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Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes- 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. k No other baking powder does such work. ICARTERSI CURE Bick Headache and relieve all the troubles incident to a bilioua etate of the systera, sucb. a8 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distrcas after eating.Pamiu tUo Sido, &c. Whilo theirmosfc reinarkablo succ&ss haa becn shown iu curing SICK Headache, ypt Carter's Little Liver Pilla aro cqually valuable in Coiistipaí ion, curing and preTenting thisannoyingcoiaplaint.whilo they alao correct all disorders ofthostomaoh.Btimnlatetha liver and regúlalo tliö bowels. Even ít they only HEAD Ache thoy wonld be almos tpricoleee to thoee who Buffer f rom thisdistrsesingcomplaint; blfortuUately tbeirgoodnesBdoea notend boro, and thoso wliooncetry tliem will ñnd theBe líttlo pilla valuAbleinsomany waysthatthey will not bo willing to do without thcm. But after alleick head ACHE Ís tlie bañe of so many livea that hore Ís where ve make our great boast. Our pilla cure lt while ethers do not. Carter's Líttle Liver Pilis are very small and ■very easy to take. Ono or two pille malse a dose. They are strictly vesotable and do not gripe or purge but Ly tiieir gentío action piense all who ceetLoiü. Iaviilsat25centn; flvofor$l. Sold by draggists everywhere, er sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PiLL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE A NATURAL KEMEBY FOR Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hysterics, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness, Hypocliondria, Melancholia, Inebrity, Sleeplessuess, Dizziness, Brain and Spinal Weakness. This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers, allaying all irritabilitios, and increasing the flow and power of nerve Huid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no unpleasant eflects. Ï"!!?"- A Valuable Rook en Nervous L IJL L Diáeaaea san l'ree to ;mv address. I K W f aurt poor uatients can also obtain CllHiki tïiis medicine f ree ot' charle. Thia reraedy has l)eea prepaved by the Reverend Pastor KneniB, oí Fort Wavue, Ind., Bince 1SÏ6, and Isnowprepíirud ander ble direction by the KOEHIG MED.CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by nr.iKKisIs at 1 per Bottle. 6 for 85. tarse Size, 81.75. 6 Bottles for 9. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Peai'saiiilfepaSpwtltf All kinds of Fruit. Ornamental Trees and Flowers, trom Blhvangar and Barry. Order earlj by mal). Syrups, Medicinal Wlnes.Raspberry Syrup, Boneset, Dandelion and crther Donici-uii' Grape Wines, prepared especially for invalids. Pure Plymouth RockEggs. EMIL BAUE,, West HAron St., Arm Arbor. FOR MEN ONLY! lJB-J,,MWWFor LOST or FAILING MANHOOD, iTllflülffiGeDeral and NERVOTJS DEBILITY, Rjj" ï jjMkl I J iWeaknesR of Body and Mind, Effccts NptHH 'IBIjf TffrtT-qnTpTiggAc ín Oidor Youngt Kobust-, .Noble n t MUM: fulli Kt'Nlored. Huw to nn(i StnnsthenVEAK,lNKVKLÍ'KlHUt{.lNS&l'AlíTHuriiliY AbM.lulply unfallinfr IIOAK TKKA1 MKNT- HneflU In ü .iaj, Beiifc-Btify f mm ÓO SI nies mcl J't.n-in l iiLiit! it s. Wrlietlit-m. lic-f iliiii'f Itfiok, exilitna(Ioii and [irooTs malled (Kralftljfree. Addrca ERIE MEDICAL CO-, BUFFALO.N, Y. Witli groans and sighs, and dizzled He seeka the 6ouch and down he li.'s; Nausea and (alntnessa iu him vise, Brow-rackiug p;i ins assall lilm. Sick beadachel But ere long comes casi', His stoinai'li sottlt's lnto peace, Within hle head the Chrobbings cease - Pierca's Pellets never (all Wml Nor will they fail anyone In such a dirc prcdicninont. To the dyspeptlc, the billious, and the constlpated, they are aJike "a triend in need a triend indeed." -r7 - - We sond the marvelous Frcnrli '' - Y$ Eemedy CALTHOS free, unl M E NA loBülguaranteothatCALTUOswill %,. r STOP lHiwhanft'S A EmUt!onih yifS'BE"í T CUTRE pirmnlorrhuii, Vurkocelt MÏlE aaá KESTOIUi Lont Visor. v'W , fcP Useiiandfiay if satisfied. Y "llrr AdJress. VOfl MOHL CO.. p ) Sole American AgonU, tiuciunttl, Ohio. öE2Ei DIEFFENBACH'S lf3SBs PROTAGON CAPSULES, &ÜV""V'2 S;lre Cure or Weat Men, as JfCiB V(ft proved by report of luadintiphy &C71 %sicians. State age in ordering. fiSRMEk A %lPrice. SI. CatnloEue Free. ftlT IS SIM O A A suïe und speedy I #LjMÍ lL #& I'S cure for eieet, l i?-W'i5 L " " Srlet"-e nn1 a11 Seí5r rREEK SPECiFICViT'J nlom Sores andSyphllltlc Aflectlons, witliout mercury. Prlce, . Order f rom THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. JS5. 189 Wisoonsin Street, MILWAÜKEE, WIS.


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