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Paul Mosaman is bravelling In Euope. The new dental college has flfty :nï chairo. The [nlander expects to make lts ippearance agatai tiiis weck. "Ted" Smitli, oí Detroit, lit. 'Üi . is ■isitini: in The city for a few days. The Delta Til u Delta's are 'ïou' "at lome" in the Winchell homestead. Inquines are belng made for öie vrhereabouta of the dramatic club. Ben. Page, lit '91, is professor of ratin at Lake vi' College, Chicago. Misa Beach, lit. '92, is teaching in the schools of 8al1 Lake rity, Dtáh. I. . Sniith. lit. '91, is iiinv president of Wasatch Acadeony, Mt. Pleasmt. Dtah. Th'. ■ Glee and Banjo ('lul)s are ruU-a voriaü' to fill up the gapa left by asi v:-irs gradúate, The firsi social of the Btudent's Christlan Assoclatiou avíU be held nexi Friilay evening, in Xi'wberry Hall. The Chronicte-Argonaut its appearance last Baturday tor the year, lookinu' as pleasani and familiar as of old. Severa! fatalltlee are reported from sane rushes lo the semi-barbaroua colleges, where Buch tliiii.Lis are deeraed sport." On Saturday the Athfetlc AsBOCiation will hold its electlon. Membersliip tickets, admitting to all games, cm 98. Ihe A i helt i ■ Asso iation stands with open doors lu'í'iting you to come. Now is a nood linu' to perform that commendable deed. stnd.'iits whii have good volees shonld join the Choral Dnion. It will be a benefit to themselvea and ilso help the Dnioo. l'i o:'. McPherson, who was Instructor in History last year, has gone to the Universlty oí Georgia to hoid the proiessoi-sl.ip of History. President H. G. Field, oí the Athletic Asu i itum, wlll nol return to collega He is worklng for the Wóirld'a l'air Atseociation in Chicago. it takes twii pages and ene-hall ol a ga te type, two coluniiis to the page, in the last Chronlcle-Argonaut to give a list oï the Freshnu-n Hts. The Athletic Assoeiation lias been badly crippled by the fallare of its president, vire president and nine directors, to return this year. Foot ball practice on the campus after 4.30 p. m. Probably thta is the only palee about tlie campus where kickers are appreciated. The Student's Lecture course for this winter, a complete deseription of WAlCh is given in a nother column, is one of the best offered ior years. The Palladium wlll give the followinn prizes this year: For the best iull page illustration $15, secoud In-st $10; lM'st song $10; best poem $10. Prof. Stanley is in the magie room. in the rear of the main hall, trom 'J to 12 e., m., and I'rom l' to 4 p. Dieet those who desire to unite with the Choral Union. C. B. Warren, lit. '91, will gtudy for a master's degree in absentia. He has bees assinting the Delta Tan boys in gettlng comfortably settled in their new quarters. A bi-other ol C. 1). A. Wi-ight, the great sprinter and hurdler, has entered the medical department, and blds fair to make for himself a record in the Same line of athletics. Announcement is made of the engagement of Dr. Frank Angelí, nephew of President Angelí, and Miss louise liayard, daughter of the fainous ExSecreta ry and Ex-Senator Thog. F. Bayard, of Delaware. Tlie Castalian will endeavor to Becure the best genius of the students witlih the following list of-prizes: For the best song $20; poem $15; best illustration $10: and for the best grind or impersonatiou $5. If the students listen to the wise words oí President Angelí, and act thereon, they will be better, wiser, aiid stand way at the head in the estimation of the people. Hi advlce is always good advice to folio v. Prof. A. A. Stanley has been made yice president for the state of Michigan, of the American Society for the Promotion of Musical Art. Prof. Pease, oí Ypsilanti, is made a membei of the cornmittee on terminology. The mcmbers of the senior law elass, without exception, have signed a petition to the law faculty to re-appoint E. ï Jonnson, as assistant instructor, for text-book work. This iis a rare compliment to Mr. Johnson. The household goods of Mis. Winchell, together with the fino library that Dr. Winchell had gathered in liis lifc-time, came near belng burned iai the recent fire in Mineapolls Tliev were in the car, unloaded and so sa ved. The rLchest college in the United States is the Leiand Stanford, Jr. T'niversity, founded by Senator Stanford, of Cal., and named in memory of hls son. It opened Oct. lst, with with about oOÜ students m attendance. Wm. F. Calma, gradúate of the law departnient of the university, has opened a law office over Sill & Qulsh's hardware store. He was elected justice of the peace last spring. - Dexter Leader. The Oracle wants to enliwt the wit and brains of the students and offers $10 for the best humorous sketch. $10 for the best story, $5 for the best design for cover, $5 for the lust cartoon, and $5 for the beet collection of acceptable grinds. Mt Clemens will be represented by ten etudents at the Michigan UniverBtty this year: Franz Kuhn, l'aul lllricli. Elmer Allor, Hanry Demeri -k, Waldemar Lungershausen, WarreD Stonc. Miss Aggie Aiudik] and Miss Anna Richards. - Mt. Clemens Press. Prof. Knowlton, dean of the law faculty, has forbidden the use of printed lectores by the students. Heretofoi'e some enterprising law student WOUld print a lcrturc cm Hic miiimigraph and scll it: to others at a gmall prlce, and the práctlce is sald bo encourage non-attendance upon tectures, B. l'. llai-ris, COlored, law 'Dl, is managlng his cotton plantatlon, wlii-h cniisists of 1,000 acres, at Mariauna. Ark. Prevtoufi to entering college de drew $5,000 in the Loulsana lottrry. He expects soon to begin the practice ai law at I'inc Bluff, Ark.- ïkues. President Ilcnr.v Wade Roger's adi" to his freshmen: "My opinión concerning cane rushes s grounded fin 1 vo thlngs. First, it is a da: OUS and foolish praeticc; and, gecond, the outside public dors not look with favor on siu'li exhibitions. It geems to me a cañe rush is beneath the dignity of university studente. Let thein cultívate true university spirit. I am in lor athletics as mach as any boy in college, but I like to kit manly exhibitions, not ehihlish ones." A OOOl) 8T0KY, Professor "Long" Jones, who for o long a time was professor of mathematica in the university. was a vistor in the city this week. Au unpubltahed story eoncerning this old-time favorite niay be of interest. "Longlis," as he was called, had a peculiar failing for lawn tennis and female society some years back. One day as the class was assembling to go through an hour's tussle with sines and costaes, they saw an announcement on hls door to the following effect: "Professor Jones will not meet his classes to-day." Some wag among the memlxrs thought they would play u joke upon the professor and inimedlately went up and rubbfid off the "c," leaving it, "Professor Jones will not meet his lasses to-day." The tollowinii morniiiK everybody crowded around the door, anxiously vaiting for the appearance of their instructor. Ilis well-known footst"p was finally heard ascending the stairs, and each student had on a broad grin in anticipation of the mortification whlch he would display upon reading the notice. The crowd opened up for him to pass through, and as he saw something was up he looked around but eould discover nothing until his eyes rested upon the paper tacked upon the door. He was just about to unlock it and enter when a happy thought en mr to him. He pullel out a rubber and erased the "1" of the word lasses and went away without any further ado. -Detroit Tribune.


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