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It is education that maltes all the dllference between the men who diir in the ditoh anil the man who bosse the Job. It is the superior qualitles of Ayer'a Sarsaparllla that glve it lts acknowledged pre-einlilence otbp all otlier blöod-purlfiers. Mr. Preece, the head eteetrlciii i ■ the postal telegraph Bystem in l,.-_ laúd, succ-odcd in i stalilisliin:; ciinimunIcatïon across the Solent to tbc Ule of Wijsht, and telegraphed ilso aeróse tho Rivcr Severa without wlres, merely uelng earth platea al a sufflolent distaace apart. It íh nmv iro])osed to makc practical use of thi.s systpm in communicatiní; with llghtships. Don't hiuvk, hawk, blow, spit, and (lLsiiust evcryliody wlth your ofíenslve liicatli, but use Dr. Sage's ('atarrliRemedy and end it. The medical adviser of a friendly society in ISath advertises tliat he wlll undertnke the medical treatment of all and sundvy to the economie rate of two cents weekly lor adulta and half price for children. A gold chain was found in a lump of coal that Mrs. S. W. Culp, of Mor risonville, 111., was about to put on her grate lire. The Chain welghed eight pennywit'siits and was only half embedded in the coal, one end hanglng loose. Harvard University has 305,000 bound volumes In her library; Yale bas 00,000, CorneU ir,0,000," Columbia 90,000, Syracuse 75,000, Dartnouth 08,000, Lehigh 67,000, Bowdoin 84,000, ünlverelty oí Virginia 40,000. By AllOdds Thé most generally useful medicine Is Ayer'a Pilis. As a remedy for the varions diseascs of the stomach, liver, and bowels, these Pfflï Iwive no equal. Thelr sugar-coating causee them not ouly to be easy and pleasant to take, but preserves their medic;iual integrily in all climates and for any reasonablé lejgth of time. The best family niidieine, Ayer's Pilis are, also, unsurpasseil fm th use of travelers, soldiere, sailor campers, and pioneers. In some of Ihe most critical cases, wlien all other. remedies have lailed, Ayer's Pilis prove effective. " In the slimmer of 18M I was sent to the Annapollg hospital, siiffering with ohronlc diarrhea. While there, I became so recluced in strength that I could not speak and was oompelled to wrlte everythlng I wanted to say. I was then having some 25 or 30 stools per day. The doctors onlered a medicine that I was satisfied would be of no benefit to me. I did not take it, but persuaded my mirse to get me some of Dr. Ayer's l'ills. About two o'clock in the afternoon I took six of these puls, and by midolghl began to feel better. In the morning the doctors mie again, and after deeiding that my symptoms were more favorable, gave me a different medicine, walen I did not use, liut took four more of the pills instead. The next day the doctors canie to see me, and thought I was dolng nloely, (and so did 1). I then took one pill a day for a week. At the end of that time, I considerad myself cured and that Ayer's Pilis had saved my life. I was then weak, but had no return of the dlsease, and gained in strength as fast as could be expected.''- F. C. Luce, Late Lieut. 66th Begt. Mass. Vol. Infantry. "Ayer's Pilis are The Best I have ever usert for beadacbes, and they aot like a cliann in relleving any disagreeable sensatlon inthestomach after eatin;." - Mis. M. J. Fergnson, Pullens, ;.. '■ I w:,s a Bufferer for years from dyspepsla and Uver troubles, and found no permanent relief nntil I eommenced taking Avit-.s I'ills. They have effected a complete cure." - George w. Mooiivy, Walla. WaUa, W. T. Ayer's Pilis, PREPARED 11T DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggistt aud Dealers iu Medlolne.


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