Death Of Stephen Jacobs
Stephen Jacobs, who was struck by aji engine on the T. & A. A. track last Wednesday and atmost instantly killed, was soniethüig above SO years of age. He was a soldier during the war of the Kebellion, and shortly aftf-r the orgaiiization of the Grand Army of the Republic, beciune a memtor of that organizatlon, while residLng in Boston, Mass., and on nis return to this city some ye-ars ago became an active member of Welch Post. The funeral services took place at the M. E. church, Sunday afternoon, Weleh Post and the 8ons of Veterans and a large number of frlends escorting the remains from his Inte reeidence to the church, and afterwards to the cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Messrs. Smith and Scrugge. He leaves a wife and oue son, the latter, we understand, being tiie proprietor of two club houses in Boston. ACTION OF WELCH PO8T. The following resolutioas were paswed by Weleh Pont: Wherrcis, Denth has at;iiu eatered our ranks and there-by removed from oux iuVdst the oldest member of our Post, ('oinrade Stephen Jacobs, therefore: Resolved, That in the death of comrade Jacobs, Welch Post recognizes the loss of a worthy member, one who was a noble and brave Koldier, a faithfiü friend, an uprifíht aml honorable Citizen, and a knul and loving husband and father. Beeolvetl, That the sympathy of this Post is feelingly and fully extended to his bereaveil family in this their honr of deep affliction and sorrow. Resolved, That the city papers be reqtueeted to publish these resolutions, and ihat a copy of the same be proseiited to his family.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier