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General Dryenforth

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It is to the tendency of the American inind, which considera nothing without the reaeh of man's abillty, that the produetion of rain owos its present stage of developement. The gvovernment of the lnited States, in recognition of the high value of rainmaklng, has appointed General Itobert St. Qeorge Dyrcnfortli as special comiiiisslniH'r ofr the Depertment of Arriculturc and he is now experimenting witli a corps of ablc asslstants In Texas. The theory pon whlcb the tests are eondueted is onc wliich for LT) years or more has been advocatedj and expounded by Mr. Edward Powers, ('. E., of "Wiscoiisin. If found liracticalik', Mr. Powt-rs Avill have the honor of being the author of perh,ij)s the most wonderful dlscovery of modera times. Rain in its natural state is aearly always produced by ilic rapid nnion of two or more volumes of moisture-laden air, that (liffer in tempera ture. Tliis uniĆ³n is broughi about by rain-makera by explodlng dynamlte In high air. These experimenta bave been succesBful at BlPaeo air.l partlcularly in Chihuahua, Mexico. In the latter district the ralra were eorely needed, as there liad been a sevee drouth in that state for many montlis.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier