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Something Interesting

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A New Vorker, who is a member of i the American Society of Psyohícal ' search, lells a eurioua story that would interest his society. VVhile in Mexico i recently he dreamed that in dressing i his pistol droppud from his pocket, fell butt downward to the Hoor, turned so that it leaned agaínst his'ankle and exploded. shattering his leg. The dream was so vivid tlal he awoke with a start and recalled the whole scene. He was soon asloep anin. however, and by morning he had nearly forgoten his visión. Wlien he carne to dress he fouud himeelf standing as in his dream, and as he drew on his trousers his revolver feil fi'om the hip pocket, struck butt downward upon the tiled ttoor, struck a sunken tile and. turning leaned against his ankle with the muzzle pointing directly at his leg. He watched with a sort of fascination for the oxplosion, but it did not come and ho lives unwounded to teil the late


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier