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Board Of Supervisors

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LorticiALl. Tuesday, Oct. I3th, 1891. T'io i oard of supervisors met pureuan1 to ailjournment. Roll ealled. Quorum pres ut. Che clerk presented tlu followlng: Auditor Ccnrral's oi'iicc. Lmsiug, Mlch, Sopt. 30th, "1891 . To Cterk o! the Board "f oí the County ol WashteBHTf, Ann Arloi-. Mii-h. Slr- You are hereby notlfled that a state tax has been appoctloned to the severa] coimtles ■' the state, accordlng (o the last retorna ol the aggregate valuatloo of taxable property therehi made to this oillce, and a equallzed and determdned by the Btate board oí equallaatlon, at their gession in August, 1891. The aarount ol state t:ix npportioned to youv couaty, undev varlous ;:,-t o! ui ■ 1 sglslatur ■. la as ;..; owp, to wit: ünlversity- Aid, Vet No.82,1873 1.550 00 ■' ' (jeneral and Other Expense. Act Xo. 35.1891 Ï.578 96 Normal School-Curjent Expense, Act No.114.lX9l - '-a Normal School- Closeta and Sewers. - , 142, I8S1 , ' Agricultural College - General and Expenses. Act No. 171, 039 53 Mining School - Current Expeupeg, ct No. lSS, 1891 O 09 Mining School- Building. Act Ho. 184, " 18(3 lu Bl School for the Blind- Current Expense . - .. 57. 1891 680 9 School for the Deaf- Current ;ml Other Expenses, Act No. 53, 18l - 1,680 9 Reform 8chool- Current Gxpeuses and Repairs. Vel So. 150, 1891 159 73 9e. : C.ACt NO. 34, 1891 - U IIndustrinl Home for Girlü- Cur and Otiu-r Expenses, Act No. 100, 1891 " " Soldler'a Home- Current and Oihcr penses, Act No. 19, 1891 2.1!. 46 prtaou - Buildings. Improveinents. etc . Act No. 131, 1891 l,V0 07 orrection- Additional Power, Machinery, etc., Act No.172,1891 , -lls '- Asylum for Insane- Daufterous ana Criminal, Lmprovemeuts, Act No. 107,1891 --- -vlmn íor Inssne- Dangerous and [rainal, Bulldiugs, A,ct No. 117, jgg] ; z, 10 Asylum'forInsáñeMíchlgan, Bulld' Ing.Act Ño. 165,1801 ----- Agylnm ibr Insane- Northern, Bnlldlngand Bepatrs, No 167, 6 '.n Board of Fian Commissloner - Acl x- 1-ji i-m .NO. lOl.J.'l ' - - State Board of Health- Act No. 241, _ IK.S1 Military Purpose8-Act No. 171, 1879.. - ReoompUatlon Oí Record In Aujutant General' Office- Aot No. 20, 1891 109 78 Publlcation of Proceedlngs oí Snitendentd of the Poor- Act fío. 189. 1891 '- ll' World's Oolumblan Expo3ltlon- Act No 188 !S'M - - 1371 68 General Purposes- "Áct No. 192, Ul - I6J58 87 Total State Tax to be Apportioned $3910 08 Thcri' is atoo to be levledi as a portion oí ttoe county taxcs, as required by Bec. 22, Act 195, Laws of 1889 nink'ss pnid prior to October tlrst), the Indebtedness of yonr county to The state on the lst day oí July, 1891, then amounting to $07.10. Tlie indebtUuess of the county must not le odded to the state tax. You will cause the above to be laid before the board of supervisors of your county at their session in October, 1891. Please acknowledjje immediately the receiipt of this notlcc. Very respectfully. H. R. PKATT. Dcputy Auditor Gen'l. Whieh, on motion of Mr. Hughes, was received and refcrrcd to the committee on apportionment. The following report was presented: To the Honorable Board o Superviton of Washtet nau' t'nuntif, yïicli. Genti.kmkn :- I have the honor to submi ray Official Report of Cmnmitments to the Eastern Michigan Asjiuin for the Insane fo the yeur ending, Sept. 30t,h. 1891 as follows : r tí a I o al w T 3 H a i !. . : = : ■■ : : : = Í = . ■O " J í ö M 2 - - ■" i ' - 2 í 5 o a ó í I S i g f 8 i U = 5 Ï ■: O O i ï" S 3 2 h a s p 8 s s s s ? ? ? ? = : rr : -' ci íí rí "; ' " :í "' "' Í sS8Í9Eáí!l!l-!I '- - t_" - si S . I á c I i I í S c'Sais- a= = = = -. = , 'J, ■ ;-?'" " '- ■ x ■r í - sí: I PP iipfliIPlIíiM Hn ia =' r ' o ; rj r: jj S - O i I iii 3 _3 J ï - 2 E - S - - - 2 ' S z 2 2 s d 8 o a ? = I1 ! í Él1 w á Q 2 2 Sí " í - o " " - a a a a I 1 1 . . 1 f 1 1 =i= a' al 1 & 1 1 H I Illaa-sffl h '- =' . = B ; - i i ó z d " "-■ P -- - = ? - (h 3 a . p g d S S . S á =g L s 3 L L HKMHñnMMÁgH di = -i = -: -J -i a -i - i = : 3 5 3 ?. ■ T" iï ? ? ? ? ? ? -r' ; jj =.- .-- =■ - s - $ ?; sj ; ' = 5 = ' - - - ï i - i-s -s - -. -s - : co ■■- . O T o a . i ■ o 1 tiílll'i 5 I 3 II - I ifliggg gil l-líz = ' --: '■ -. -. " '-' a ■- . 'L L - =- a . lT O @ O á Ï 1 1 f 1 1 i I tf J SÍ 1 1 f í 3 üiííi lïlïiillïi Siaoo3Saaoo52 Dated Oct. 7. Uto. Respectfully submitted, .1. WILLIABD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. The report -vas. oro motion oí Mr. Gllbert, accejíted and adopted. chairman anaouneed the iol'iiiwinp; standing commltteee: On Equalizütion- Youni;. lïurt'csKiiins. Dansiagbmrg and Duffy. Criminal ('laims. Xn. 1- IVl'uy. Y;;n Sicklo aiul Huelles. Criminal Claims, No. 2- Osborn. GiJbei-t and Howard. civil Claims- Walter, Case and To Sottlo with Couaty OMlcers- .-■u Tl uid, Ball and Jedele. On Salaries of County Officers- Breining, Edwards aml Bilbie. Ou Appoit;onmont- Forsythe, Benuett and Dansingburg, On Public Buildings- Jedele, Bennett and DePuy. On Rejected Taxes- Breiuing, Huntcr and Wedemcyer. To Examine Accounts of SnperintEndents of the Poor- Howard, Speechloy and Sweetland. On Fiaiance- Huirhcs. Miner and terlim. On Fmcitional School Districts- Oesterlim, Gilbert and Howard. On Drains- "Walter, Dansingburg and BreiïiinK. On Printing- Case, Oesterlin and Hunter. Per Dieni- Bilbie, Edwarde and VanSickle. A coramunication wa received from the state game and fish warden and on motion of Mr. Hughes, was referred to a special committee, Hughes and (iilbcrt. On motion of Mr. Howard it was determined to visit the county house as a commifrtee of the whole on Tuesilay, Oct. 20th. On motion of Mr. Young a committee of two was appointed to procure comveyance to the county house. Bids for printing the proceedins havtag leen solicitad by the county Cterk, on motion of ifr. Miner, the sa ra1 wtre opened, read and referred to commlttee on pvinting. The bids were as follows: s. W. Beakes, Argus, $75. S. A. Moran. Register, $69.50. M. T. Woodruff, Sentimel, $69.36. .T. E. Beal, Oouriier, $69.25. Mr. Kenrns offered the following: Resolved, That the clerk be instruct1 to advertise for sealed proposals for medical attendance on prisoners in the county jail ior the enssuing year, said attendance to include medicines nul snrgery, and that said bids be hamled in on or before October 21st, at 2 p. in. ■Vhioh resolution was adopted. Mr. Minor oftered the following resolution: Resolved, That the clerk be ülowed tliiny-iivc dollars inrnlshlng ;i copy ol the proceedings to the printer. Oarrled. Mr. Breiaiing moved that the roll be oalled and ttoe vacanctes oceurinR ui the pereoBfi appotated to have charge ol the burlal ui deceased eoldiers and yailors, be íilled: Carried. ïlie roli was called and perfeeted as follows: A nu Aiiior City: lüt Ward- H. S. Dean, Aun Arbor. 2d AVard- (onrad Xoll, Ann Arbor. 8d Ward- John l-'lynn, Ann Arbor. 4th Ward- Patrick Irwin, Ann Arbor. 5th Ward- Eli S. ilanly, Ann Arbor. fith Ward - Heary Marsh, Ann Arbor. Ann Town- E. M. Xowland, Ann Arbor. Augusta- C. II. Giwnman, Newcomb. I'.ridgewator- Josoph Linden, ('linton. Dexter- F. McNell, Dexter. John Eeelck, Fredonleú "Lima- John Wnltrrs, ('liclsra. T.odi- Jolvn Hanees, Saline. I.yii(!in i'.d. Gorman, Chelaea. Manchester - G. B. 8hrwood, Manchester. Northïi' Hl- Jamos Brokaw, Aun Ar1kv. Plttefleld- H. II. Wclih, Viisil.mli. SalMii- Jrthn Ha.vwMHxl, Salem, Sa-Kn'.iP- Orrin Pa(T8OOB, Saline. Seto- A. E. Phcips, Dex1 i-. Sharon - C. C. Don-, Grase Lake. Superior- V. T. Quackabush, I'lymouth. Syivan- John A. Palmes", Chelsea. Webster- Wooater Blodsrett, Dexter. .loliii A. Jackson, ÏOIS. YpsilrniH Tinvn NYlson 15. Tuttle. Vpsilanti. Ypsi'.anti City: lst Ward- O. B. A:nsv. ortli. Ypsilantl. 2d Ward- J. W. W-tee, Ypsilantl. 8d AVanl- K. V. Allen, Ypsiiantl. 4tli Ward- Art. Bedell, Yiisilanii. ,-,t!i WáTd- Ezra Hathaway, ípBÜantl. On muí un di Mr. Breloing, a special order was made bo recelve report of Miiirriiitfiidonts of the poor on Thnrsday, October 15th, at 2 . m. On motion of Mr. Case Ilie board t.iok a reoess miliil - p. m. I'. M. SESSION. Board vsumcd lmsini'ss al 2 p. ni. Mr. Miiicr. from speciaJ comnüttee, oífer the foUowttuc report: Aun Arlnr, Oet. I2th, '91. To the Honorable Board oí Supervisors, Washtenaw Oounty, Michi'-rm. mul' rsi'iii"(l. your eommittee, to whoin was referred the drafttag of resolutiomfi expreeslve oí the Erieí ol t! i Bo r.l at the death oí Mr. 'I liornas G BurUiname, Inte Supervisor from tho townehl'P ol Aun A.rbor, respectfully reporta: Tliat we ;iv weH assiired tli.-it words are imt ï í 11 - thlngs with wlii.-li to expresa thc aei s ,-í losa which tlns Bonrd experiences iu fché death oí our i.i v -i! colleflue. Xo? nll our pi-ayiM-s and l'.opcs avail,,i bo keep with us The dear familiar íri-iiil -lime prcscncc for many years ,,,, ,ii" mrirj;s of our Board was a poteni Infhience and fl pawerlul tactor for the Remera) nood. Hls iilaoo In onv counclls knnws liini ni more and h-te volee so often heard in its modest lmt manly eloquence no loiir-r minglea In onr debates. Out imavailing tenis are the Bilent wittiesses of our bereavemeni . Ili record ol pubKc u-m-k fturlng lis i-onnection with thla Board is "the monumeni more laatinR than brasa of hls si'.-vUes to society aml 'ais constHvieney. ■Can rtorled urn oranlmatwi biist. ; ck 10 ils niiiiisioti ciill the n eeting Can honor's volee proToketlie Bilent dust Or BaMery ontlie the dull, cola ear of deatli?" The pathway of human Ufe ia besei with priel and ionfflnf? for aéparted Wende. We eannoi formúlate our Borrow i 11 words, luit we can endeavoï to p ïrpetuate the mi mory of tnoee who, haring gone before, vet are mt forgoi ben. Vcht Comnüttee tliei-pfore recommende thai your honorable body set apart a page in your proceeaine to the mrmory of Thomas G. Burlingame; that this. the report ol your Canunittpe, shoulil it meet with your apprnval, spread thereon; that a copy thereof 1 forwardoil to the wldow of the deceased and that as men and citizena we all atrlTB to emulate the vlrtuea whicli adorned the Ufe and character of our departed associate; KfCpi-ctfully sulnnit ted, JOHN 11. MIN'EH. Oom. Wliich report was, upon motion of Mr. Puffy, unanimously adopted by a rising vote. Mr. Oesterlin moved that the tornmittee on printing be directed to negotlate for printing the .proceedings of the board in one of the Germán papers of Ann Arbor and report thereon. Carried. The committee on printine; reported that they found the bid of J. E. Beal, of the Ann Arbor Courier, the lowest and recommended that the award be made to him. After amendments to subetdtute the Ann Arbor Argus mcl aiterwarde the Ypsilanti Sentinel, had lieen made and lost, the report of the committee was aeeopted and adopted. Mr. Breining moved that a npecia) order be made for electlon of supi'rindendent of poor, on Frtday, October lGth, at 2 p. m. On motion of Mr. Van Sickle, the board adjourned until 10 i. m. tomorrow. ALIKEI) DAVE.M'OliT, ('ha'n. ARTIIUR BROWN, ('lik. Wedneeday, Oct. 14th, 18J1. The board mot pursuant to adjournmcnt. Roll ealled. Quorum present. The journal of yssterday was reaö and approvod. Mr. Breinins offorod the following: Resol-red, That t lii.s board do readopt and continue in forcé the resqlution paesed la Octobet 22nd, 1886, rolative to the deposit of the county moneys and raake the same apply to the year 1892, and that the elerk eoMcit bids irom the scvcral Imnks of Aun Arbor Ciity in pursuance thereof, and pi-esent the same to this board on Monday pest, at 10 a. m. Adopted. Mr. Hunter moved that a special order be made to receinre the report of the drain commissloner on Wednesd'iy ni-xt, at 1 (J a. m. Onrrled. Mr. Hunter moved tha1 a special order be made to elect a draln commwsiocMT 011 Wednesday next, a1 - p. ni. Corried. On motion of Mr. Miner, the board adjounii'cl un til 10 a. ni. to-morrow. AI.FRED DAVENI'OUT, Cha'n. ARTHI'K BROWN, Clcrk. Thursday, Oct, 15th, 1891. The board met pursuant to adjournment Ro.ll callexl. Quorum present. The jouvnal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Walter, l'rom committee on civil cl.iims, reported the following bilis, approved as stated: . Clalmed. Allowed Arthur Brown, Furnishing 1 copy, see p. 499 ,$35.00 $35.00 J L. Gilhert, Attendauce Probate tourt ll.:0 11.30 Richard Gil i!' -- ' '■-■' zoo Publlsluug l i,ai. Bi eto -- 24.00 24.00 Atteu lance Probate 01 n - -■' " - Hl W. F Stlrason, Lamp ti I Honse -■ - - l' -■'" Bacli, Al. ■! a. i o., Blankets for iajl . 6.00 i'-i'11 A. lV. Perryl Áttnd.ino8 Probate - n'vl 11-a0 I08'"!! 'r"h:lU' Ï5.00 25.00 "0"." ""ri' 800.00 mM Ü."!-?.80.1.!: 1.90 111.90 Repari was accepted and aflopted. The coinily treasurer BUbmltted h'm rcjiort cm ííne moneye reeelved. Repoi-1 acoepted. To tlie Honorable l'.oanl oí Super isoi-s oí WaslitciKiw COUllty. Gentlemen: 1 hereby report bo yon the .imount of t'iiK money pald Into the trcusury ii.v several juBticee oí ih' pi-i!-c ;? ml county clerk, from Jan. lst, '91 bo Oct. Lst, '01: ;.i; B ii;i Arhor city 54 00 Ë.B. PondLJ. 1'.. " ■' . "'; "" v Uabel. J. f., Augusta Tciwnahip 15 00 V. P. Bogardu8.J P. ïpsllanti City lü 00 Arthui Brown, üounty I lork I 00 Total S34 ü0 R spectfully suinnii fced, GUSTA VE BKEHM, Co. Treaaurer. The county treasurer Bubmitted liis repori of daily balancea and overdralts ii li Farnier's & Meehanic'a bank. To tho Honorable Chainiian and Board oí feupervleors ol Washtenaw County. Ci'ntl.'incn: I herewlth transmH a Btatemeni ol the daiiy balancee ol niy account at the Farmer's Meili.niirV bank. irom Oct. lst, 1890 to Oct. lst. 1891: ,! -A a Monthly. ï g m st5 October, 9o 20422.00 96.71 Nov.,'90_ 20,708.00 122.40 Dec, '90 26,6K8.0Ü 121.88 - iry,'91. 21.S7S.00 lül.22 ', dans U 5 :■ i XBo.OO 12.974 00 26.81 Marcl) " __ 13,407.00 April ' 10,166.00 26.25 May " 21,050.00 M.IÍ) .. ctaua -' day June, - . " 0 18,940.00 10.17 10.77 Julv ■ 2S461.O0 lll.ll August, - " 1107U Sept., " -J...I Í9.O0 117.61 Total $805.80 19S81 Balance of Interest in favor of baak $611.99. ; gpectfully submü t ed, GUSTAVB BRBHM, Co. Treasurer. Accepted and referred to flnance comraittee. Tlie eoumy treasurer submitted liis report oí receipts and payments íor ,vf;ir. To the Honorable Cnalrman and Board of Supervisors o! teaaw ('ounty. Gentlemen: I herewith transmit my report of monoys reeeived and pald out by me from January lst, 1891 up to and includiiiK the 80th day of September 1891. Also a statement oí resources and liabülties as siunvn by the books in thia office on the lst day of October, 1891. RECEIPTS. Charge Back Tax 5 14 08 DEXÏEB VIILAGE. Liquor Taxes .... 9U0 00 ('IIEIjSKA VILLAGE. Liquor laxes U'JUUU SALINE VILLAGE. LiquorTaxes 74250 JAILFUND. Appropriation l,0OOCO MILÁN VILLAQE. LiquorTaxes 495 00 SALINE TOWNSHIP. Taxes 2,87708 Delinquent Tax 65 Primary Money 375 05 Fiue Money 589 3,258 61 NORTHFIELD TOWSSHIP. Taxes 111 10 Delinquent Taxes 502 PrimaryMouey 23270 Fine Money 3 85 35547 AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. Taxes l,2h90 Delinquent. Taxes 10937 Priinary Mouey 88155 LiquorTax 148 50 1,907 32 MANCHESTER TOWXSHII'. Taxes 2,92045 Priinary Money 44135 Fine Money ! LiquorTax 8$ 17 3,400 90 SYLVANTOWNSHIP. Taxes. 2,501 13 Delinquent Taxes H9Í Primary Money 458 !W Fine Money 4 72 2,082 73 J1KIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP. Taxes ,.. 1,90156 Primary Money, 2l7To Fine Money 3 tí 2.122 73 EASTE1ÏN MICHIGAN ASYLUM. Appropriation 2,000 00 I'KEEDOM ÏOWSSI1 II'. Tiixes 1.S03U5 Prlrimry Money 313 3U Fine Money 4 92 Liquor Tax 148 50 2,2U8 77 P1TTSFIELD TOWNSIIII'. Taxos 1,529 08 Prlmary Money 21190 Fine Money 3 Si 1,744 31 SALEM TOWNSHIP. Taxes 814 20 Delinquent Taxes 5 23 Priniary Money 19175 Kine Money 3 01 1,014 19 YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP. Taxes 2,52217 Priniary Money 180 70 Library Money 2 84 2.705 71 DELINQUENT COUNTY TAX. Taxes Collected 57 13 ('iKU'-ed Back Taxes 2 56 59 69 BTENOGBAPHBB FUNP. Appropriation 1,(10000 TEACHERS' IMST1TUTE FUND. Institute Fees 112 53 LODI TOWNSHIP. Taxes 259.46 Delinquent Taxes 117 02 Liquor Tax 247 50 Primary Money 195 65 I-'lneMoney 307 822 70 SMAKON' TOWNSHIP. Taxes 1,93303 Delinquent Taxes 2 84 Primary Money 23075 Fine Money 3 lï 2,170 21 SUPERIOR TOWNSHIP. Taxes 4!)2 10 Primary Money 21190 Fine Money 3 33 707 33 WEBSTER TOWNSHIP. Taxes 276 60 Primary Money 132 60 Llbrary Money 2 08 411 28 8CI0 TuW.NSll 11'. Taxes l.iini 25 Delinquent. Tuxes 22 U Primary Money 4406S Kine Money 660 HquorTax _-l 8,54401 liKXTKIl TOWN8HIP. Taxes 1,31758 üelloqueDt taxes 897 Primary Money 13155 t'lne Money 2U 1,41 32 LIMA TinVXSlIIl'. Taxes 3,089 67 u.-liiiquciit Taxes :. :18 19 Prlmnry Money. 1S1I8U Fine Money 298 Liquor Tax 1J8Ö0 2,41'JIM HOUSE OF CORKECTION. Approprlation 1,000 00 IIKI.IKÖUENT TAX. Collected 81262 vrsir.ANTf CITY. Taxes 6,214 67 Delinquent Tnx 21-s i7 Primary Money 1,146 HO Fine Money 17 97 LlquorTax.. 2,044 :i4 9,642 57 SA1.ARY KOND. Approprlation 6,000 00 YORK TOWNSHIl". Tnxes 2,:86 5 Delinquent Taxes ül 04 PrlmaryMoney 430 30 Fine Money 2 72 2.S60 71 AN'N AUHOK CITY. Taxes 12,808 18 Delinquent Taxes 219 88 Primary Money l,u90 Fine Money ;io 4(i LlquorTax 7.78681 22,'2!1 01 COUSTY FIN ii. Approprlatlon .. .000 00 JÜRORS FBXD Approprlatlon 3,50000 AN.V AKIKIi: DOG TJX. Taxes Recei ved 25725 YPSILANTI DOG TAX. Taxes [teceived 1(" 72 COjrriXIJKNT KUND. Appropriation S.000 00 GENEUAL FÜND. Liquor Taxes 15,60190 Sündries 5907 15,683 97 FtJEL FUSD. Appiopriiitiou 1.000 00 PUBLIC BUILDING FUND. Approprlation 2,50'J 00 FINE MONEV FUND. Fines paid In.... 34400 FOOR FUND. Appropriatlon 2,i 00 00 Towns and Otiles a.OSl :7 Received from Supts aö-2 50 r ,888 87 ANN AKHOR TOWS. Taxes 618 28 Primary Money 165 75 Fine Money 2 60 Delinquent Tax 417 68ö 78 LYCTDON TOW.NS1II1'. Taxes 995 25 l'rimary Money 10986 Fiue Money 17:2 1,106 82 WITNBS3 FUNI). Appropriation iOO CO BOARD SCHOOL t:AJIIM0HS. Appropriation l.-OOOO INTBREST l-'ir.M). InterfeKt of F. and M. Bunk . 67 81 Int. on Delinquent Taxes ... 1676 8J 63 STATU OF MICHIGAN. Taxes 4O,O!I9 7fi Delinquent Taxes 1ÍW02 Bundrlefl UMI Deafand Uumb Asylum . . . . 105 04 40,420 66 MANCHESTER VII.LAGE. LiquorTax 1,732 50 AXNUAL TAX SALES. Receipts 99 85 YOKK AND AUGUSTA DRAIN NO. 2. Taxes 144 73 HUTCIIINSON DKAIN. Taxes 5000 BIG MARSH DRAIX. Delinquent Taxes 5 98 FBEEDOM AND SHAKON DRAIN. Taxes 200 00 AVGÜSTA CENTRAL DBAIN. Taxes vu iu N. BKAKCH AUGUSTA CENTRAL DEAIN. Taxes 124 24 BEN FRANK HARRIS DRAIN. Taxes 58 95 SUGAR LOAF DRAIN. Taxes 15029 AtQOUDt overdrawn at F. & M. BankOct. 1, '91 26,596 23 ABE MAYBEE DRAIN. DelinquentTax 1671 Total 198,341 65 DISBUESEMENTS. Amountoverdrawn atF.and Mi Kank, Jan. 1,' 91, 20,724 33 Annual Tax Sales Apportionment 270 90 Charged Back Taxes 16 17 DEXTER VII.LAGE. Paid Treasurer 990 00 CHKI.SKA VILI.AGE. Paid Treasurer 90 00 SALINE VILLAGE. Paid Treasurer 742 50 JAIL IÜND. Orders paid 2,19321 MILÁN VILLACE. Paid Treasurer 495 00 MICHIGAN ASYLUM. PaidTreasurer 9892 SALINE TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxes.... 2,877 02 PaidTreasurer 381 5 3,258 61 NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxes. .. 1,84 10 Paid Treasurer 241 87 2,105 47 AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxes 1,287 90 PaidTreasurer _88942 MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. State aud County ïaxes 2.(120 4.5 Paid Treasurer 41828 3,368 7i SYLVAS TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxes 2,504 Í3 Paid Treasurer _47860 BKIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxes 1,901 56 Puid Treasurer 22117 2,122 73 E. MICHIGAN ASYLUM. Paid Treasurer 2,089 C3 FKEKDOM TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxes... 1,802 05 Paid Treasurer 46672 2,208 17 riTTSKIKI.D TOWXSHIP. State and Oounty Tales.... 2,729 OS I'unl Treasurer 21523 2,944 :i SALEJI TOWNSUII'. State and County Taxes .... 2,254 95 Paid Treasurer 9 99 2,454 91 YI'SIJ.ANTÍ T0WNSIII1'. State and County Taxes 2,522 17 Paid Treasurer 18354 2,705 71 DELINQUENT COUNTY TAX. Delinquent TaxRefd '90.... 68 88 STENOGRAPHER FUND. Orders paid 692 10 TEACHERS' INST. FUND. Paid S. T. Morris, Cond 422 79 LODI TOVFK8HIP. State and County Taxes .... 2.457 46 Paid Treasurer 463 24 2,920 70 SIIARON TOWNSHir. State and County Taxes.... 1,933 03 Paid Treasurer 237 21 SUPERIOR T0WH8HJ P. si ai.' :uhí i'Diiniy Taxea J, n7 10 Pald Treasnrer 2lí as 2,632 3 J VFEBSTBR IOWNSHIP. State and dninty Tiixe.s .... 2,176 80 Pald Tronsurer 11468 SCIO TOWNSHIP. State and Ooanty Taxea 8,58228 Pald Treasurer 57 76 4,130 0L DEXTEK TOWKSIIIP. State and Couaty Taxea .... 1,817 58 l'iikl Treasurer M5 6i 1,493 22 I.1MA TOWNSH1I'. stilte and County Taxea l,0Ml 67 Pald Treanurer 230 97 2,370 54 HOUSE OK CORRECTION. Paid Superintendent 29579 YI'SILANTI CITY. State nnd Coiinty Tuxes 6,214 87 Paid Treasurer. 2,776 98 .'. 8,991 65 SALARY FUND. Orders paid 5,756 22 YORK TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxes 2,'öö 65 PaldTreasufer _au 2mn ANN AKBOR CITY. State and County Taxes .... 12,888 48 Palil Suhool Treasurer 1,971 88 Paid City Treasurer 7.S37 17 - - 22,192 01 COUNTY FUND. Orders paid 3,474 73 JI-wilK' KUND. Orders paid ,& ANN AKHUK J1ÜIÍ I UND. Orderspaid 3010 YPSILANTI DOCFUXD. Orderspaid 22 00 CONTINGENT FVS1). Orderspaid 5,519 78 GENERAL ÏDND. ApportlonnieiiL CJquor Tax 15,500 00 ( inii'ts puid 1 20 Denf and Duinb Asylum ... 105 (4 FUKL FÜKO. Orderspaid 937 70 PUBLIC BUILDING FUN1). Orderspaid 2,48393 FINE MONKY FUND. ApporMonment HS 00 POOK FUNl). Orders paid 8,977 44 insu;a.c-, ki'SD, Orderspaid 70208 ANS ABBOB TOWNSHIP. state and County Taxes .... 2.68SS6 Paid Treasurer 172 52 2.S60 78 I.YNDON' IOWN8H1P. State and C.muiy Taxes .... Ü96 25 Paid Treasurer IU67 1,106 82 WITN'KSS FU.ND. Orders puicl 138 10 BOAKD SCHOOL IXAH. FUNI). Orderspaid l,3U0O STATE OF MICHIÜ N. Pald Treasurer 40,307 25 Delinquent Staie Tax, '90 . . i:il 29 40,J33 51 INTEREST KUND. Interest Paid State 3 98 MANCHESTER VILLAOE. Pald Treasurer 1,73250 AUGUSTA CENTRAL DRAIX. Orders paid 19275 BIG MARSH BRAIN, Orders pald 63 BKIDGEWATER DRAIX, NO. 1. Orden puld 3S00 BEN. FRANK HABBIS, DHAIN. Orders puid 8589 1 KKKDOM AND SHABON DKAIN. Orders paid 195 CO HUTCHINSOX DKAIN. Orders paid 50 00 N. liEASCH AVC. CENTKAL DKAIN. Orders paid - 96 25 l'ITTSKIELD DKAIN, NO. 5. Orders paid 9 00 SOUTH COUNTY LINE DKAIN. Orders puid 30 88 SUPERIOR DRAIJí, NO 1. Orders paid 3 00 SUGAR I.OAF DRAIN. Orders paid 160 29 YOKK ASD AUGVSTA DBA IN, 5O, 2. Orders paid 144 73 KKDEMPTION TAX. Apportionmeiit 185 DKLISQUENT TAX. Apportionment 913 82 Total Í19S.341 65 RESOURCES. JailFund 1,34483 Michigan Asylum 48 01 Delinquent CountyTax... . 7142 E. Michigan Asylum 1,40791 Salary Fmul 6,104 21 CountyFund 8,068 94 Jurois' Fund 3,632 3U Contingent Kuud 12,20902 Fuel Fund 1,324 69 Public Building Fund 2,729 08 Insumuir Kund 1,003 97 Wltoeas Fund . 31 22 Board School Kxam. Fund, 715 ! Chaffied Bak Tttxas ... 18 01 Ben Frank I larris Drnin... tí 7-i Bogar Loar Drain 10 00 LIABILITIE3. Maucuesïef Tmvnsliip 32 17 sienographor Pund ... 1588 Teachers' Institiite Kund... 1203 I.odi Township 9900 Lima ToWnship 148 50 Honse of Correctlon 98070 Vpsilantl City "1 UT Ann Arbor city 9 00 A.nn ArborTown DogFund 428 38 Ypsllant.1 Towii DcK Kund . 135 80 Heliuquent Tax 84 01 Ueuerui Kuiul 4,267 64 l-'ine Money Fmid 31700 Poqr 1'uiuL 4,52544 InlPi-est Fund 84 31 Ilridgewater Dri'in No.l.... 144 83 vviintv Adu. io silbar Créele Drain - 507 Doun aud Ferris Draiil 22 52 Stony ('reek Driu Fund ... 9 33 Abe Maybee Drain Fund lü 71 W. Brancb bis; Miirsli Drain 8U Drain Ni. 1 !656 BiK .Marsh Drain 6 20 Fieedimi and Siiarun Drain 5 C0 Lowery and Walsli Drain.... 1980 Augusta Central Drain 7 25 Animal Tax ales 99 85 Amount due F. & M. Bank Oet. lwt, '91 26,40625 38,922 M All of wlüoli is respectfully submited for your Inspection and tion. GUSTA VE BREHM. Co. Treasurer. Accepted and referred to committee to fiettle with county ofíicors. A comnimiication írom circuit judge relatiog to liji'litinn' court, room was received. On motion of Mí. Bennett, wí8 accepted and Illed. The committee on printinff reported the bid oí P. G. Suekey for printing proceedlngs in Germán Hausfrond, anee. Report adopted. ■ On. motioii of Mr. Osboru, the board took a recees uut il 2 p. m. ALFRED AA'ENPORT, Cha'n. ARTHÜR BROWN, Clerk. P. M. SESSION. The timo having arrived for consideration of the report of the superintcnds of the poor, that report was made, accepted, ordered printed and referred to committee for Bettlement with superintendents of the poor. Continitcd on iixth page. Coimiy House, Sept. 3()th, '91. To the Honorable Board ol Supervisors of Washtrnaw Count.v. We, the andersigned superintendente of the poor, ol s.iiil niiimy respectfully 6ubmit the followiuj; report of our work for the year endlng Sept, .'!Oth, 1891. We havo recelved nioucy as stated below, and from the sources nameö: Ann Arbor City, Board of Paupers ... $ 892 57 Ann Arbor TowDShlp 188 80 Augusla " til 10 Lodl " 106 46 Lima " 81 10 Manchester " 1-'-' HO Northfleld " 81 10 Pittsfield - 5 38 Superior " 1 10 Sharon ' t5 13 Sylvan " 148 23 Saline " " 37 Scio '■ 31)585 Webster " (il 10 Ypsilantl " 118 17 Ypsilanti City 843 'Jl 3.031 87 Margaret Kane30c. R.B.Hoyal Í7.2S $ 7 53 Wm. Helle $ö.O7 Mrs. Warreu S2.34 S 41 Mr. Rhodes S2.00 Mr. Miller 3.75 5 75 Otherlnmates ... 148 HaySold 116 40 CalvesSold 60 88 Exchange Work 32 Uti Old Bones $2.30 Ilye $2.50 Seed Corn40u 5 20 Pasturlng Calves $5 26 ParsnipsS7.50 12 76 Use of Buil and Boar 9 00 PigsSold ... 15 UU Stoue Hold- 9 Cords delivered in Ypsilantl Í6.0U 54 00 BindlngTwine 14 62 Subject toUniversity Hospital 12 U0 Chas. McCorniick - Guardian. 19 94 J.G. Feldkamp " . 132 50 Superior Township- Per Supervisor 7 25 514 80 May 19, One Calf Sold- On Account S i 00 "ov. 18, Two Oil Barrels - OnAccount 150 850 Accounts for temporary relief in the different cities and towns have been audited j us and paid from the poor fund as follows: Ann Arbor City- Food 8120 51 Fuel 80 00 C'lothing 5 12 Medical Altendance... 20 20 Funeral Expenses. ... 2-5 00 Transportiitiou to Co. House 20 45 Supervisors Services.. 5 50 $276 81 Augusta Township- Medical Attendauce and Nursing 40 50 Freedom- Food -in oo Medical Attendance and Nursing 29 7-5 Funeral Expenses 20 00 89 75 Lyndon- Transportation to Co. House 2 00 Supervisors Services .. 3 00 6 00 Manchester- Food 10 05 Northfleld- Food 90 Salem- Food 1 00 Clothing 2 64 3 6J Saline- Food 2 60 -Medical Attendance and Nursing ... S 50 Funeral Expenses 13 00 TransportaUou to Co. House 3 00 Supervisors Services.. 10 43 37 45 Sharon- Transportation to Co. House 1 50 Scio - Medical Attendance andNursing.... 10 00 Transportación to Co. House 3 00 Supervisors Services.. 4 U0 17 00 Sylvan - Food 10 05 Fuel 10 Clothing 1 25 Medical Attendance and Nursing 36 Transportation to Co. Hoose 1 50 13 20 Ypsilanti Township- Transportation to Co. House 2 00 Ypsilanti City, lst District- Food. 88 54 Fuel 25 yti Clothing 50 Medical Attendance and Nursing 90 Funeral Expenses 5 00 Transportation to Co. Honse 3 60 Supervisors Services .. 23 30 147 70 Ypsilanti City, 2d DlstrictFood 9 41 Fuel 1 00 Medical Attendance and Nursing 2 00 Funeral Expenses 12 00 Supervisors Services.. 5 25 29 66 YorkFood 21 25 Clotliing 3 25 Medical Attendance and Nursing 46 00 Fuueral Expenses 18 50 Transportation to Co. House 3 00 Supervisors Services .. 7 00 99 00 774 22 AnnArborCity S276 81 Augusta 40 50 Freedom 89 75 Lyndon 5 00 Manchester 10 05 Northfleld 90 Salem 3 64 Saline 37 45 Sharon 150 Scio 17 00 Sylvan 13 26 Ypsilanti TowDship 2 00 Ypsilantl City j "g jj0. YorkTownship 99 00 774 22 Superintendents Services- E. P. Masón 84 70 C. H. Kempf 23 2.5 ElishaLoomis 6S 15 176 10 Transportation to Friends- M. C. R. R.CO 75 55 T., A. A, & N. M. R. R. t'o 12 55 88 10 Cities and Towns 774 22 Total Outside Relief 103S 42 We report the foüowing amounts expended at the Counly House and on the Farm : Help- Keeper and Matron . $700 00 Elmira Clough 182 50 Anna Jamison 132 48 Mrs. Geo. W. Parsons 88 UO Mlllie Parsous 27 00 Mary Flynn 27 95 Mary Welker 10 29 Jacob Young 115 44 Wm. Jliüer 57 t,0 Nathan Mars 2 40 Chas. Parsons 19 75 Wagoner Bros 33 32 HelpThreshing :ö 44 Jacob Schapan 150 ■ 81,460 67 Blacksmithinir - R. &.T. Kearns 1i BG Win. Q. Marüu 18 30 844 65 Beei' H. Fairchild & Co., and Bro S ÏB HenryMathews 120 74 Chrtstlan Frey 18 44 Gotlieb Zeeb 6 44 Cba. 8. Sinilli 1 63 Books and Stationary- Henry T. Coe 6 00 Pilot i'uliltslilngCo.. 4 40 J. Frank SinHIi 3 70 Wm.C'ampliell .... 1 7j Klisha Loomls 1 (; E. K. Mus.jii 1 49 E. E. Beal, P.M 1 23 820 25 Boots and Suoes- Qoodspeed A Sons... 34 (10 Dot; & Feiner 8 fó V. R. Davle &Son... :i 60 $46 85 Burial Account, ('r.- Unlverslty Hos S12 00 Crockery aiiil Glfissware - HarrH Bics. Co . 2 40 S2 40 Clothina[i.-nsmou & Feil TS o2 Geo. H. Kempf .. 82 28 Alban cv Johnson... SU uo V. II. sweet ■■& uO Louis Blitz !l 60 r. 8. orüey v Co... S 65 _ yX70 Sr) Dry Gooils and Bedding- (..o. II. Kempf ... .. 117 M J. KraukSiaitli 3 UO Drugs and Medicines- H. J. Browu -i W J. Franh Bmltb i Freigln- E. P. Mason " Gleo. 11. Ki'inpi 60 Chas. McCormick.. . 5 il 50 Farm Impleinents and Seeds- Cisper Kinsey 3 70 L'hristian Frey ü 00 John Fiunegau 1 OS Furulture - (ieo. H. Kempf. 7 25 ïaylor & Lalerge.... 2 oO 9 25 Flour aud Bread Stuffs- Wm. Deubel & Co. ... 62 17 DeubtslBros 3ii 52 Hummel & Whitaker 24 80 Almendiuger & Son. 3 50 Fairchüd & Bro 3 75 Í128 7-t Hay Grain and Feed- Wm. Campbell 64 40 Geo. Klager 40 39 Deubel Bros 45 105 24 Grocerlesand Provisions- C. King & Co 240 02 Eilward Dufly 145 39 Davis S Co 107 49 Rlnsey & aeabolt 112 37 Kobt. McCardy 69 88 Casper Klnsey 33 "28 D. U. Taylor 29 88 Geo. Klager 15 UO J. H. Miller 15 00 Dean & Co. 14 21 W. H. Mclntyre 8 38 J. C. Chaliners 5 50 L'. E. (iodlrey 5 10 Gotlieb Zeeb 5 0 John N. Howland- 4 25 Homer Briggs 3 K3 Chas. Mclormick 3 14 Ü'Harra, Boyle fe Co. 2 55 J. FraukSuiith 3 05 $823 32 Hardware- Schuh & Muehlig. 36 02 U. Eberbaeh 5 03 Harding & Scbaefer. 3 05 Taylor A Lafurge 1 75 $45 85 Improvement- C. Eberbach ?3 60 Lumber- Follman iScoville- 30 65 . Geo. W. Glll 4 25 Ypslanti Lumber Co. 3 10 Ï33 00 Pork- H. Faircliild &. Co,- $50 00 Paims and Oils- J. Frank Smith 9 85 O. E. Thompson & Sons 2 50 $12 35 Stock- C. Arnold $11 50 Taxes- Pald Tax on the Home North Karin 16 10 Tobacco- Daniel Scotten & Co. 76 99 Kinsey & Seabolt 44 'M O'Harra, Boyle & Co. 1 80 H. H. Killian BO E. Duffy 50 i$124 83 Repairs- Hutzel&Co 80 52 A. MoNloOll 13 20 C. H. Sinclair 15 75 Wnrstei & Kern 8 35 G. F. Graupner 7 60 M. Btaebler 7 25 John VanKange Co._ 7 09 A. E. Thompson & Sons 6 70 Geo. Shaflfer _ 5 20 K. N. Hallocfe _ 3 Ü5 Hummel & Whitaker 3 15 C. F. Emires 1 00 K. P. Mason 30 G. Collins 90 8. L. Sbaw 80 A. J. Rogers 1 uo J C. & W. W. Watts. 75 -Mk-iiisran StoveCo..5 U4 J. Krank Sinith 1 45 Schuh & Muehlig i 60 Bailey & Dow 75 Aun Arbor Engine and Boiler Works 75 $122 40 Wood and Coal- ííew Pittsburgh Coal Co. 503 95 Gotlieb Zeeb 58 50 Chas. Scuulu .ir 60 Christiau Frey 24 00 Chas. Merritt 21 87 Robt. L. Houston 9 38 6Jö 8 1 Medical Attendance - B. B. Sudwortb, M. D,„. 88 00 4,603 91 Help $1,400 7 Blacksmilhing 44 65 Beef 485 63 Books ana Statlonery 20 20 Boots and simes 46 85 Crockery 2 40 Ulothiug 175 83 l)ry Goods and Bedding laó 54 Drugs and Medicines 9 33 Freight 1 50 Farm Implemeuts and Seeds 6 78 Furniture 9 25 Flour and Bread stutfs 128 74 Hay, Grain aud Feed Itt5 24 Groceries 823 32 Hardware 45 85 Improvement _ 3 go Lumber 38 00 Pork 5U 00 PaintsandOil 12 3: Stock 11 50 Home, North.Tax 16 10 Tobacco 124 3 Repairs 122 40 Wood and Coal 655 30 Medical Atteudance 83 00 4,603 91 RECAPITULATION, Balance Oct, lst, 1890 4,263 1)7 Towns and Citles 3 031 37 Appropria'd by Supervisors 2.1HJ0 00 Cash from the County House 514 80 9.810 14 Expenses at tbe County House 4 603 91 Outslde Relief 1,038 42 Old Orders Paid 221 15 t-5,863 48 LessOld Orders Outstanding 578 78 8r,,284 70 Balance- Treasurer 4,525 44 9,810 14 Treasurer's Balance 4.525 44 Less Outstaoding Orders 1,100 80 Y3,424 84 The following amounts are due the poor fund from towns and cities for last year's board and care of their poor at the county house: Ann Arbor City- Kate Behan, 40 weeks, 24 days 54 85 Jacob Miller, 52 weeks, 61 02 Mary Miller, 52 weeks. _ 61 62 Edward Onain, 52 w'ks ül Ui Tlios. (iiinoi), 52 weeks 01 02 John Wild, -21 w'ks 4 dys 26 87 Daniel VViiiegar, 51 w'ks (K) J 1 lainiiili Stroud. 52 w'ks 61 m Mary Koebier. 2 weeks 62 62 Tboe. Lyon, hl weeks 01 62 Fred B. Hall, 52 weeks - 61 02 Martha Kearn. 40 w'ks„ 47 4U Fred Long, 52 weeks 61 Ui James IIill. S7 wks 4 dys 44 68 Fred Staudel, Xi weeks 3 days 3!í 59 Lawrence Kehoe, 30 weeks 4 clays 36 23 Amanda Öhultz, 19 w'ks 4 days 23 20 L. M. Knapp, 51 w'ks 1 day 25 06 OsmauBalley, is wksöds 22 IK Artbur Hagen, l!l weeks 22 52 IS'ancy Baldwiu, Í) weeks 5 days, 11 52 Pat O'Neil, 2 w'ks 5 days 3 22 971 05 Ann Arbor Town - Ijorenzo Davis, 11 weeks 6 days 13 8!) William DavU, 52 weeks lil 62 V. Curtís DavU, M w'ks lday - - 59 42 134 93 Augusta- Rispan Koster, 52 weeks BI 81 Lodi- Catharine Rail, 48 w'ks 5 days 57 73 Martin Rapp, 52 weeks BI 02 119 aj Lima - G . Llndower 02 weeks 8] ''! Lyndon- ! Rlley, 2 wts 1 dys 3 08 Manchester- Frank Wrlght. 52 weeks 61 BB Wm. Sleede, 13 Wk8 5 de l: 07 Norttafleld- Margnret Kane, l W66k 5day 2 (M , Mrs. R. Barry , 8 daya 51 Koper Whltman, J wks 1 daya 24 38 2.; 88 Staaroa- Pred VanQilden, 52 Wks 61 02 Stephen Outegunst, Ui weeks3diys 18-17 Sylvan - Win. Helle. 16w'ks4d'ys 19 61 Fnuik Andrews, 1 week i days 1 ES Survitus Finch. 1 week 1 day 1 36 Cbaunoy Hlndcrburg, 1 week 1 19 Bertha Hlnderburg, 1 week 6 days - 2 21 Anna M. Hinderburg, 1 week 1 19 John Hiuderburg, 1 wk 1 18 EUtza " 2 w'ks i 3T 30 67 Superior-Jolin C. Near, 52 weeks.. 61 62 SalineOscar Forshee, 52 w'ks 61 62 SoloAnd rew G. Wade, 52 w'ks 6162 Clara " 52 w'ks 61 62 Patrlck Tobln, 52 weeks 61 62 James Tutïs, 38 weeks 2 days 45 37 Ezra Adam.s, 20 weeks.. 23 70 Kred Kalerabaoh, 2 w'ks 2 37 Agatha " 32 w'ks 37 92 291 22 PiUsñeld- Cliristlan Staebler, 19 " 22 53 Webster- John Darllng, 37 weeks 3 days 56 21 Ypsilanti Township - Michael Owen, 2 weeks 61 t;2 Frank Tucker. 52 weeks BI &i 123 24 Ypsilaati City- Ist Dist.- Tlios. Davis, 52 weeks 61 62 Rosa Shiappacasse, 58 weeks 61 i2 Mary K. Kand, 42 weeks 5 days 60 62 Florence Russel. 45 w'ks a days 53 84 Cliauncy Bennedict, 21 weeks 2 days 25 23 Grace Murpliy, 10 weeks 5 days 12 70 Wn Porter, 7 w'ks 8 30 Jolin Landcaster, 2 w'ks 6 days 4 39 277 ;!2 Freedom - Lucas Renner, 15 weeks 17 78 Ypsilanti City- 2ii Dist.- Peter Snaw, 62 weaka ca 62 Sally ," 52 " (1 2 George " ra ■ 61 62 John Kliker,52 weeks. _. (il 02 Mlllle liiount. 52 weeks. ti 82 Mary Lambert, 52 weeks (il 62 Susaii Wilson, 52 weeks (il (i2 Carrie Steteon, 1 week 1 day - - 1 36 494 32 $2,974 85 Ann Albor City !)71 05 Town 184 93 Augusta 6162 Freedom 17 78 Loill U9 gg Lima 61 (2 Lyndon 3 05 Manchester _ 76 (i9 Northfleld 2ö 9.H Sharon 80 09 Sylyan ,.) 67 Saline 61 62 Superior 61 62 Scio 2U4 22 Pittsfield 22 52 Webster 56 21 Ypsilanti 123 24 Ypsilanti City- Ut District 277 32 2d " 494 32 82,974 85 The County farm consists of 120 acres of land, est'ind vHluf (11 dollars per acre 7.200 00 Kslini'd value of BuildiiiKs 14,000 00 121.200 OJ FARM PKODUCTS. For the year now closed are estimated as follows : 240 bushels Wheat. at95c 228 00 472 bushels Oats, at 30c 141 60 I0O bush. Corn in ear, 2öc 10U 00 400 busbels Potatoes, 3c 120 OU Ganien Products, estm'd at 200 00 Product of 12 Cows 240 00 i aerease of 12 Cattle 70 00 lacrease of Swlne 20 00 30 tons of Hay, atST.OO 210 U0 1 5O9,fiO Product of the leased Howe - Nortn Farm- 200 bushels of Wheat, at 95c 218 50 504 bushels of Rye. at 8jc 428 40 640 90 S2,15ö 50 Estim'd value of Pauper Labor 100 00 ESTIMATEI) VAll'K JF PEBSOKAL PKOPEKTY. Tbe Stock on the Farm coasists of 4 WorkHorses- estlinated at $50 00 200 00 ïzi'owü, estim'd " 30 3W 00 5 Calves, " "10 50 00 1 lililí. .... jo o,, 17 Hogs, 8 138 00 25 Plgs, " " 3 50 87 50 1 Boar. " " 12 00 75 Kowels, ' " 25 18 76 30 Ducks, " "30 9 00 923 25 Est'd value of Farm Implements 500 00 Est'd value of goods on hand Furuiture . 1500 00 Clothing 100 00 Boots aml Shoes 50 00 Dry Goods and Bedding 125 00 Tobacco „ 45 00 40 Cords Prep'ed Wood, $3 00 120 00 20 tons Soft Coal, 3 00 80 00 2,000 00 $3,423 25 Male Paupers maintained- 171 témale " " 38 207 Average nuraber of Paupers 75 Add Help in the House and on tne Farm li Average number supported at the House gl WholeNo. underlöysof age 3 " Mildly Iusane__ 8 Mutes 4 " Idiots .} Blind 1 Average cost per week of niaintaining Paupers at the County House, exclusive of the product of the Farm aud Pauper Labor 1.18% Natlonality ol'PaupersAmerican 103 lrish 4:i Germans 37 Englisli 10 Canadians -J M-nicli 4 Frenob 2 Italiana 1 Welen l Swiss 1 IslantloflSlcily 1 2(17 Colored 12 Wbole number of Blrths l ■' " Ueattis 9 We esliraate tor the ensuing year as follows : Beef 500 0 Blaoksmltblng r.ü ÜO BodIis and Sutionery 25 00 Boots and Sboes 150 Ou Clothiiiü 200 00 Gook and Kitchen Help 650 00 Crockery and Glassware 25 00 Dry Gonds and Hedding 4(10 00 Drugs and Uediolnes '2ö 00 Farm Labor 450 00 l-'lour and Bread Stuffs 150 00 Farm lm pi me' Is and Seeds 150 00 Frelgbt $25.00, Furnlture Í50 75 10 Grocertes and Provlslons... 1,000 (K) Manlware 100 0(1 Kngineer 100 00 Iraprovement 500 00 Keeperand Mutron 700 00 Lmnber and Foncing 250 00 Medical Services 125 00 Paints and Oils 50 00 Pork , 201) 00 Kepairs 300 00 Tobacco 8125.00, Transportation $100.00 2ir IX) Wood and Coal 1,000 i 0 Outslde Temporary Relief.. 1,200 00 $8,600 00 Of the estima ti'd expenses for the coming year twenty-nine hundred and seventy-fonr 85-100 dollars are due from townsliips and cities for last yeai's board and care of their poor at tlie county house. We have a balance of thirty-four lumilrrtl and twenty-four LOO dollars in the han, Is oí the tmisurer. Tiü wil leare twenty-two hundred dollars to be provlded ior. Wc realize t : i ■ i the taxes for the ag 5 e ix wi 1 ii Larger tlian usual, and aa our balance is about toe sanie as l.-isi year, and bellevlng bha1 all money no) absolutely aeeded to carry on the county house wlth economy sii.iuUl reniali) in the banda oi the tas im.V'T-, after mature considératlon of the subject, wc have cóncluded bo ask an approprlation ol your honorable body lor this year. 8ometUing 1 1 1 1 1 nevar before ocourred in bhe historj ol the Washtenaw eounty . BO far as we can lcarn. and may oever occur again. And we wiil (io whai we eau to k -en our expenses within the limit of our IIH'.I lis. All of wbich is respectfully submited by the undeirsfened, superlntendents of tiie poor oí Waslii n;iv county. ELISIIA LOOMIS, C. II. KEMPF, E. F. MASON. On (motlon of Mr. GUbert, the board adjoiu-nrd until 11 a. in., toniorrow. ALFRED DA VENPORT, Cha'n. AKTIin: BBÖWN, CU'ik. Oetober lGth, 1891. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll cnlled. Twenty-Blx bers present. The minutes of yesterday wcrc read anil ftpppoved. Mr. Del'uy, bom criminal claim Commlttee Xo. 1, reported tlu followtng bilis approved as gtated: Ctalmed Allowed. Frnnk Campion, Dep. Sheriff f 03 $ -31 t'5 lU'poi-t adopted. Mr. Oshorii. from criminal claims committee No. i', reported the !ollowing bilis approvcd as stated: E B. Pond, J. P 2605') 2C0S0 Report adopted. Mr. Walter, from civil claims committee, reportetl the followhiii liills approved ae stated: Clalmed. Allo wed. A. D. Seyler & Som, shot-s for prlsonera 200 - 00 Barlow liros.. Hnoks fH 00 M00 I. 8. Foster, Ink 24 uo 24 W) l'lios. Speechly, AHendance Probate (Jourt... 4 lm 4 20 John Bauraxartner, Atteiulance Probate (dun. .. 2 10 2 10 Edwin Hall, Atlemlance Probate Uourt 14 (Hl i400 P. W. McCabe, Witness Probate Court 110 110 Elisha Loomis, supt. Poor... 84 (in 84 OU E. P. Mason. snpt Pooi 63 uo B3K O. Et. Kempf.Supt. Poor 750!) 7500 Beport adopted. The commlttee also reported without recommendation the followins: M. Seery, Postage 2500 --öto yir. Baumgartmer moved fco take a recess uiitil '1 p. m. 1'. M. SESSION. Board convenei at 2 i. m. The sp.'i iai order tu elect a superintendent oí tin? poor tiaving been made tor this lionr. Mr. Osborn moved thai Chas. H. Kvnipf lx' eleci d to aucceed liiinBeM tor a term ol bhree years. Carried miaiiinioiisly. Th 1 1 ■ i 1 1 1 i 1 1 ■_;■ eommittee made report oí tbeir doinga ol the past yearc Xo the Honorable Board ol Super- (;ï t;ic County ol . naw. Gentlcin-n: Youc eommittee on public buildings would respectfully report. That at a meeting ol sald eommittee, held at the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 13th day oí January last. at whk-h time your corauiitte.' found tliat it was neeessary to make certaim repairs in a ml about the court house and jail, vla: The walte in the basement oï the court house needeJ to be eleaned. rJ'lii. was done by calciniining the walls aul pai'uting the Tvood-work, ftleo had boards luid. We also ioinid that the wood-work in tlu; offices oí the couii-t house needed and we had the sanie done by William Herz, by the day, under the supervisión of the chairman of iiiinmittee, at a cost ol $838.94. We found the Hoor in the offices of the county clerk and county treasurer In such a coudition that it was neceasary to ]ay a new ïloor iu the tounty clerk's office and to cover the floor in the treaaurer's office wlth oil-cloth, which was done at a cost of $141.14:. We ateo purchased two iiew deské ofr the clerk'a private office, and cme new table to take the place j the old ones that were out of repaiii' and entiirely useless. Also a new case far tlie records iu tlie office of the register of deeds, at a cost of .Il'l'. AVo havr also ordered a new case for the filies ia the county clerk's office, which will be completed a bout Nov. lst, next, ivlifch is-to cost '.)!. Barly ba the year our at tent ion was called to the large anurant oí mooey that wan bei UK exiiended every Vi'ar for gas for the court house and Jail, and we concluded that it would le much eheaper to liuht said buildings wi'th etectriclty, therefore we made the followian contract with the Ann Arbor Ehectrlc Ji;ht ('ompany: Ann Arbor. Mar. 19. ■'.il. It is hereby agreed by au.i betwqen the Electric I,iht Co., of Ann Arbor, and the commrttee of the board of ■supervisors ou county huildinus tha1 the said company are to put their liKht into the court house, :is tóllows: Ia eacli of the county offices, court room and corridors ou the flrst and second (loor, for whéch the committee agree to pay $100 lou-ards the cosí of construct on aud fiiturea wliru complete, and if said ]i'j,iit mIiows a saviiift over the preeeat system of gas lifihts, the said committee agree to rocommond to the board o,1 enpervlsors at tlwir scssioa in October next that the county pnrchaee the eLectrlc llght iixtun's and ]a.y for construction in full, from the cost of the game, the sum of $100 paid ander this asreement. A. A. T. ir. KLKCTRICCo., By A. L. NOBLE, Sec'y and Trt'as'r. A. KEARNEY. ('lia'n of Building Com. The l)ill of the Electric Ldfcht '. for putting in tbe fixtun-s is L'riT.SO upon whtch wc have paM the gum of $100, tea-ring a balance of $157.30, ■svliich we recommeiul be allowed for the followlns, imong reaone: First- The blll al tbe EUeetrlc LlgW C5o„ for llghtliiK tlic court house from the 24th of April to the lst of October 1891, w:is $88.97, whereae the bilí oí the Gas Co. for the correepondlag raontha ol the ■ . ::■ 1890 [o - court house and jail was 3207.18, and U has cusí betweeo $50 and $60 tor ;;.is tor t Jail froni April 24th bo October Ist, 1891, leavlng a. balan:,' o! $115 iu favor oí tlte Electric Lifrlit Co. W algo found it necees ixj to paánj de stone and woodwork o,' coui-t house as ordered bj the board and to clean the brick. was done li.v Mr. II.m-z at a cosí ol $180, bis being the lowesl bid. t inothera being $280 and $239, respeci iveiy. We aJso fiiuiid tliat the tlltng on biith noors oí the ciiurt house neèded to b' cleaned. Thls we had done bj the dny, liirinu: the men and Imying the material, at a