MoBTGAGE Sale. WHKKKAS, Andrew R. Schmidtund Rose Sehinidt, of the city of Ann Arbor, Waahteilaw County, State oí Michigan, on the twenty fourth day of December, one thousami eight hundred and eighty-eight, made and cieonteda mortgagetp. Kaker, Gráy;& companj (incorporated) of Detroit, Stata of Michigan, to secure the i ' j i y i j u - 1 1 1 of the sum of nftecn hundred dollars and interest at eitïht por cent per annmn : the principal siim bdng due asfollows: $750 in six inontlis, and $7.rt ín one ycar from date of Bafd mort gage', whlch mortgagc was recorded in the oince of the Registerof Iici'ds for said ( 'ounty of Washtenaw, State o( M iehignn, oh the third day of Jannary, A. D,, IK89, in Líber 73 of mortgagps os page 57. And u luTcas the snin of fonr hundred and fortyfive dollars of uincipal and interest m clniined to bé due on said móTtgage at the date of this notiue and default havlug 5eeu uiaile ia the payinent of the saine ov any part thereof, whereby the power contnined in said mortgago to geil the preniises desoribed therein has become opef fttlve and no auit or prooeedings in la or equity Inning been institutcd to reCOver any part of the sum due. Notice is there fore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale coíitained in sa'iil mortgage and pursuant to the stattite in such case made aint provlded we ahall on Saturday, the tweutytliinl day of .lanuary one thousaud eight hundred and' ninety-two' al ten o'clock in the forenooii of that day. Bell at public auetion to the hlghest bidder. 'at the south door of the court liousi' in the city of Anu Arbor iu said county (said court house being the place for holding the circuit court in said county) üae preraieea descrlbdd in said mortgage or as much thereof as shall bc necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage and all costs and charge Ol Mirh sale as follows: All those ci'rtaio pi i or pareéis of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbqr, in the (onnty of Washtenaw. Mate of Michigan and descrlbed as f o 1 - lows to-wit : Those parts of lots numl)er one mul eight in block four (4) north of Huron strêet, raíige scaM. commencing at the intersection of the north line of North street vith the casteiiy line of Detroit street and runnniug thence aorthw esterly along Detroit street one hundrecl and fifty-four feet, thcuce Houtheasterly at rlght anglea to Detroit street lifty feet. thence south fourteen degrees, one hundreil and t hree and onc-half feet thence Wesl one hundred and live feet to place of beglnning, excepting the right of William Koley to usi' the well on said premisea by payinur half the rejiairs thereof. Dated, October 21. 1S91. HAKEIt, GEAY & CO., .1. Q. A. Shssions. Mortagees. Attortiey for .Morttragees. Estáte of Benjamin Day. f SI ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw. BS. At il session of the Probate Court for the. County of Washtenaw, holden at tlic Probate OfficeiD the City of Aun Arbor, on Tüeaday, the tweiitv-eventh day of October in the yeür one thousaud eight hlmdred and nim-ty-one Present, J. Willard Babbltt, Judgeof Proba. In the matter of the Estáte of Benjamin Day. deceased. mi reading and flling the petltion, duly verifted, Of Mary Ann Day prayiner that a'dininistrntioii of said estáte niay be granted to herself , the exeutor in satd will named orto some other sultable peraon. Thérenpon it in ordered, that Monday the twenty-thlrd day Of Nor. ton o'rlóekin the forenoon, be ássigned for the heazing of Bald petition, and that theheira at law of 'saiil deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at i session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate tn the City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if un y there be,whythe prayer of tlie peshonklnotbe granted And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of tlie pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to be published tn the Ann Arbor Courier, a iiewspaper priuted and cirenlated in said county three Buccessive weeks prevloua to said day of hearing. (A tme copy.) J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judpe of Probate YM. i:. DOTY, Probate Register.
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Ann Arbor Courier