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The Rain Monday A. M. Was A Good

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thing, but the earth oould have absorbed llore of it. Gertie Carino, who was injured by the balloon ascensión fair timo, lias gonc to her homo in Detroit. Itev. Heou-y Tatlock, of 8t. Andrew'a ■hiireli. is attendinjï th Mlssïons meeting at Detroit this week. W. i". Boyden, ot Boyden's Plains, bas been appointed a delégate to the natlonal farmer's eonvention to be held at Sodaliu, Mo., Nov. 10. The Electric Street Railway Co. liave put in a new 150 horae power engioie that wovks like a daisy. They ed it Moaiday for the iirst time. At the sale oí American merino eheep on the farm of Wm. Ball, of Hamburg last Tluirsday, there were npwards of 150 people in attendence, aaid 105 ewee were sold in a couple of hours. Wm. E. Boyden, oi Web eter. was interested in the sale. A gentleman wbo was he-re ten years ago attended a play at the opera home thc other evenlng and declared that he recoRiiized the dnst on the box draperies, and tlie pressed flies on the drop curtain, but he was probably in error. Such a thing couldn't he! A gentleman wlio has been ;i subecriber for a number of years, Avrites these words of encouragement: "The ■.mrier is improvinjí all the time. It locáis are very complete, its abrcviated news and mlscellany columns re great time savers, and its politics "all right." The Slocum lecturea before the Hobart üuLld, oí St. Andrew'e parish, wi'.l ín' delivered during íirwt two wek-; of December, by Rev. John i'ulton, D. D., of Xew York City, In 1 larris Hall. Dr. Fiilton has the reputatiun of belng in eloquent pulpit orator, and will doubtless draw a greal saany llsteners. D. E. Osborno, M. I)., writes from Shanghai, China, that himself and wii't' will leave China in n few weeks ior home, roturning by the way of India and Eur-ope. They Avill gpend bhe winter partly in Egypt, and partly in Europo, putting in a month or mx weeks in Tienna and Berlin, in the Jatter place the Doctor will study in the hospitals. He is called home bccanse of business, much to his regret. But the peoplc of Aan Arbor will be glad io meel tlm and lii-; estimable famiiy once more. The shoe shop oí Mr. Spcechley, 011 B. I-ÜH'rty st., was brokem opru Simöay aiternoon by two boys, abont ten and deven ye&ra oí age, wbo took nearly all of his tools mil material. The boys wcrc arrested by Patrolin.aii Oollins, Moiiday. and tlu' propert.v recovered. As the law does not admit of Bemteuclng lade onder 12 irars ol age " i ii' reform school, the officera are at a loss to know what to do wlth these youag culprlte. Thcre are other loys beeldes these two who belonR to a gang oí hoodlums that ought to be broken up i" orne way. It seems as thougli t lula w ought to be changed and ten years made the minimum age íor youthful oífenders. There is to be a harvesi festival at Harria ball tM evenlng;. Rev. .T. M. Getetoa, of the ri-csbyterlan church, will 1 nexi Sabbat-h evenlng, a serles oí discourses on Future Pumiahmente. Rev. C. M. CobiTii, of the M. E. p.hurch, iil commeoce ;i series of (lisciiins's ïn'xt Siimlay evenlng on The Wil and Humor of the Blble. The supervisors went to the coiinty lioixse yeeterday and bad agood (liniKT. Some of the QeWgpaper men liad a bid bat coaldn't accept. innovmcement is made of the marrlage, on Wednesday next, ol Miss ciara Mack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ('. Mack. and Harry Hawlcy, of Donver. Colorado. Prof A. A. Stanley will pjive araneert at the Congregatlonal church on Saturd&y ovotuhk noxt. He will bo assisted by koo1 talent, and tho prop.cods will po toward aidlng the T,;ilirs' Library Assoeiaticm. Somo ono firfíl ;i bullct throngb the sittino: room wlndow of TI. Wnodwnrd, on Pnoknrd st.. last Thursday nisiit ;it aboiit mldnlffht. The ball wont tlirouirh tlif glasé and curtalns and intn tho wáll acroua the room. No orno knows who did it. Irs. Dr. Hoartley Avas ono of tho pcucsts at tho roception. giren by the senior ladlea of th profeeslonal depnrtmonts to the freshmen ladles, a1 Nowborry Hall on Fridny evenlng In.-t . and oxprcssos tho opinión that it wpb ono of the most onjoynblo affatra of the kind ovor held in tho city. Tn the parlare of the "Methodist church, on -the evening of Saturday, Oct. 24th, the Wesleyan Guild Chaptor of the Epworth League will p;ive B lihrary party the Student's Chrtstian Associatlon and their frlends. The young people of the varlous churches are cordially iuvitcd. On Wednesday evenlng, at nbout 6 o'elock, TjoU V., the only daughter of Airs. May V. Torrcns, of Church st... ili.ed afte-r a brief illnees, of diphthoria, dgeá about 11 years. The funeral was held Thursday morntnx at. 11 o'elock. Lois was a beautlful cliild. and Mrs. Torrens ha.s the di'cp and lieartfolt sympatliy of the commimity in her great sorrow. At the AvomaJi's coogrees in esBton at Grand Rapids last weck. Mrs. Sunderland, ol tliis city. spoke in refeivnce to tin' dniiriT to the republic trom the immense lnflux of foreia:ners, and contended that the only safety to the nation lay in chaujfing the law, and compelltag a forelgner to live here as lons as a native born z'-n before being allowed the vight to voto. The Presbyterian Syncxl in session at Pontiac last week, llstened to i report of Dr. Radcliff, of Detroit, in reference to McMillan hall, in this eity, reciting its alma, prospecta, and its hopea, and asking lor ondowments a.s follows: For the Presbyterian tectureehip, $15,000; training eourae, $5,000; library, $3,000; amd general expenses, $10,000. "We hópé wlthiu the year to have the work upon a substantial basis, so wc oan nttempt with courage and Bucceas, the Increasing work at the nnivcrsity. Therc are Ihis year over 2,G00 studente in at t.'iidance, of whoin ïully 500 are of Presbyteriaai affilation and training.'' The r.vikmI passod, by a risinjí vote, a resolution requestinp; the lejïislaturo to presa a law prohibitins the sale of liquor within five miles of the university and. of the Normal school. Benjamin W. Waite, Sr., of Dexter, died last Thursday a. m., at 6.30 o'clock, after a somewhat protracted illness, aged 80 years. He was a nativo of New York, came to this counin 1839, settling on a farm of 200 acres in Scio, on which he lived up to a few yeare ago, when he removed to Dexter village. He leaves a wiíe and four cliildren, Mrs. J. C. Watson and Mrs. D. V. Bitter, of Dexter, B. W. Waïfce, Jr., of Grand Rapids, and Wirt W. Waite, of Washington. The deceased had been superintendent of the poor for this county for a period of twenty yeara. He was a member of the c&nstitutional convention of 1865, liad been a member of the legislatura; and was supervisor for a number of years, always retaining the respect and confidence of his neighbors and friends, in erery eapacity in which he ser vod thi'in.


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Ann Arbor Courier