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Ladttesfi tra velu s slowly that poverty soon overtakes hlnn. The shell of a fresh egg lopks lull B ml porus, t ha t on a stale one ninooth and sliiny. Uirlit colored na per and paint make Hght rooms, and lisïht rooms are the most pleasant and healthrul. Miidew staine inay !!■ removed if they oro rubbed wiitli common soft soap, aid ttten oxpistMl t the sun, by lyiaig on the graas. In frytog, if t.lio fat is hot before you BK ready for vt. thrww in a dry rrust of bread. It wlH iu)t Imni as loiiK as ii lias Bomethtóig to do. WIumi ink i spillc-d on the carpet thn-ow aalt toto it at once, it wili drink np most oí il; Uien mop CleaU with ponftv and warm water. Two t.aUlcspoonfuls of vashing soda in a sallon of bolling water makes a good dteenlectani ior the kitchen slnk. Prar iai whlle bolUng hot. AVhat pexBon formdng an opinión floea nol pi-cscnlly expn-ss it. "The thoufi'l.t Ifi fatltiT nf th deed" also. therofovc seek rlghi ihon-hts. If a poetag Btemp refuses to stick draw it across the modsteoed nnu-iïage on the flap of the envelope and fans iborrow enough glute-n for the purpose, A good plan for keeptag wooden bnttei and breed bowls írom cracking is tu immerse them -hile new in a boller of cold water and let it come tf a boíl. Wheai blacklng ;i Btam aae very littlr on the bruah. Yon can OOt ml) it iuto the snrlacc of tlic stovc. but il wiH rcmaiu_aJinejVust "to blow abont the kitchi-n. Take partí :ular palia -wHen mamng e bed to tuck the sheet far and smoothly nnder at top and bottom and atong the sMea fcoward the bottom. Then 'vi'n an oocupant yfith nJf?htmare eannot disloile it. To clean fly Bpecka trom varnlshed ui.oituork or fiirnHnre, wipe it with a soft cloth wrung from warm xkimmed milk. It not only iciniivrs iii' (li:-i more easily, fout makes the varnisli look fresher. Women grow oW tbrough rettinjï more ihan men. Home to ïnaiiy a w-Oman te the place where the thought8 revolve in an ïnuUsturlx-d routine, wearteome bo bbe last degree. One woman said. -TaiiU work thafa wore me out. its sitttog with m.v 1i;uk!s belote me and my heart Vorrylng round a ml round in m.v insi'do, a wild li.-ast in a caffe' Worvyiiiü' with such becomes such a liaint tluit if they have no occasion for it in their own famiiy they will M-orry over relativés' or ncighbors' affaire. If the men of the ïniuily liad to -vork with -the BCtesors, weartng blisters on their ftngers as bhey "chewed" out a garment with a dull. loose-jointed pair, they would soon Bad some way of keeping them in order. If they will mot do as nmch for you, at least lel tiiem pruvi.le a grlndstone and teach you liow to ue it, and to keep the screwfl tight.


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Ann Arbor Courier