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The l'lymouth fair was a greal BQCOeSB. Therr are l'oT pupila enrolled in tho Milan schools. A ivan house wtll be opened in Cheleea by J. P. Wood & Co. The Chelsea Standard lias beei putting in a steam engine i accommodate its lncreasing business. Tho M. E. church of How-ell bas added 151 to its momborship duriag the las! tour years, and quadrupled "tinvnluc ui Ita church property. The Webster Farraer's Club wlll meet at th resldence of ('yrus M. Starks, on Saturday, Oet. lOth. A program wlll Ik1 observed that wiB bc entertainlng. Miss Eva I.. Pavis. who Kraduated from the Normal last June ín the music course, teaches music in the St. ('lair schools to tlie "time" of $600 per ye:u- Ypsi Commercial. I). I!. Seetey, of Mllan, who escaped Office Peterson some time stnce and went to Canada but was brought back ágata, has settled up with the Allmfiuliiigir Piano it Organ Co., and is a free man agaln. Back to Michigan, is the song we often hear from many of our citizens who make westayard jumps. A. G. Hamlin, who went to Washington somethins; over a year ago, returned last week.- Saline Observer. The Globe School Funiiture Co., at Xorthville, aro so crowded with work that their employees have to work nights to fill their orders. Their weekly pay roll amounts to about $2,000. Good American dollars too, that are worth 100 cents on a dollar.- Plymouth Mail. There will be a multitude of fairs about here the coming week, but the one whlch all Ypsilantians will be most anxious to attend in tlie county fair at Ann Arbor. A liberal mimber of residents of our twin city attended our lair, and surely we will return the complnint.- Ypsi. Commercial. Again are we reminded of the suecese and prospcrity of another one of our stock breeders, Tobías Sutherland, who last week made a sale of four Shropshire spring lambs, weighing an average weight of 119 pounds each. This is but a portion of the floek. Mr. Sutherland is not only a breeder of graded sheep but you will always find a fine lot of swine and good eattle around his farm.- Saline Observer. Chas. McCorkle, formerly of Ypsilanti, was probably fatally injured at Detroit last Friday, by the bursting of several tanks of carbonic acid, on one of the docks. Our village president is exerclslng himself on a noiv bicyele. That is to sny the 'cycle in not exactly new but is soniewliat new to the owner although he is now getting the masterphip of the machine.- Northvllte Record. Last Sunday Rev. J. W. McGregor preached liis closing sermón as pastor of the Presbyterian church at Milán. The Leader says of him: "His work here during the past four ycars luis been attended witli success; the membership has been very materially lncreased, and many improvcmonts havo been made inside and outside the Church. Mr. McGregor leavos tliis charge with the kindest feelings of the comnmnity. He will move at once to Ann Arhor, where his danghtera may liavc The lw-st of educational advaatages." "The Monroe city council has failed to order the ralaing of city taxes for the coming year as requlred by the ordinanco, and it is clatmed that the .city vrill have to go without funda for tliat time. WYii. they can collect ome of those $200 whtch saloon keepers owe for last year also for the present year, selling whlskey on payment of $300 Hcenso each year. Or the council m.iy raise funda by collectinK a tax from owners of cowa which are regularly pastured upon the streets. A smal! sum (rom each would yicld a large fond. - Dundee Keporter. Some miserable sneak thiet stole Fred Georgo's new Warwick bicycle from the rear of Comstock's store last Friday afternoon, and no Trace -of it, nor clue to the thief's identity. can be found. The thief who wlD eteal a bicycle is as bad as one who will etea] a norse, and we hope Mr. George may l)e successful in recovering his wheel and pnnishing the man who stole tt. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Young man iicn you Jeer at a lady passing alón;; öe Street, or hannt and etartle hor wïth your irlances, does it ever oecur to you that some other BCOUndrel might insult your Bister, your wlfe, or in coming years, your daughter, in the game infamous marnier ? How would you like that? Would you think it smart ? Would you regard it manly or an evidence of blood ? If so you ought to ! klcked to one end of the earth and liorse whipped back again.- Stockbridg Tidintis. A very peculiar death occurred at Ypsilanti, last Thurwday. Enrola Warner, an unmarried woman aged 28 years, went to the Occidental Rath House .nul told Dr. Elliott, the superintendent, that slie want ed a mineral bath. As !]■ had prevloualy worked in the house he told her to go in and take a bath. Soon afterward Mollie Bnyder, empolyed in giving baths, noticed water coming out lnto the hall trom onder the door. Sne opened tlie door and found Miss Warner lylng uiulresscd on the floor. Then slie simt the door and fainted. Dr. Elliott heard her tal! and carne to her aaslstance. Afler brlnging Miss Bnyder to herseli he went lnto the bathroom, and at the slghi ol the body he also fainted. Other help arrived and medical aid was summoned. Therc are several theorios current as to the cause of death. Som;' say heart disease, othere sutfocation, while some think that the woman committed suiclde by taking polaon, ■ A movement is on [ooi in Chelsea to close the stores al 7.30 ]. ni. There are l'l'2 chlldren Ín Boutu Lyon of school age. three more llian last year. AVm. Bacon shlpped a car load of poultry írom both Chelaea and Btockbrldge last weck. A bean store is wanted at Dexter; wlio is there In t'ais aection that has money lo ímy up the bean erop ? The Chelees Herald snys: "NelBon Dancer raised nine aérea oí oata this year whlch ylelded l imshois per acre." The Ix-ader ohjects to the young ladies of that city having a rollickLng time on the stroots, tho same as the boys do. Mrs. A. M. Chamberlaln lias corapieted a fine new resldence abotrt one mile east of Hudson anfl north of Dexter vlllage, which wDl be oecupled by hereeli and famlly. Tlic Leader gtatea fchat the corn crop in and abont Dexter is more uneven than evor before. Sottte piecee have been cut and have rjpened nlcely, whlle others are yet in tho milk. Work on the Conurrcualional parsonaRO at Dexter is belng poshed lorward rapidly. It is expected that it will be ready for oceupanoy abont Dec. lst, and will cost $2,000 when completed. The Methodist people of Ypsilanti ezpect to havo a fine time to-day layinjï the corner-stone of their now church. Rev. Dr. L. R. Fisk, of Albion college is expected to deliver the niain address. chelsea's fair. Wednesday evening n meeting of the Cholsea Union Agricultnral Society was held aml the following officers were elected: Pres.- Wm. E. Stocking. Vice-Pres. - F. H. Sweetland. Sec- Fred Wedmeyer. Treas.- W. P. Schenk. Board of Managers- Wm. Stoeking. Fred Wedemeyer, W. P. Schenk, llugh Sherry, (eo. Boynton, Ed. Daniels, I. M. Whitaker, F. H. Sweetlan.i. Walter Dancer. Managers of Speed- A. Dancer, of Dexter, and Hugh Sherry, Chelsea. Manager of Booths- O. C. Burkhart. It was decided to hold a fair at Recreation Park, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, October 13th, 14th and 15 th. The officers are all working Hard and making a great effort to inake the fair a suecess, and ask the fitizens to co-operate with them In their efforts. Premiums will be paid this year the same as last.- Chelsea Standard. George Keubier is very Kiek at his home on E. Huron st. The regular quarterly inspection of the ail was made yesterday, and it was ound in good condition. John Hoffstetter, for eleven years with the M. C. R. R. in Kalamazoo, has taken a position at Erie, Pa. Proceedings against Win. M. Beggs, n California, have been dismissed. This is the person for whom Gov. AVinans refused to issue a requisition. Social and Sewing Circle at the Congregational church on Tliursday, Oct. ith, at 3 p. in. with Slipper at 6:30. This will be the first social of the season and a large attendance is anticipated. Melville Stratton, a brakeman on the M. C. R. R., had his left arm badly crushed while coupling cars in the yards n the city yesterday. He is a resident of Dearborn. The clinics in the medical department of the University will commence Monluv next. It appears that false statements have been made to keep the senior medical class from returuing this ■ear. The Daily Times suggests tliat by eleating the electric lampa to a lieight of 60 feet many of the lights could be dis)ensed with. Will the Times please tate just wbat lights could be dispensed vith? It would be a bit of information hat many would be curious to find out. The Ann Arbor Art Club will liold a )usiuess meeting in the Tappan School building next Saturday, Oct. 3rd, at 3 . m., for re-organization and the elec" ion of officers. üld members who deire to continue their connection with he Club must report at that time or expeut to find their places filled by new ipplicants. A serious and it is thought fatal actilent happened to Prof. Adam K. Spence, lean of the faculty of Fisk University, it Naehville, Tenn., Saturday last. The lorse he was driving was stung by a bee, ran away and threw Mr. and Mrs. Spence ont of the carriage. The professor was fearfully disflgured and Mrs. Spence badly but not fatally injured. ir. Spence was a brother of É. A. Spence of this city, and was formerly a resident of this city and connected with he University. Last excursión or the season. The Michigan Central will run a special train to Detroit, Monday, Oct. 5, '91, )u aecount of (ierman Day celebraron, and give tlio followfng round trip ra tes: -kayiní; time eatb licUeii 7:40a. m. fl 26 uxter_ 7:50a. m. 1 00 Scio 7:S5a. m. 1 00 lelilí 8:00 a. m. 1 00 Aim Arfoor - K:lUa. in. 90 YpellantJ s:2óa. m. 73 Arrive at Detroit, 9.25 a. in., reairnlng leave Detroit 7.00 p. m. Thta wlll bc the last excursión of the season. Agent.


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