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Miss Maby Lincoï, of St. Louis was fatally shot by Frank Riehart, a discarded lover. Tiihkk inasked men held up the elerk and several guests in the Pacific hotel at St. Joseph, Mo., and robbed the safe of gl.OUO and escaped. About twenty Chinamen sneaked ocrosa the river at Detroit from Windsor, Ont. MÍCHABL Karofa shot and killed Kate Rohaly at Cleveland, O., because she refused to marry him and thea took his own life in the same manner. Mus. Dell Rathbun, a wealthy widow of liuiïalo, N. Y., drowned herself at Cedar island, on the Canadian side, near Niágara falls. She was return ing1 f rom a visit to friends in Chicago. Forest fires were doing immense damage in Minnesota, Wisconsin and South Dakota. In the first-named stiit., the village of Finlayson was burned, and in Wisconsin the village of Comstock was nearly wiped out. Richabd Eoerton, one of the oldest citizens of Independence, Ia., wasgiven carbolie acid by mistake by his wife and died in ten minutes. Two CHILDKEN of D. fi. Snow, of Ottawa, 111., died within a few hours of each other of diphtheria. At Abilene, Tex., W. II. Frizzell was sentenced to be hanged November 5 for the murder of his wife last March. The heat in Minnesota has been almost unbearable for seven days, the thermometer ranging from 92 to 108 in the shade. In St. Paul all the public schools were closed until cooler weather. Mrs. Isaac Wimette, of Salisbury, Vt, and her 12-year-old boy were carried into the river by a frightened horse attached to their carriage and drowned. The Sac and Fox and Iowa reservations in üklahoma were thrown open to settlement. There were three homeseekers to every quarter section of land, and two persons were killed in the rush for the lands. Oscar übundmax, of Chicago, shot and killed his wife while she was sitting at the breakfast table and then shot himself through the temple. Domestic trouble was the cause. E. M. Robkhts, a well-known planter, was shot from ambush and killed by unknown parties near Roberts, Ark. VV. H. Davis, who murdered his mother and her alleged paramour, James Arnold, at Pueblo, January 7, was executed in the prison yard at Canon City, Col. GREEN Hay forfeited a game to Marquette. giving the latter club the pennant of the Wisconsin league for 1891. S. V. White & Co., one of the most widely-known of Wall street firms in New York, have failed for S3,000.0t)0. James II. Mead, a well-known banker of Sheboygan, Wis., feil dead from heart disease while walking on Seventh street Severai, persons were killed or hurt in a wreek on the Western & Atlantic railroadat -myrna, Ga. D. Cooi.. a Saunders county (Xeb.) farmer, received at the Omaha post office a letter writtèn by a foriner sweetheart May 8, 1875. The letter was sixteen years, iour months and thirteen days in reaching its destinatioa. James Hat.k.y, the lig-ht-weight pugilist, died at New York irom. blood poisaning. the result of striking a nian's teeth in a flght The entire business portion of Bradley, S. I)., was swept away by fire. A man named William Lewis shot and killed MoÜy Bells and John Moore in Chicago. They wen; all colored. Becausk his wife inslsted on going to a circus "Hoke" Adams, of Elizabeth, Md. , a wealthy farmer, committed suicide by taking poison. TiiKEE boys - Peter Foster, Georg;e Broeken and Ernest Garlo - who were stealing a ride on a freight car loaded with lumber, were crushed to death in Chicago by lumber sliding upon them. Daniel Sn.i.ivAN and his brother and Thomas Johnson perished in the prairie fires at Hincklev, Minn. AliseutI'. Morehouse, agedöSyears, who was governor of Missouri in 1887, committed suicide at his home in Marysville. 111 health was the cause. The wheat erop of North Dakota was estimated at 50,000,000 bushels. The tovvns of Perley and Comstock, in Wisconsin, were destroyed by prairie fires. Thomas R. Chapmax, of Hartford, Conn. , was elected nalional councillor of the United Order of American Mechanics at the national convention at Troy, N. Y. A pf.tition signed by Mrs. Harrison and the wives of all the cabinet ministers for the pardon of Mrs. Maybrick, who is serving a life sentence in England for poisoning her husband, has been forwarded to Minister Lincoln to present to Queen Victoria. Prksihkxt ÖABBISON has issued a full pardon for Robert Sigel, son of Gen. Sig-el, convicted of forgery. A vtKY severe and long-continued shock of earthquake was feit at Haldsburg, Cal. The report of the department of agriculture at Washington on the condition of the corn erop of Wisconsin, lowa and Illinois indicates a very favorable condition. Thk anmial report of Commissioner Raum, of the pension bureau, shows that on June ÜJ. 1891, there were (7t'.100 pensioners npon the rolls, au increase of 138,21(5 over thepreviousyt'ar. The total araount disbursed during the y ear was $118,648,939.71, against $100,493,890.19 the preceding year. During the last year 30,525 pensioners were dropped irom the rolls, 1.3,329 by reaBon of death. There were about 1,207,201! soldiers of the union noiv living1. AT a Degro .liurch ie SI la., a negro named Wilson, beeotning enraged at another negro for paying attention to his wife, shot and killed the man and ent his wife's throat. The National Women's Alliance was organized at Topeka, Kan. The object of the association is to establish a bureau for the better education oï the women in economie, social and politcal qnestions. BY tne bursting oí a bomb at an Italian celebration in Newark, N. J. , four persons were killed and eighteen injured. J. K. Cxtmiíkrland, arrested in St. Joseph, Mo., confessed that he murdered James Robertson and his son Jasper at Harían, la., two years ago. A fkkight train wreek on the I'ittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago road near the Ohio and Penusylvania state line caused a loss to the company of 8100,000. In the newly opened Oklahomalands great sufferiug was reported among the settlers owing to the lack of the necessaries of life. Water was twentyfive cents a glass, bread fifty cents a loaf, lemons twenty-flve cents each, ham and bacon one dollar a pound and other thing-s in proportion. The boiler in a sawmill near Tionesta, I'a., exploded, killing J. El va Berlin, James Conger and Charles B. Crove, all well-known lumbermen. A raí lbo ad elevator and other buildings at Minneapolis were burned, caus ing a loss of $300,000. Nine firemen ■were injured, some probably fatally. Eh.tah Watt shot Miss Kate Halloran at Topeka, Kan., because she refused to marry him and tben killed himself. Nancy Hanks trotted a mile at Cambridge City, Ind., in 2:09 %. Two lots in the town of Chandler, just platted in the land opened in Oklahoma territory, were offered for sale for a ham sandwich, but no buyers were found. Thomas Cark, a farmer living near Quincy, Ky., prompted by jealousy killed his wife and sister-in-law with a corn cutter, fatally wounded his mother-in-law and then took his own life. A freight train ran into a work train at MuKim's siding, Pa., killing Engineer Houghton and eight Italian workmen. The forest and prairie fires in Minnesota, Wiseonsin and the Dakotas were burning more fiercely than ever, and several towns seemed to be doomed to destruction. Loss of life was reported from several places. Many farmers had lost their all. IK the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 25th numbered 210, against 239 the preceding week and 219 for the corresponding week last year. Burglars cleaned out every store and the post office in San Antonio, Mo. Fire destroyed 8. Guckenheimer & Son's wholesale grocery and liquor building at Savannah, Ga., causing a loss of $450,000. S. G. Weisster's warehouse, the largest in Chattanooga, Tenn., was burned, the loss being $200,000. Thirteen houses in Oakcliffe, Tex., a fashionable suburb of Dallas, were burned. The report of Commissioner Carter on the operations of the general land office during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1891, shows that the number of acres of public lands disposed of during the year was 10,325,117. Total cash receipts during the year, $5,429,220. The vacant public lands in the public land states and territories was 579,664,083. Peter Johnson, of Dassel, Minn. , claims to have rediscovered the lost art of tempering eopner. Ixiiications oí zilver in paying quantities have been discovered at Saint Croix Falls, Wis. Eeports frotn the large centers of trade throughout the country show business was constantly on the increase. Fouh men were taken from a resort near English, Ind., and severely whipped. Fked Tvler was killed near Asheville, N. C, in a quarrel with a negro named Rankin. Friends of Tyler soon after hanged the colored manto a tree. JAMES Daüi.ixg and Sandy Ferry were killed near Garfield, Pa., by a premature explosión of dynamite. Ten negroes were sentenced to be hanged at Charleston, S. C, October 33, for tlie murder of another negro. On the farm of Thomas Heaver, Jr., in Silver Lake township, Susquehanna county, Pa., a paying vein of gold was discovered. The first snow of the season feil at Leadville, Col.,but it melted rapidly. Rile y Smakt, of Madison. Ind., died from the stings of a svvarm of yellow jackets. Jacob Brown, of Minneapolis, has confessed to committing a murder in Centralia, 111., eight years ago, for which Thomas Gray is serving a life sentence in the Chester penitentiary. At Independence, Ia., Allerton Btarted to beat the staliion record to wagon of 3:20, and beat all records by going without a skip in 2:15. It was the first time the king of stallions was ever hitched to a wagoD and the performance was almost phenomenal. Secketahy Rusk. who is establishing meat inspection stations at South Omaha, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Boston, Chicago and other cities, says that it has been found by experts that womn are better inspectors than men. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Eev. Joseph Tahkixgtox uied at Greensburg, Ind., aged 91 years. He was the oldest Methodist preacher in Indiana. Joseph Tucker Crowell died at his residence in Rahway X. ,1., aged 74 years. He published the first pictorial paper in the United States, Crowell's Pictorial. Dn. B. G. Bruce, editor of the Live Stock Record and an eminent authority on live stock, died of apoplexy at Lexington, Ky., aged iu years. Mabtin I1i..miu:jia5, of Kaolin, I1L, and his twin brother Samuel, of Crowley's Ridge, Ark., botü diec, at the same hour of paralysis. They were 67 years of age. Daniel A., William A. and Matthew A. Grant, triplets, colebrated their TOth birthday at Torrington, Conn. It was said to be the only case on record of triplets living to such an advanced age. In state eonvention at Lincoln tho Nebraska republicaris ngminated A. M. Post for associate justice of the supreme court and Charles Marple and H. P. Shumway forregents of the state university. The platform appixjves of President Flarrison's administration, indorses reciprocity, demands protection of American ind ustry, denounci-s rusts ana the tree coinage oí silvcr and arraigns the democratie party as the enemy of labor. Rev. Dr. tí. D. Bubchard, of New York, vvho figured conspicuously in the presidential campaign of 1884, died at Saratoga after a short illness, aged T9 years. FOREIGN. The reports of the assassination of Louis Borran, resident of Honduras, were íalsc. A HUBBICANK demolished many houses in the city of Cansuegra, Spain, recently devasted by a üood. The London and Westminster bank in London was robbed of over 8750,000 by expert thieves who made their escape. The pope has sent a letter to the Germán and Austrian clergy urging them to endeavor to eradicate the custom of dueling. The valley of the Dee in England was inundated so that only the hedge tops were visible. The natives attacked a French mission station in Portuguese Guinea and killed ten Portuguese. Passenger trains collided between Golacsoury and Wolbrom, on the Russian frontier, and the cars were shattered to splinters and ten persons were killed and many in j red. FOUB rich mica mines were found in the townshipa of Tadousac, üergeronnes and Escouinins, in Canada. Asia tic cholera was spreadin# througliout Turki' and hundreda were dyiny dairy. EngLISB warships in American waters have been ordered home. the jjovernmént thinking thero is more use íor the in in Europe just nuiv than in the west. An express train in Spain running betweon Burgos and San Sa bastían collided with a mixed passengeer train and twenty-fonr persons were killed and many otliers were injured. Several entire families perished, inclnding the judge of Victoria with his wife and daughter. Auha.g;:mets have been made at Dublin to publish a paper in l'arnell's interest. The ship Camelia was lost on the coast of Cape Breton and Capt. Harvey, his wife and child and nine sailors were lost In the government of Astrakahn, Russia. the whole population of villagea was dying of want, and the parents were said to be eating their dead children. The Australian Mercantile Loan Company at Melbourne is insolvent. The assets were $200,000 and the liabilities SG90,000. TwEHTT-EiagT ianns with all the cattle and stores have been destroyed by an incendiary lire at Kozieglow, in Russian Poland. Advicks from Peru report the murder of four American explorers on the river Marahon. They were Californians prospecting for gold China was said to be preparing for the war with European powers wiiich it expected to grow out of the late outrages to foreign residents in that country. LATER NEWS. Fibk destroyed the warehouse and mili of the Plant Milling Company in Kt. Louis, the loss being L250,000. In a Ireight train wreek near Bufïalo, N. I).. Engineer Curtis, Fireman Dodge and sixteen ears loaded with cattle were burned to death. A sfOB of white caps took a defenseless woman from her home at Bird's Eye, Iinl.. and nearly fiayed her alive. Tuk I'erm.sylvania senate will meet in special session Oetober 13 to investigate charges against the auditor general and state treasurer. A cyci.oxk in the couuties of Beltrami and Itasca, in Minnesota, destroyed 200,000,000 f eet of pine timber. It was officially stated that 600 buildings remained standing at Consuegra, Spain. There were 2, 100 before the floods. Jacoh Bbown, who confessed at Minneapolis that he had murdered a tramp in Centralia, 111., for which crime another man is serving a life sentence, now di-nies his story. The (ireenville, 111., export milis were burnod. the loss beiug $120,000; insurance, $70.000. Josbpb Black, his wife and three daugliters were killed by the cara at a Crossing near Centreville, Ind. In the National league the percentages of the baseball cluh for the week ended on the 26th were: Chicago, ,6Ü8; Boston, .015; New York, .567; Philadelphia, .517; Cleveland, .450; Pittsburgh, .42ö; Brooklyn, .420; Cincinnati, .079. The percentages in clubs of the American association were: Boston, .51)7; St Louis, .630; Baltimore, .531; Athletic, .520; Columbus, .455; Milwaukee, .454; Louisville. 384 Washington, .318.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier