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Su rui n Kmi.KN, ag-ed .15, a wellknowu farmer "f FouiitaÍDi vn, IncL, ended trdubles by hanging himself with a clothes lme. 'i'liis wa thetenth suicide in Shelby County this year. Tin: statistics uompiled by Treasurer Manning oí tlie bare office ;it New York show Uiat S9, US steerayfe passengers wort landed during September. Oí these 86,591 were immigrants and ',.r)2'J were citizensoíthe United States. FabMEBB liave boycotted the town oí Ladonia, Te.. , because the town council passed an ordinauce prohibitinp the running at large of stock in the corporate lhnits. At Lima, O., Kny P, Hurke shot hjs aunt, Mrs. Frank liurke, killingher inBtantly, and then shot himseif. Trouble over muney matters was the 'anse. Ft.amks destroyed severa] business houses at Shawneetown, 111., the loss being $100,000. ThbSK coloree! men were killed and tvvo wliite men fatally injured by the falling of a caye in the tunnel shaft at Niapara Falls. Bt the explosión of a cask of g-iant powder near Ensley City, Ala., six negroes were fatall' hurt. The liuion line stearaer Alaska arrivcd in New York thirty-six honrs overdue. Bhe encountered a terrible storm on her passage. BYLVESTXB Ei.i.iS, of Wabash, Ind., died of starvation, resulting frora a partial paralysis of the muscles of the throat. The grand council of the American Sons of Columbras, a new secret order composed of Catholics, met at Fort Wayne, Ind. Fob tho month ended September 30 breadstuffs exporta f rom the United States were valued at 8145,025,129, against $110,693,810 forthe nine months ended Sept. 30, 1890. It was rcported that at least twenty lives were lost off the Rockaway (N. J.) beaeh during the recent storm. Thbek of Andrew Lup's childreu living near Martinsville, N. J., built a bonfire near a barrel of benzine and all were burned fatally. Dr. Joski'ii BBN8ON, who had been army surgeon at Fort Robinson for years, was burned to death in the jail at Casper, Wyo. , where he was confined for drunkenness. A 8TATEMBHT from the pension office shows that the total number of pensions granted dnring the week ended October 'A was 7,190, on which the aggregate first payment amounted to 81,009,014. The customs receipts at New York during the first ten days of October were 82,884,850, beinjc S4.588.38fi less than they wera dimng1 the corresponding period last year. The total value of the exports of beef, hofi and dair3r products frorathe United States for the month of September was 010,881,989. James II. Lavelle countv auditor. and 1. B. llawes, a well-known citizen of Daviess county, Ind., were charged with setting the courthouse on fire to destroy the county records and prevent the uncovering of tlieir dishonesty. George Cui'i's shot and instantly killed George and James Iloward, brothers. who lived in liath county. Ky. A woman was the cause of Üa crime. It has been established that C. C. Washburn post, of Madison, is the oldest G. A. R. post in Wisconsin. Thk Ecuinenical Methodist conference at Washington passed a resolution asking1 the authorities of the world's fair to close the exposition on Sunday. The dies in use at the New Orleans mint for making silver dimes are so imperfect that work has been ordered stopped. Dr. W. Pei'I'F.k, of Philadelphia, was elected president of the American Medical association. At the meeting1 in Philadelphia of the Loyal Legión of the United States Rutherford B. Hayes was reelected commander in chief Eev. Dr. Phillips Brooks was consecrated bishop of Massachusetts at Trinity church in Boston. The Michigan erop report for Ootober gives the total wheat erop as 30,411,730 bushels. The Sabbatarian society has decided to inaugúrate a war on Sunday newspapers in Pittsburgh and will arrest all editors, reporters, compositors and pressmen found working after midnight Saturday night. Another earthquake shock was feit in San Francisco and Petaluma, Cal. , The boiler of a railway engine exploded near St. Paul, injuring eleven men, three fatally. Fouk coaches of a train on the Baltimore & Ohio road were thrown from the track at Hicksville, O., by the rails spreading, and two men were killed and fifty oiher persons were injured, ten probably fatally. Sixteen men have thus far been arrested at Omaha, charged with murder in the lynching of the negro Coe. Veterans celebrated the lOOth niversary of Gen. St. Clair's battle with the Indians at Portland, Ind. At Frankfort, Ky. , the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company was fined for its tracks on Sunday. A story tclegraphed frora Baltimore to the effect that Albcrt Ordway was implicated in the morder of A. J. Snell, of Chicago, and that he and other confedérales afterward strangled Tascott, was discredited by the pólice authorities of Chicago. William Rose was hanged at Redwood Falls, Minn., for the murder of Moses Lufkin. Rose protested his innocence to the last. The will of the late John Twohig, of San Antonio, Tex., leaves the bulk of his fortune, So, 000, 000, to promote the ioterests of the Catholic church. l''üi:!i ÜKMP ON (coloree!), convicted at Coln inbia. S. C, of assault aad battery on the testimony f Rebecca Thomas, mei the woman afterwards and cut botli of her ears off. Cai.ikorv.a's raisin erop was said to be the larffest ever raised. Thb ffovernor oí New Mexico in his nnnu;il report to the interior departmont nt Washington rQpoiBxnnds the admission oí the territory a.- a state in the uoíodu REMAINS of the soldiers whn fiü in the battle of Fort Recovery, ü., 100 years ago, were disinterred and buried in the new federal cemetery at that plací'. A i'ast train on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois rsilway ran from an open Bwiteh into a roundhouse at Crete, 111., and James Clark, the eng-ineer, and Leonard Waghburne. Frederick W. Henrj and Prank McCafierty. reportera on the Cliicagö Ínter Ooean, were instantly killed. JOSEPH E. Pai.mkk, of lïrooklyn, was elected national eommander of the Union Veteran legión. A EtBLGIANsyndicate hasbought 150,000 acres of coal, iron and timber lands in eastern Kentucky. Thk Indiana (h-and Lodffe of Good Templars in sossion at Indianapolis adopted resolutions all necessary political, social or moral methods to drive the liquor traffic out of exstence. Six earthquake shocks were feit a) Brownsville and other points in Missis sippi. Patrick Adams and Thomas Stew art, two of the oldest miners in Mon tana, were instantly killed by an im mense fall of rock at Red Lodfje. The bay mare Nancy Hanks, record 2:09, was sold by Hart Boswell, of Lex ington, Ky., to J. M. Forbes, of Boston, f or $45, 000. The annual report of the Pullman Palace Car Company shows that during the past year 5,310,813 passengers were carried, against 5,023.057 forthe preceding year. The total number of persons in the employ of the company in its manufacturing and operating department was 13,885 and the wages paid during the year amounted to $7,303,108. Thuee men were killed and nine injured by the bursting of a fly wheel in the Amoskeag cotton works at chester, V II. ÏK his first annual report Gov. Steele, of Oklahoina, regrets that proper provisión does not exist for eommon schools in the territory, and hopes that the Cherokee lands will soon be opened to settlement. At the leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 16th aggregated $1,170,712,353, against $1,226,473,057 the previous week. The decrease as compared with the corresponding week of 1890 was 13.0. Business throughout the country was reported to be strong and constantly ïmprovinjj. Thiíee cowboys rode up to the First national bank at Enterprise, Neb., at noon and at the point of revolvers compelled the cashier tohand over 83,500 in bilis. In the United States the business failures durinpr the seven days ended on tbe löth numbered 259, ag-ainst 240 the preceding week and 227 for the corresponding week last year. It was calculated that from 2,000,000 to 5,000,000 bushels of wheat would be utterly ruined in northern Minnesota and Norch Dakota by heavy rains and snow. A gang of Éflassblowers undertook to demolish Kuntz's saloon at dria, Ind., vvhen Michael Sapp, the bartender, shot and killed James McCann and Andi-ew Gallagher. A SUGHT earthquake shock was feit in East Nashville, Tenn. The disappearance of M. R. Hansen, a Babeock (Wis.) lumberman, brought to light a mass of forged paper which may ainount to S50.000. Thirteen valuable horses were lost by the burning of the stable of U. M. Morgan at Sabina. O. A collision on the Pan Handle railroad at Mingo Junction, O., wreeked the east-bound limited train and two trainmeü were killed and four injured. No passengers were hurt. Negotiations have been completed by which the Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians cede to the g-overninent 1,100,000 acres of land in Wild Kiver reservation, Wyoming, for i?6ü0,000. Gkorok Dtek, aged 25 years, was lynched by a mob at Eastville, W. Va., for the murder of Mis. Fannie Fadden, aged 70 years, while attenipting to rob her. An attachment ulamst the property of John Iloey, the deposed president of the Adams Express Company, was Isstied for the suin of $712,950. Advices from Port Townscnd, Wash., say that Lieut. liuhner and three seamen of the revenue cutter Oliver Walcott were drowned by the wreeking of a small boat. William Bause and an unknown man, both day laborera, were killed by the cars at Indianapnlis while walking on the track. Aleck Morris was hang-ed at Madison. Ga., for the murder of his wife's father and mother. He blamed his wife for havinsr led liim into ting crime. The Stura from l'alermo arrived at New Orleans with 776 Sieilian immigrants. Twenty-seven were held as paupers and would be sent back. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. l'eddlety, of Benton, Wis., were fatally injured at East Dubuque, 111., by being thrown from a buggy. The Grand Army of the Republic is said to have a plan for the erection of a monument to Gen. Grant at Washington. Cleaver & Letchkr, hardware dealers at Gainesville, Tex., fuiled for 8200,000. The Columbia bank and the Bank of Columbia, both located at Nashville, Tenn., have closed their doors. Fred E. Bcbimseb, president, and M. Dawson, cashier of the Wyoming national bank at Laramie, Wyo., were drowned in Sutton"s lake by the overturning of a boat. Incoming vessels at New York all report very stormy passages. Alexamiki! eveau, who killed his 16-year-old wife, was sentenced at Bay City, Mich., to life lmprisonment, Thrke childrenwere burned to death on the Crewes plantation ncar Helena, Ark., during the absence of their parents. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Gen-. Y. II. I'. second son oí Gen. R. E. Lee, died at his home in Etavensworth, Va., g .He i-eprPsniti-,1 tliat district t v. ■ : in oon fress au i ;is ;i mem'uer-eiect ol the nt-xt house. Samuel Rkems, the olclest man in Minnesota, died at Da.yton, ayed 103 years. Ex-Gov. Samuel W. Hai.f., of New Hampshire, died at the residenee of his brother, II. A. liale, in Urooldyn, N. Y. Commodore Inöbahak, on the retired list of tho United St;ites navy, died at Charleston, S. C, a?ed 81 years. Bbothkb Andkeas Dindki!. the oldest menibcr of the Bénédictine order in the United States, died in the monastery neur Latrobe, Pa. FOREIGN., a large and flourishing villaje of Transylvania, lias been completely destroyed by fire. Wii.uam McBean, speculative builder and operator iu real estáte at Toronto, failed for .?300,000. The steamship Virginia arrived at Liverpool from Boston. During her passage she lost 302 head of cattle. Rev. Charles Spurgeon, of London, was said to be slowly recovering from his recent illness. He was going abroad for a few months' rest. Babón Detterscher's mansión and stables at Sagan, üerraany, together with 140 Head of cattle, twelve horses and many sheep and swine were destroyed by fire. Shanghai adv ices state that a number of French officers and soldiers had been slain by Chinese pirates. It was reported that the Russian government was neg'otiatinff l'or the purchase of larfe quantities of breadBtuffs in the United States. Fourteen million persons were said to be in need of immediate help. Thh Bteamer Citta di Roma was wrecked at Marine cove, N. F., and her crew of twenty-flve men and (00 cattle were drowned. 'J'm: Siissian (fovernraent has closed the l'iiivi rsity oí Kifit' and placed 5U0 of the student.-, ánder arrest on account of their rt-volutionarv behavior. Thk pope saya he is afraid of beinj assassinated if he remains long-er in Rome. lie is eonvinced that the Italian goverr.inent is preparing to expel him. A mass meeting at Belle River, Ont., adopted resolutions in favor of political uniou with the Dnited States. Count LuDwie vos Aiïco Vallet, aged 47 years, (ierman minister to this country, died In Berlin vvhile undergoing a surgieal operation. Josik Mansfibld, who figured in the murder of Jim Fiskei by Stokes, at New York twenty years ago, was married in London to Robert L. Read, a New York lawyer. Hijo Gonzales and Cavetano Súbanos were shot in Mexico by order of Gen. Garza. The men were charged with beingi-evolutionists. Fivf, persons were suffocated by a fire in a tenement house in London. Lady Macdoxald, widow of the late Canadian premier, has been made a baroness, with the title of Baronesa Macdonald. Th rek raen f rom an American man of war were killed and several others were more or less severely wounded in a desperate street fiffht in Valparaiso with a crowd of Chillan sailors. LATER NEWS. Mes. Th cisman, the wiie of Judge Alen L. 'i hurman, died at Columbus, O., agvil :-i years. She was the vietim of la grippe during last winter and never recovered irom the attack. Thí: State bank at Gretna, Neb., closed its doors. Near McGregor, Ia., Henry Halm, enraged because the daughter of John Otto would not marry him, shot and killed Mr. Otto and hisbrother William and tlien escaped. Admikal Jorge Montt was elected president of Chili to succeed Balmaceda. The emigration from the port of Bremen thus far this year is 112,011, against 85,613 in 1S90. Of these 100,770 went to the United States, against 85,013 in 1890. James Parto, the well-known author and vvriter, died at Newburyport, Mass., aged 69 years. FOUNTKKN bicyclo ridors, including1 representalives of America, Germany, Engiaml. Scotland and Ireland, started on a t-.úr-day race at Madison Square garden, New 'i ork. TiiKF.t: negro rioters were lynched at Clifton Forge, W. Va., by a mob of 300 men. MBS. Annik Demund died at Woodland, Mich., ng-ed 105 yeais. THt: Lucy Webb Bayee Ueaconness' Home and Lti ble college f or home and foreiyn missioaaries was dedicated at Washington. Tuk erea' shipbuildinjt firra of Harrism. Doring & Co,, of Jioston, failed f or $800,000; assets, L806,000.


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