c-osi ot $63.70. Th large cistem at the eouri house we found to be out of repftli, and we ii;ni the same repaíred by John FoSarty, by the day, which cost $03.57. attention wis also calle} to the fact that thore liad ncvcr been any eistern at the jail and were all of the opinión that oae was needed there. Thi wc ajso had built by the (1-iy, fui-nils'hins our mvn material, "wlik'h eost, including bihiic other repuiT.s at the jail, $70.85; we lUso worked the men trom the stone-yard in helping to dljg the Kajne. On the 8th of September last, your commttteo was notiiu-d by the county elerk that the cesspool at the eourt house had failed to do it.s uoi-k. and a meeting of your eommittee wa.s theretipoa held tha1 day. and apon examlnátion we found that tïe cesspool and the overflow thereto wa.s Elled iip, and that it was necessar? to dis amother OTerflóW ón the other side of the eesspool, vnd we fcherefiirr' iluir amother ceaepool as large as the oid iiiic, on tlic oppositte of the oíd om' to act as .ui overflow threto; the w in-k was done by tin1 men in the stoiie-ynnl ai that time, uxeepi as 1o masan work whteh was done by Mr. .lohn Fogarty by the d.iy ai a of $60.80; .■mil tre aow thlnk tbat the ceèepool wlth the two overflows connected tlierewitth wül be l&rge enough to liokl the draiinage from tho building for all time to come. All of the Bforesatd mentioned repairs have been done under the supervisión oí tlic i-hairiiiui of your commlttee, and t!ic aumber oí il.iys spent by your oommlttee, tor whlch pay is charged as follows: A. Kenrney, 41 days al $8 ■■?1l.. J. Ij. Gilbert, 19 duys at $'{ $57, L. H. Swretluiicl, 1!) daya at $3 Y57. Ptursuant to the resolutlon of this lo;irl !i;!.sc(l Jan. 7th, 1891, relo to a Btone yard, n .. commlttee beg leave to report i'-: t ilicy Leased the fyomid oppostte to tli" j.üi [rom II. Kitteredge for !'m' 8iun oí $50 per year, for flve years, nnd ere ted a ound sniil plece of KFOumd i hisli board fence ;t n eist d aboul $100 ::m since saiil stone yrinl lias been establlshed, xw shoriff has caused all convicts who bave been genteneed to the eounty juil lo break stemr in said stone yard. anil by the consent of the sh'erifl we enligo;. ;■(! Charles Schott, a deputjt sheriff, ui ibis eounty. to take eharpre of siieh convicta at a s-ilai-y of .S ! i per mout'), and Mr. Schott lias ál tiraea ím m very qeefnl in workinjt v.ic convicta in anti aDOUt in" court house and jail, thereby savhiü' to the county the expense f other men. We now have on hand aboul 100 loatls of stono roady to be ilisposed of, anti we havo no doubt bul that we can dispose of the stone for onough to pay the price of tho stone wnicn wo have been bnyinti for 70 ppnts per load, and at a profit of froin 25 to 50 cents per load; wo ar of the opinión tliat the Rtone yard has boon a profitable inv's1raónt to the county, and tlia.t it will Boon drivo all tramps away ironi tlio city of Ann Arbor. Tour oommittee ateo réCommend tlvat tho membors of your ctmmitteo living outelde the city of Ann Arbor be allowcd 10 cents per mile ono way as travelllig expensen, for attndins the meetings of saitl eommittef. Your cominittee would lutther report that iteinizetl bilis for lalior done and material bougñt are iimv on file witli the coimty clerk. Your committee estimate that tho chansio in the systo.m of liiibtintr 1he court house will save the county $."00 per yoar. Your (.■ommittee would further say 1 ml the roof of this building is 1" vrry bad comlition, and has been bo ior' many years, and eaeh yéèr vquires a large expendlture to keep ii in repair; and even all the cate coHBtairtíy siven it, it leaks in niany places, and is doing great ilapnige to the frame-work and alsó to the ceilinjis, eepeclally in the court room. which alóne cost the county about f?."i(i() to fresco. Therefore we would recomincnd that the committee on publio traildtngs lo Immediately take steps to oscertain the probable cost of a eopper roof and glitters, and report to this board at thia session or in January, should the board then bc in nession. All of which is respectfully subinited. AMBROSE KEARNBY, JAMEJ8 L. GILBERT, LESTTBB N. SWEKTLAND, Oommitteeu i: pori ftcceptod and adopted. Mr. Oeeterlln, from committee on oh civil claims rcporK'd the following billa ;ipiruvi'ii as gtated. Claimed. Allowed. s. v. Cbarniler, lr. fes nInsane oase,8 27 70 21 70 S. A. .Iones. lr. lees, liisane cañal 5 00 S00 O. K. Ünterkii-elier, Dr. fees, liisHiu' case, t 790 " ítO W. J . lleulman, Dr. fes, insanecane, 2 100) lo "0 O. !■'. Chaobourne, Dr fees, Insanp caso, l 5 00 oo Qeoige W. Palmer, Dr. fees, (rase, S lo W) lo w H.A Nlcliols, Dr. fees, lnsane casel . . 10 20 8 20 Dean M. Tyler, Dr. fees, lnsane case, 1 - 500 oUO George K. Wright, Dr. fees, lnsane case, 3 15 0) 15(10 Ttaos. Shaw, Dr. fees, insiiue casel 50D 500 Edward Batweil, Dr. fees, lnsane cuse, 1. .- 500 a 00 I). P, MoLaoblan, Dr. fees, insanecat-e, 1 "SO 7 SO W. F. Hrenkey, Dr. fees, insaneeaRe, 2 1000 10 00 C. O. Darlnig, l)r fees, insane case, 7 5010 49 oo .John Kapp, Dr. fees, Inetane c.ise.S 5S10 5Í00 Report accepted and adopted. n ïnotion oï Mr. Mtner, board mi! Journed until 2 p. m. Mohday. A.LFRED DAYEXPoKT, rha'n. ARTHUIi BBÖWN, Cterk. The roee oi' the Juae time Are O! f i o Bee, l'.ui falrer ih.-m these flowers are Is the rose ih.u blooma for me On the cl ka once palé and holló w, And God be thanked, I saj . That the rose oí hcalíh a uil hap pinesB Iïlooms ou1 ogain to day. Tiiat i.s u-hat a man feela Uke sayIng wlien he seea oaember of his famii.v restored to henlth alter a long (vasting i.lucss. in many househo tluTc are personti who seem to '■■ (ading out of life slowly. Tüere Is a genra] debillty thai Indlcal n oí vital forre. The blood Beems to ter posted than Mr. De Forresi on a dry, hard cough. Nyiii brlngs no refreshing sleep. 'J"!ie eheek grown thin and palé. What sliall be ti war.l of; dtiease whi.-u is making slow tral gure efforta to secure anotlier vfctlm ? Let me teil you: (iet Dr. 's Golden Medical Dlscovery, fiijiht the enemy vith it. There ie nothllng ltke 11 to bnlld'np a weakened system, and restore Ios1 vltality. It ÜS a wonderinl tonlc, ttutrltlve uiid altirativc, or blood-purifler. Ecclcsiasticnl gathering Mass.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier