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Good Words From Gov. Winans

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Gov. Winans spoke to the poople at the coimty fair. and gave tlirin some very ood advico, whieh mlght Im' wel] to remember. Prom a report of his speech we gïve the followins extracts. The one in regard to l)ftt'r roads we eepecially commend to the people who are responsible for their condition: "lint I would uot have our farmers reet contented as they are. There i always room for iniprovemont in the mamier of living and home surroundlnge. Supply your homes wlth books, cnrrent literature, 'dally and weekly papers. Our children will become lnformed as to all matters of general interest, and then it adds to ourself satisfactlon that w oursevles ;ire posted. With the present mail facillties which bring to the farmers' door current literatura of the day, the farmers have the advantage of becoming as well posted as the tradesmen or commercial men. AVith our present improvod maehinory we now accompllsh our work in less hours and eonsequently have more time for reading. But the farmers as a class are yet bett-er poeted than business men. Our reading wlll save us from any Impoaitlon by people living on their wits alone. "I always ïiotice that the farmers Tho are taken in by Bharpers are those not vell read. I hope that this educational matter wlll go ahead and our future welfare depends upon tliis as iniicli ,-is ir doos upon our work on the farm. Now, lormerly our public expendltures Were light and we went a bout our business roting for 1liis or that party, without living mucta thoiight to the matter. But now the farmers are beginning to understand where thelr Interests lie and it is our dut y to ])ost ourselvcs and wateh what is dóne with our monëy. Michigan is dotted all ovei with eharitable and ntlu-r institutions and you pay for it all. The tases claim a considerable portion of our incomos and yon should know whether it is properly expended. Wateh the public servante and see that they use the funds economically. But you cannot do tliis uniese yon read. Then there are certain civil duties you must not shirk. Go to the polls and aee t!i it you hili) select a man who will iarry out your principies. As citiaens and as farmers. I again gay, Mist yourselves, and 1 am glad to see :üut the tendency of the times is in :lmt direction. I hope that the time wiU s'ion come wlien the farmers will o longer carry stigma of ignorincé.' "One queetion I want to cali your attention to and that is the condition of our country roade. Kothing toueh's iis su near as that. They belong to is. We must have sin i ■■ s si .1 by which we eau have good wagon roads. I have worked oo roade in Livingston county ever slnce boyhood and they are no.better than formerly. They :r ■ aoraetlmes impassable and it Is mpoeeible bo liaul a íialí ton over thera. That is a shame, and 1 suggeai that you instruci yor repreeentitlve in the legislatura to Introduce somc plan by whleh we can have good roads tfte ycar around. In Germany one horse can draw three tone during the twelve mootha. What a difference! Iï it were so here it would add moro valué to your farms, more comfort and convenüence to ourselvi - than any other manner oï spendlng public money. Y.m pay $8,000,000 evi'i-y ycar for the support ol depenlent and other classes. It is time somethtng Bhould be done for the peo)Ic who pay th' taxes," The calendar issned by the Presbycriiin society, commencinir wlth nexi tanday Oct. llth. shows tor the sunï.iy school nul BIble clasa, a eourse n "ReiigiouK Teachings oí Chemical gclence," by Dr. Preecott; "The 'Iiristian ChuTCh and the Román Eindre," by Prof. Ketoey; "IMe ol 'hrist." tor young men, led by B. T. iistin: Paullne Eplfltlee," tor young indios, led by Mre. s. M. Browne; a ttble i-l.-iss lor cldrrly people in the nidLeiv.'e room oí the Church, led by :-v. W. W. Wetmore; and a ïbung 'eople's meeting hrld at 6.80, p. m. "lic "HelperB Band" meeta on the Lrst Sunday of eaeh momh al 4 p. ui. Williiiir Hearta" on the last Sunday if each ïiionth at 4 p. ni. The Ladle'a oreign MleSionary Society meets on he L'd Friday of each month, and the lome Mlssionary Society on the 4tli 'riday of eaoh month. Communiou oecurs on the lst Sábbath in January. larch. May, July. September and No-erabcr, nnd a preparatory lecturo ach Wednesday evening before communion. ____ The X. Y. Z. Club'e dance at the imk last Friday nlght was a great uccess. Queen Victoria has a remaikably ine head of hair, for a lady of ner age; but her son. the Prince of Wales, h quit bald. Had he used Ayer'8 Ia ir Vigor earlier in Ufe, hls head ilght, to-day, have been as -vell comt ed as that of his royal mother. lts ot too late yet.


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