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MASONIC DIRECTORY. Ann Arbor Commanikky, ïs'o. 13, niette first Tiiesday of each month, B. F. Watts,E. C; John R. Miner, Recorder. Washtenaw Chapter, No. C, R. A. M.- Meets flrst Monda; each month. L. (J. Goodrich, H. y. ; X. D. Gates, Secretaiy. BUSINESS CAROS. MISS H. E. BUELIv, MODISTE, Makes fine Costumes, Tailor Snit?, also M teses' and Cuildren's' Suits. Ladies' Wraps a Specialty. 11J NORTH FIFTH STREET, ANN ARBOR. 82_ Chas. "W. "Vogel, IValer In all kinds of Fresh. and Salt Meats. Pottltrjr, Lord, etc. EVERYTHING NEATand CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St., Ann Arp.or. W. W. NICHO LS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Bavlngs BanJts, Opp C'ourt House Squtire. VITAL1ZED AIR. Acbnlnistered. It is agreeable and eaay to take, and no prostratlng eflects follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. WII#LI'A.M HEHZV House, Bigiij Ornamenta] and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperinjr, Glazlng, Gilding, and Calehniniug, and work oí evi'iy deBcription done in the best style.and warranted to glve Batlaiaatloo. Shop, No. 4 W, Washington St., Ann Arbor. Jerome Preeman ! POSTOFFICE Barber Shop and Bath ROOMS. Ei ' ú UT SATES ! The immense rush we had fair weck andwhicfa show no falling off sinoe, is a very satisfactory and gratifying evidence that our effort to make "THE STORE " THE GREATEST, THE SAFEST, AND MOST POPULAR Trading Place in Washtenaw County is fully appreciated by our cnstomers near and far. Now is the time to buy. New York goods coming in by every train. Everything obtainable in tlie latest importations of BRESS BQÖD NQVELTIES daily received. Already have the ladies of Washtenaw and adjoining counties recognized the efforts we have been making this fall and as a result our three floors have been literal ly packed with customers all delighted with the splendid bargains we are showing QUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT We say without fear of contradiction, that no other concern in the State, not excepting Detroit, can show a larger or better selected stock tlian we now display. Nothing lias been omitted that money and the most careful buying could furnish. We are showing garments ranging all the way from $2.70 to $8.50 Everyone says we have twiee too many, so mncli the better. That means low prices to our tradeforthey all must move. We are certainly adding to our forcé oí' help and can give the best attention to every customer w ho calis. : I ÍÍOTICE TO ÜBEDITORS. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteaaw,88. Notlce is hereby glven, that by an order of the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-ninth day of September A. D. L891, six months f rom tliat date wriT allowed for creditors to present their claims agalnst the estáte of Emanuel (í. Wildt, Late of Baid county, deeëased, and that all credltors cf .-iii.i deceased are requlred to present thelr olalms to sald Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the rit y of A nu Arbor, for t'xiunination and nllou uilh1, on or before the twen ty-nln th day of March next, and that snch cliiiin wül heard betore suul rourt. on iv the twenty-ninth lay of December and on Tueiday the twenty-ninth day oí Marcli next, at ten o 'cloek in the forenoou of each of aid (ias. Dated, Ann Arbor, Sept. 29th. A. 1). 1891. .1. V1LLARD"BA.BB1TT, Jtutge of Probate OOMMISSIONBES NOTICB. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteaaw. nndersigned havina Uvn appointed by the Probate Court tor said County, Commissioners to reeeive, examine aud adjust all claims and demanda of all persona against tbc estáte of Andrew .1. Sutherland. late of said county deceased, oereby give notice that -i montlisiïuiii date ure allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present tbeir claims against the estáte oí said deceased, and thut they wili meet at the office of ffm.W, Whedon, in the city of Ann Arbor. in sai(l county, on Monday. the Beventh day of Deceinber, and on Moiniay. the seveñth day of March iirxt. at ten o'cfock a. m. of eaoh of said days to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, September 7th, 1891. VVILUAM W. WHEDON, CHAS. IL WORDKN, t (inunis.sioners. AKlN Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar ljnkiiiL powdr, Hiliest of all In leaving strength.- Latesl 0. S. Gorerni i a t Food Report. TO KEEP THINGS MOVING MARKED DOWN TO M Botloi Prices ! j. j, ciiiws PEE DBffiS AND HHHdHES. Prescriptions a Specialty ! We desire yotir patrooage and will give you satisfaction. SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE InrtantlT relieves the most violent attncV ftni insurts raifortable sleep. No WAITINÜ for REnüLTS. Bein? used bj intialatioD, iuactiou ia tm mediale, direct and CKRTA1N, aDd a cure Li the resaltiu all curable casci. AEinele trial convinoea the most ikeptlcal PriceftOc andêl, of Draftelsts or bv mail. garajles PREE for stamp. ÍB. R. SCHIFFMANN, St.Paul.Minn,


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