'owder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pattry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. ,. No other baking powder does such work. lam glad to beBtifj ' Hig'e. - - ■ i. it; v.'it: !"ii :■ H Tof BleepVtBBneoB, and bi ■ i r dly ■ greuti relief for Bufl uiug K. : ■ tor. St Se verin, Koyloi . . : ■ Pit, Lo i.y, ()!■! (Ut. H, I8.iü. I ueed Pastor Kocnig'a -re To ■■ . . Ihfi case üf a 13-yeaf old boy f-tr (tüaa ■ o Bt. Dance of two years' stand n Mi-i ounditioo was most lamentable, a fcud ïiul-q were coastamly In mottoti, and at taljl .s hie b-tada coatd nol hold kiiifo, fork ui apoof. Tiiu offcctoi U3is inedioiue wae Tí once UQliüeable c. - all, and. the boy Iiimsolf remarUed, "I kaow iv ht-lpu jüqo," and before tüc secoud boltlu wtia oeod Up, Ufl insiHted that thore was no nec;eesity of taJxIng inore as ho was ontiroly cured CAKÏi HELFENBERGEK. - A Valuable Book on Nervous LUL L Iise;ises Kent freo to any addrcHB, [ H W W and ioor natientjs can also obtain f LRm this medicine free of charge. ThiB remedy has been prepared by Üie Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayue, Iud., since 1876, and lenow prepared underhie direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Dniffsists at 1 per Bottle. 6 for 85. tarsre Size, S1.75. G liottles ior 9. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFEGT MAN. PERFECT ID rORM -MATCHIESS IK WAR I ,fU 8o ttDlioüJ were the aDcients for stal wart men thal ƒ fu&y boyiat birth wcre pottodeath. A %- .-ti Every HAN can be STEONQ ívv- í nd VIGOEOUSin all respect. áJ&íñ YOUNG MEN OR OLB, I. tjr i] nSerlng from HERVOT8 DEJyi Xyyír BIHTT, Lost or Falllng ManfySs7Al nod, Fhygical Exceise. Mental Wf' sj(l i) Worry, Stunted Devtlopment, or EPP-irYA any PERSOHAL WEAIIESB, can b Rl l r rtored to PEKÏECT HEALTH and 1 ti I l the NOBLE VITALITY of STKOtIO J l 1 ME!Í' th" Prlde ní Power of Nstlons. d I 1 We claim by years of practice by Ï I I ollr exclusive znethods a unifurm B LjL "MOHOPOLT Of BUCCESS" in treatyL o ingall Dlieases, Weakaetseí and ál - Affiletiflni nf Mwn Testimoníala T ' ' from 50 State and Territoriea. UUn NfcW BOUlV paid, fora fimitPd time. Qe ít whlle youcEH. FU Explanatlons for HOME TREATMEHT. Tou can be FD LLT BESTOKED as Thosiandl bare been by at. Rt&d our tefttmontals. AddreiR at oncf ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, M.Y. v-jíT-n. We spnd the mítrveloiiB French jjf Lí$ líemedy CALTHO8 i'rce, mnl n fSfl E N legal guaran tee tliat ÜALTHOfl will Kr STOP IHclirtr-N Jt KmiRmioiiA, II BE"! l flKE Npermolorríica, A'arieoolc Y?lii and RESTORE Lost Vlfior. Al JSa l'st it and pav if satisfied Y ilífT Address.vON MOHL CO., 'ï-k CU) Solé imerican Agent, Uncinnati, Ohlo. QBÜL DIEPFENBACH'S lfS PROTAGON CAPSULES, v5'V Sure Cure for Weak Wen, afl fY MW Prove(lbyïeportsof leaclinpphyBS&I6'1-''11118- State age in urdertng. fnt&ra P'Prico, íSl. Cutalogue Frce. KB r g? ft Q A A safe and speedy mMáafEBk Iv M fiv cure for G4eet, '' ÍV. HL " " Strlcturennd all DH frwLM unnatural discharge. 1'riceáKS. P ñREEKSPECIFICS'ío MlwÊt W;nrl Skin nuaae,ScroF alón Sorel andyptillitic Affeetiona, without nierour y. Prico, SSC. Urdcr from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. 425. 189 Wiaconain Street, MILWAÜEEE, WIB. ICARTER'Sl CURE pick Headacheand relieve all thetronbles incídent to a bilioua Btate of the sjstem, euch aa Dizziness, Nausea, DrowalneBS, Distresa after eatüifí. raiiilu tlie Siüe, kc. While theiriuoat reinarkiiljle isuccess liaa been sho-wu in c uring SICK Beadacho, yet Carter'a láttlo Llver Plllfi ara oqnally valuable in Conatipation, curing and proYenting thiaannoyinRcoiaplaint,while thcy also correct all disorders of tuestomaeh,stimulate the Üver and rogulate the bowels. Even if they only HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who ■uffer from t his diatreaaing complain t; brfl f ortunaiely tlieiigoodneBdoes notond here.aud those nrhooncetry themwill find thesolittlopillsvalu'ftbleln Bomany wayathat they wil! not bo willing to do without them. But af ter allsick heal ACHE Is the bane of ro livos that here to where we make our great bo&st. Our pills cure it while cthnrs do not. Cartcr"s Little Liver Pills are very small and vory easy to take. Ouo or two pilla inakea dOBe. They are strictly vegetable and tío not gripe or purgo, but by thoir gentío action picase all who UBethem. In vialaat 25 cents ; flvefor$l. SoU by druggists everywhere, or Bont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE ' WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Lutest Designs. ERICES tb-e LOTEST. AT OSCAR O. SORG, Tiie HJecorator. 70 S. MAIN iT.. ANN ARBOR. iÉSlBf! A ftne suite oí offices over the Farmers & Meehanie's Bank, Main st., Ann Arbor. Euquire at Courier office.
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