('Ol-NCÍl. ClIAMHKIt, { AnnAkhoh. MiCH.,Oot.22, 1891. i Special meeting. President Cooley being absent, the Couneil was called to order by the City Clerk. Iloll cali. A quorum present. Absent.- Aid. Mann, Ilcrz, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehberg and Pres. Cooley. Aid. Kitson moved that Aid. Hall act as President pro tem. Carried. The cali the special meeting was read and the followlng business transa e tod: REPORT OF PÓLICE COMMITTEE. To the Cornnwn Couneil: Your Committee on Pólice, to whom was referred the nomination oï Jas. E. Murray as truant officer, respectfully repori that they have had the matter under conalderation and ave of the opinión that the Marshal has now all of the duties whlch it is prudent to linpose and that such nomination ought not to be confirmed. Your Committee further report t ha t they have had conference with the Board ot' Education, that such board has made arrangement with one Thaddeus Thompson and have asked for his appointment on the police force at the expense of said Board of Education and that after said appointment h be detailed as truant officer. Vour Committee recommend that he he be go appolnted and detailed. All of whlch is submitted. WALTEU L. TAYLOE, I,. D. "WINES, C. MARTIN, Police Committee, Aldennan Martin moved that the report of the Police Committee on Truant Officer be accepted and adopted, whlch motion prcvailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Willes, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Hall and Kitson- 7. Naya - None. On motion the Couneil adjourned.
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Ann Arbor Courier