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A SCROFÜLOÜS BOT Running Sores Covered His Body and Head Bones Affected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. When aiz montlis old.the lcft hand of our tlttle grandchifd began toswell, and had-everj appeurance of a l&rge boíl. We popltieed it, hut all to no parpóse. About fiv.e monthsafter t became a ruiming sore. Soon other sores j l'ornied. He then liad t o í23!w oí them on each hand, and fZg0ÍESp s hs blood hecame more aBSSjÖa and more took W fftH less time for thum to break m vH bon ■■ me on the SI 3S 42R W? cliin. lK'lK-uth tile inulcr !i]. T 7 wmch was vefy offensive. S '-..■ Hls head wae one solid scab, A .■ t discharinfí a irreal deal. # Tia was hts conditioo at yyv ƒ s. twenty-two montha oll. fTSfeDiPs ■, wlien I undertook the oipre 1 I T ! of liim.hla mother having ■7 . '"'gm (iií-d when be ns a little more than a venr oíd. of consuniption (ocrofula.of course). He could )ilk íi iirtle. Imt could not ?et up if he fell down, and could not move when in bed. having do use of his Inuids. I lmmedifttely coinmenced wlth cnirruA Rbhedies, uglng all freely. One sore after annther healed. a bony matter formiiitr In each one oí these flve deep unes iut before healine:. whioh would limí Uv grow loóse and rere taken out; then they u'ould heal rapidly. One of these ugly bohe i'orinatioiis I pfeserved. After taking a dozen and a halí bottles he was complete!; cured. and lsnow,at the age of ala rearo, a atrongand healthychild. Mus. E.6.DRIGG8. MAY9, 188S. OlaE. luy st.. Klooiuiimton, 111. Mv grandson remalns perfectly well. No signs of BCrofulaand no sores. Mks. E. S. DRIGGS, Fkií. 7. 1MH). Bloomington, 111. OiJLtlc-ara Eesolvent The new Blood Purlfier, internally (tocleanse the blood of all Impuritles and poison elements and tims rcinot' the canse) and Cutii UEA.thegreat Skln Cure, and Cuticukí Soap, an exqnlsíte skin beatftifler, externallv to olear skin and scalp and restore the hair. Cure disease of the skin and blood, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Pric. Odticüra, f0c: 9oap,25c. ; Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the POTTKR DP.l i AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION, Boston. dtW8end for"How toCnreSkin Diseaees." 64 "pages, -Ai illiistrations and 100 testimoniáis. DinV'O Skin and .Soalp purifled and beautiDflDI O fled by Cdticuka 8oap. Abaolutely pure. f RKEUMATiG PIIKS. ígfi In one minute the Cutictp.a Anti f Pain Plasteb relieves rheumatic, %j BClatica, hip, kidney, ches t, and mus" eular pains and weafcBeeses. Price twenty-flve cents. GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1S78. W.Ykr&Co.'s Breakfast iffl Gocoa Ih Wib írora wbich the excess of an ifl oil Ilas been remoyed is m í J-át&oÍMíeZy JPure QhL jjlüand it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more económica!, costing leus than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easixy digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crooers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchester, Mass. HEADACHES fok 2c. CURED pEtóJÍEHEJRÍCBíaX ( SQLÜ BY.DRUC(STS2K '(%$ ELlZJféLT&MJ "Ka s .T.: te EBERBACH & SON. ANN ABB0R. TRüCKantl STORAGE Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS V l HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy aud ligbt Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth Ave. HAMILTON'S INSURANCE, REALESTATEand LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Polieies written in First C'lass. Companie Rates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Additlon for sale on easy terms. Office Hours : From S a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p1 m. A. W. HAMILTON. Bil JÈ& ' ' fê ' Fortwenty-fWe ye?.rs ttio o-:v . i ■: of iuilltona of snffrrera, ohi and voa - ■ ['eiüle, have gratefully eniioraed tbs mlxaeakiub vlttntdi of This r'iarmacenticf;! raradcx oí tlie Age A vitaüzing stircr' at without al cchoL A nerve sedativa v.-ithout narcotios. A bloed purlfier without poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, se;retion, e:ccretion r.rid respiration. A Jife-giviugtonic, pura r.nd eircple. without th3 disastroua reactions óf the deadly compoun-13 of rum artel alcohol iisually sold a3 bitters. Was never fcion bafta In the World. Ita discoveryamoTiÉT the medicinal finita, roott and herbs of California IVAS A MIRACXK, and their combination inío a phenomenal lifegiving touic A TRIÜMPH of the CHEMICAX ART. The only changa made in the formula during twPnty-flve years haE been to present it in two combinations. The old orirrinnl remain fcnehanged, but being Gtronger, more laxativo and better. A new j'ortn more agreeable to tb.3 taste and better adapted to iromen and rhiltlren, but comprising tbe same tonic proporties, is dow made aml the eririire. af the icvrlil is ciutllvngtd to produce tneequalof this TEULY & ONLY UtMPEKENCE BITTERS KNOWN orto produce a purely vegetable bitters or medicin of any kind, wbose action is at once ao eaíe, ao certain and comprebensive as tbe CALIFORMIA VINEOAR BITTERS, or any compourd 'wbich from its varied action upon the vital íunctions is equal to the CURE OP SO MAUY DISEASES. Their carne ig legión- Rh.'iimatism. Neuralgia, Catarrh, Juundicp, Kitlney Disease. Scrofnla, Skin Dtnsases and Boila. Cousumption, Piles and all disorders arising frora indigestión, inipure blood, nervous proatration, and SiUpidatod constitution from ftny cause pive way to it like mist before tbo aun, wliile ita singular power over THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OSTNIPRESEXT BAIH ERIA indirates ita nnperiority ia all diseases of malarial origin, aud remiera it the EEST VER3IIFT7GE KNOWN. Jïo family can afford to do Tvithout a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE VINEGAB BITTEE3 in the house, as eipressed by thousands of tettfc monials. Send for beautiful book. Addresa, R. H. .icDOXALl) DRUG CO., New VodB JFargtfs Shoes Fairrrly igf ( "Box Tip" School Shoes IStVV for Boys and Girls. OR&. Heeled or Wedge Heel. Ë -&s&k Slzea-8tolOM 1.25 íaaáJTTIl ito3 1.75 Í fik $250 Calf shoe Vvv for Gentlemen, fcwjtt iTbilSz' CneqoaJed by any shoe S.FEÏTïieTi11 America at the name ■FT . 'IL__nnr .jrfn : In CongreKS But■3? -IJlgHil ton and ï.ace. Men'aana Boy's sizes. rrtfl FARGO'S fl $2.50 LADIES' BOOT f EÍ Dongola or Goat, Button, C TT v Opera, or Common Sense. HCftHfifi N. TacWess and Flexible. I OU t-S Wnrranted the most J P'MaduinLadiesaiidMiaeeg OOR NAME IS ON THE BOTTON OF EYERY SHOE. Ask yonr dealer for Farg-oV Sh . If he does not Keep them send to usand we will funiirli vou a pair oo refelirt of prioe. S-T:d postal for descrtpöye list. ,0. H. FABQO & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, ANX ARBOR. ;7m! & H. WRITING TABLETS. The Handsomest, Most Económica], and BEST niethod of putting up Writiug Papers for home and office use. Get them from your Stationer, or send direct to the Manufacturare, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 53G & 538 PEAEL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Corresponderse niailed for Twenty-Fivc Hutzel's Water Back ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overccmes all the present troubles . of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoraI ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more troubie by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water I Bark. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for i sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention . HUTZEL & CO., Plvmbern and SteamfiMtrs. i ANN ARPOR. - - MICH , I? J il il "cli any fairly intelligent person of eithér k % E I Isei, who can read and write, and Yvha, Ï!ÏP I I IIf!