his first visit for two years. Mr. C'hswcII. who had boon visitiiiíí his sister, Mrs. Jas. B. Angelí, for B short time, roturned to Uis home in Washington, D. C. last Frlday. Mrs. Eliza A. Rathbone has rented her handsome residenee on División st. for a year, and in coinpany Tvith her daughter Georgië, wlll niako a stay of several months in Europe. John O. Thompson, local editor of the Mt. Clemens Press, stopped off at Ann Arbor Fiiduy, on his way to Dexter to spend Sunday wlth his best g - ah! picase excuso 08, we canic ncav giving John away, we mean with liis trlends, of conree. Mr. Sedgwlck James 1 ft last Thursday for Indianapolis. Ind., and not Cleveland, as erroneously announced List weck. Mrs. James lias purchased a home in that city and v.ill reside there permanently, where her sister Mrs. Dr. Cary is a resident. J. E. Henriqnes, knOwn in school days as ■■Manie, " lias been in the city during the weck, called here by öie öeath of his sist-r. Mr. Kenïiques ís assistant casüier of the Industrial Bank of Chicago, located at Blue Island ave. and l-'Oth Bt.


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Ann Arbor Courier