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A Miracle of the Nineteenth Century. Owing to a bad state of tH-o blood, I Ikiw been afflicted wlth rlieümatlsm fr tuTiuy year, and have n crutches (ar ten years. I have pended large suma f money for remedies rc mendeil to me, and from uslng iinwcriul ]i!iiinins to (?et a lirtl" sleep, my hip -i i til knee h,-il I nearly all strenth. When I commenced to take Hlbbard's Rheumatic Bypnp I c-ouid not take o'ne - without assistance. I can iiiov'. witn perfeel ease, and walb withoui my caae trom my house to my offiC' i'vi'i-.v day. I am relieved frora a terrible affliction, and wiah I mi herald to all affllcted with rheuma tism and other blood diseases, themerite of this wonderful medicine. 8. s. GONOVER, Ageni Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Manistee, MIcli. Prepteed only by The Charles Wright Medicine Oompaay, Detroit Mich. For siil by all druggiats. Ou top of tlu' lii'iip - ('hirkcns. Children Enjoy. Tlie pleasant flavor, gentle nctlon and sootliiiifj;' offects of Syrup of Fins. whfin in necd oí' a laxátlve and ii tinfathér or mother 1 oostive or billoue the most gratifyins resulta follo it use, so that it ís the best tamtly remerly known and every family should have a bottle. The Voice is easily liijnred - tho slightest irritation of tlie tliroat or larynx at ouce atfeotlug its. tone, liexibility, or powi-r. All efforts lo 1' or Su;i ■; li public, lUfdëT siii'h cclictitions, nut (iniy paiiiful luit daiwr(iiis, and should be suict'y avólded iinti ivcry syniptoiu is removed. To effect íí spoedy cure no otlier medicine s eqtial t Ayer's Cherry Pectoral The best oí anodynrs. tliis preparatkm rapiilly "iiiitbcs Lrrltatlon, slmiiulieus tilt' delicate qrgans of speeoli, auil n-gtijres voiceto its tone and powc:-. No singer or pupll speaker öhoulü bé witli ui it. I ydlii Thbirrpsoi), the famoua aotress, certllles: "Ayer's. Cherry Pectoral has beét) Í ry srcat service to me. It iinproves aiid strengtUi the vólca, .tihI is always tffective iór thi cure (itcoiiis and couglis." "Upiai occasions 1 tiave suffcrci: froni colds, Gftusllig Iuimíuss aud thtiri loss of voi(;e. Ia niy pnuiessíon of au auctloneer any affection of the voice r tliroat is a Berloua matter, but at eadi attack, I l;avi' bewi relieved by a few doses of Ayefs Cl Brry Pectoral. Tlils renicdy, wltli ordluarj care, has worked su . a iYSagscaS Effect that I havo snffered yery little inconvenicnce. I liavc also used il ín uiy family, wit: excel'ü'iit ri siilts in eonghs, o-ls. &c." - Wm. H. Qn'ártly, Mliílaton, Anstnílla. ' In lh Mprfui? of I8Ü8, :t I1' rtsitii utli. Va.v I was proetrfiteil üy ,i si vftrii iituick 'f typhoid pnounionia. - !. i unsted tliélr remedies, and fór one nar i wás ik u able to fiv en articúlate a word. ry tl nlvi.-e of Dr, ■! Ayrs e! urrj Pectoral, .".nii to niy surprli ■ iiid : rei I oy, in ti i tiian mie luontri [ ei ü conyorsi "isily. in a natural töue al pol e. i coiitlnued te Improve ítml liavc héion ■ slnic n well man. 1 haveoften recomim udd Llie Pectoral, and have never known it t fail." - George li. Uwn'i.i1 alpèralso, Ayer's Ciierry Pectoral PÜKI'ATirTl BY DR. J. G. AYER & CO., Loweü, Mass, Boldbyall Drni ., i. bottlcs, $5.


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