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The immense rush we had fair week and which Bhow no falling off since, is a voy satisfactory and gratifying evidence that our effort to make "THE STORE "■ THE GREATEST, THE SAFEST, AND MOST POPULAR Trading Place in Washtenaw County is iïilly appreciated by our customera near and far. Now is tlie time to buy. New York goods coming in by every train. Everything obtainable in the latest importations of M M NOVELTIES daily received. Already have ithe ladies of Washtenaw and adjoining connties recognized the efforts we have been making I this í'all and as a result our three floors have been literally packed with customers all delighted with the splendid bargains we are sliowing OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT We say without fear of contradiction, that no other concern in the State, not excepting Detroit, cari show a largor or better s(.'li'ftc(l stock f lian we now display. Xothing has been oinitted that moriey and the most careful buying conid furnish. We are showing gartnents ranging all the way from $3.75 to $3.50 Everyone says we have twice too many, so much the better. That means low prices to our trade for they all nmst move. We are certainly adding to our forcé of help and can give the best attention to every customer who calis. XoTICE TO CRÉDITO!. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Washtenaw,ss. Notice is hereby given. that by au order of the Probate Court lor the Couuty of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-uinth day of September A.D.lK91,six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims agalnst the estáte of Emamiel G. Wildt. late of sald county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deoeased are requlred to present their claims to sald Probate Court, at the l'robate Offloe in the city of Aun Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or beforu the twenty-nlntb day of Harch next, and that such claims will be heard betore said court, on Tuesday the tneuty-ninth day of December and onTuesdav the twenty-nimh day oi March nrtt. at ten o'clock in the foreuoon of each of said days. Dated.Anu Albor, Sept. 29th, A. D, 1891. J. WILLARD'BA.BBITT, Judge of l'robate &AKSN POWüER Absolutoly Pure. A cream of tartar baktnü powder. Hlghest ofallin leaving strength.- nfoí ' . S. Qovernment Food Report. TO KEEP THINGS MOVÍNG MARKED DOWN T0 Rock Boltoi Prices ! AT J, J, IjIISíIÍIIÜ PURE DRl'GS .II MIMES. Prescriptions a Specialty ! We desiro your patronage and will üive you satisfaction. WJH 'ft' JTTfeCUREDl ISCHIFFMANN'SASTHMA CUfíEM HnBtaDtlv reiicTea the mout violfnt attsck and fmnrttl ■fomforláble ileep. No WAITISü for HESfLTS. BeinflJ Buaed hT Inhalation, ltsaction Is lmmediate, direit andH ■CBRT1IN, and a cure la the reaalt In all curable caiel.BJ BA ilnle trial conTincet the molt ikepticnl Prfce 50o.H Baad $ 1 , of Dragglsts or br mail. Samples FREK foill COMMI88IONBBS NoTICE. STATE Oí' MICHIGAN, County of Wnshteaaw. The undersigned havlng been nppointed by tlie Probate t'oiirt for said COUBty, Commissiouers to reeeive, examine and iidjust all claims und demands of all persona against t lie estáte of Andrew J. Sntherland. late of uid county deceased, herebv give notlce that six inonthsfroin tlate are allowed,by order of said Probate Court, for credltors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased. and that they wlll meet at the office of Win. V. Whedou, in the city of Aun Arbor, in suid county, on Monday, the seventh day of December, and on Monday, the seventn day of Maren next, al ten u'elock a. m. of eaeb of said days to reeeive, examine and adjost said rlailiis. Dated, September 7th, 1891. w ll.l.IAM V. WHKDON, CHAS. II. WORDEN, Commlssiöners.


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Ann Arbor Courier