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Washtenaw County Directory For 1892

Washtenaw County Directory For 1892 image
Parent Issue
Public Domain
OCR Text

The canvass for the directory of Ann Arbor, Ypailanti and Washteaaw county conducted by the pnblUhr, Gten V. Mill-i, is well under way. The bonk will be Issued from one of Ann Arbor'H job offices about December 15th, 1891, thereby glvlng the patioiiH the nso of the work before tlip holid.-iys. I'.isidcs havlng a general list of na mee ith oocupation, Btreet and nnmiiiT of eacb person over Tl years ni age, a miscellaneous and claasifled directory of the cltles and ;i list of tax p.iyors of the county; other advnntüg 's wi 1 be Inserte 1 whlch canaoi help lint meet with the approval of biiKincss and professional men who patronizc a work of this kind. Tbe followlnj? are gome of the leadtng features wUicli have not appeared in any Waehtenaw county directory heretofore publlshed. lst. A complete map of Ann Arbor and Ypsllantl, each itxlL' inclies, privinfí ñames of all recorded streets and railways, ward and city boundarU'S. 2nd. A township m;ip of Washtenaw founty plving sectlon Unes and nll recorded bighways. None of these mapa have Ix'on publifihed ior l." dr 20 years so as to be ciireulnted among the business men. ird. Tlie minios of all working and retired membera of each family In the rttlagee and the atreet apon whlch the; live will be given, also :i classlIted directory of the business places of the county. ' ■4-th. A street gnide of each city, giving name and location of eaca Ktrcet and number of that street a i interspctions of all cross streel s ('onuress- rtins west from Huron tu i-ity limit-. 1, Huron Uiver. 100, Huron. 200, Waehtngton. 800, Adama. 400, Hamilton. 500, Ballard and Chicago ave. And sn on to city limite. This puide with the map as ;i supplement wlll direct a person to what corner or hetween what corners they sliould go to veacli a certa iu number, befoiv start iua'. 5th. The names ol tenants on imnresident farms wlll le inserted in conneetion witli the sa uu-, tliereby makinu,- it a directory of resldents ratiieithan a list of foreign tex-payers. 'l'iie-e additiona are as expénslve to the puolisher as they are advanous to the patrons, and to repaj him for givlng as a complete directory :'!■ rpríae must be given the universal support of the business men of tlio city and county, whtCO doubt nol tha1 it will. The work from beginninj? to end will 1m done ín oui city. maklnR a new business ente.rprise started in Ann Ar1:):'.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier