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S. S. Biltz and family are expected home to-day from the weet. Mi's, ('. A. Mathewson lias soné to Chicago ïor a short stay with triends. Mre. Herrón, oí Missouri, is the yuest of Miss M. S. Brown this week. Aid. Ferguson has been attending n fair at St. Louis, during the week. ('has. Edwards, oï the ïire department, is taking a well-earned vacation. Thos Cavanaugh weut to Sharon Saturday to stay a few days at his home. ('lias. Sessions, of Shelby, is vlsiting his mother, Mrs. H. Sessions, of S. Fiith ave. Dr. J. N. Martin ha-s been cnjoying a -lsit from his parents, gince his return trova Europe. Mise Maggie Donovan, of the 5th ward, has gone to Chicago to visit frionds for a few weeks. Mrs. Joseph Clark and son Harry returned last week from their summer sojourn at Wequetonsing. Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Toledo, has been visiting her parents, C. U. Orcutt and wife tluring the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fall will entertain the Business Men's Quartette, ut their home ün Thompson st., this evening. Hon. E. P. Allen was ín town MonUay, just back from the Massachusetts carnpaign, where he made eleven Kpwches. Miss Emma E. Bower, of the Ueniocrat, luis been visiting at the home oí her brothor Frank, iu Cleveland, íor i few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. Keyes, of Lansing, have been visiting Mrs. K's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews, on W. Huron et. Mrs. Elizabeth Wastell, who has been the guest of Mrs. F. A. Voorheis, of S. State st., has returned home to Detroit. Col. Geo. Poindexter Sanford, editor of the Lansing Democrat, was in the city last Friday, liaving business in the probate court. Sheriff Chus. Dwyer and Ex-Clerk F. A. Howlett expéct to attend the great Nelson-Allerton race at (.rand Raplds to-morrow. Mrs. R. A. Beal is sponding tlie week with relatives near Kalamazoo. Mrs. Leas left yestcrday mornmg fo" Drs Momos, lowa. Prof. ('lias. E. Greene was In Chicago during the past wrok in eonsultation with other englneere relatlve to the WorM'i Fair buildings. Hou. (has. H. Iüclimond. of this city, one of the World's Fair Commlseloners, is very low. and it is expectedthat he eannot live niany days. Mr B. Waniy, accompanled iy hr sou Henry, oï the Muskegon Morning News, weré guesta ol 51r. and Mrs. Andrcw Bell, du 8. División ut., dwing bhe week. Mrs. oiivi' Millrr, of Detroit, a sister ol Prof. Moees Coit Tyler, of Cornell önlversity, is spendlng some time with Mrs. Dr. McAndrew, ol thls city. Her motile;-. Mi's. Tyler, has Jus1 eelebrated her sitli blrthday, in Detroit. ilantian.


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