(T iuitructlon.will workinduiuioufhr, VWWV Vl-ii:, „in Thrre. Tliomand Dollar Yearintheirown 'oeallliefi.ivherevertheylive.I will alsoiurnjtti the lituation wMeh youeanearn thatamount. ; No money for meunless siici-eeaful asabove. Eafeilyand quickly ! learned. I detiru hut one worker from each district orcoanty. I have tauut and provided with emplovment a larf: nuniber, nh.j are makinfr over Í3000 u jeareaih. In XEtV nu SOM I. Pull particular Fit feK. AddreM at one, !:. C ALI.E.V. Iloi 43O, Aiieirtu, Muiii.-. jiook's Cottoa. Boot M&È COMPOÜND iwf iComposed of Cotton Rcv t. and LV sJ Pennyroyal - a receut aisco ery by ui Jold physician. Is succe&fuUll uscd monlhly-Safe. Effectual. Price fl, by mail, 6ealed. Lailies, ask your diucïisf f'r'Cook'a Cotton Boot Compound and talie do Mibstitute, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed parti"u'ai's Addre6s PON1 LILV COHPANY, No. S ilslier Block, 131 Woodward aye., Detroit. Mia'a. ■7"OOC3-'S FtLOSJSttLOcliüO. THE GREAT ENGIJSH REMEPYUeed for 3ö years w of Youthful folly by Ëmr and the excesees cessfully. R fS&f V of later years. anteed to cure all Ti5MT Gives immediaie forras of Nervous JWÏsj strength andvig Weakness, flUMkLlw fr. Ast drugglsts Blons. Wr 'foT Wood'sPhoanditlltheeffeftii Photo froro Life, 'mihstitutn. On pactage, il; slx, $6. by mail, Wrlte for pamphlet. Address The Wood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward ïTe., Detroit, lllch. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T ATYTTT'C! TRY dr. ledccs "pkJLlAUXJllO RIODICAL" PILLS iroin Paris, France. Established in Europe 183t. Canada iu 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliadle monthly raedicme. They always relieve. Any druggiBt, 12. Pili Co., Proprietors. Bpeficer, Iowa. Kotert Saephenson & Co.. wholfsnle agenta, and all other druggists' in Ann Arbor. Theee pillSj are warranted to bring on the " change. ' CET THE BEST FIRE IÏÏSURANCE $29,000,000 Securlty held for the proteetion of the policy CHRISTÍAÑ MACK Representa the followingflrst-classcompanies, of which one, the -iitun, has aloue paid $10,000. 000 fire losses iu Biity-five years : .Etna, of Hartford Í9J92,64A Franklin of Philadelphia 3,U8,713 Germania,N.V 2.700,729 Germán, American. N. Y 4.065,968 Londón Assurance. Loudon l,416.7ss Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608 N.Y. Vnderwriters. X. Y 2.596,676 National, Hartford 1,774.505 Pha-nix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses Iiberally7ftdjusted nnd promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowest rates oi premium. 1191 tl n m ■ B Rifinn leearnedat onr WW Hn0 of woffc. il ï KB U r.i;i:.ilv and hunorably. by tl.o.M' f IU9 I I IU S" W eilli'r'tex. voune or oíd, and i e!r ■VII (laf I owulocalitif.v.herpverlheylive.Aiiy III Vllkl one ean du ork. Eaty to lfarn. We 1'urnit.h everyiïlinp. We turt you. No risk. You can devota yoorlpar momaalt, or all yourtiine to tlie v.urk. This i ïn éntirely new lea d, and liringa woncit-rfal succes to e very werker. BMfnatitan earaiDa; from #'ió to #0 perweek tnd unwaids, and more after a little cxiierience. We ean funiisti you the enilormnl and teach yoo KKKK. No .pace-to eiplain her.. Full 'mormation FHEK. ÏRÏE A CO., AIÜLSXA, BAliï. MfllflPSjYSCDQ of oïbers.who wi&h ts camina HW W aWIl I Iv tllw this paper, or obt3!n estimates on advertising space when n Cftlctgo, will find rt on f'le at SSSJgglLOBBftTliOiaflS jflgH feoOO.OOa vearís bf-np by John R. ■% tíoodwin,Try,N.V.,at work for u's. Kcader, BPl yu niay not'make as mucli, but we can Mi VHteach yuu quickly Ikmv to carn from $5 to ijr jrM, mr, m i{ ll l'-v "' tlic SIart b4b yoo p U'vl Botb sexee, all aes. In nny 'part of ■ r America, you eau cotninence at hoiue, pirR tA iVing Rit your tlme,or spare mumcuts only lo , BËRk W tl' work. All is new. Great pey SCKK for m.i every worker. Wc start you, furnishinfr fi -JfF everything. EASII-Y, 8PEEDÍXY leamerf. PMVk PAKT1CULAKS FKEE. Address at ooco. X.hJlVJLb"A:su-'v t0 1'üKTLAAU, JlAKiL.


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