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FOK SALE - High grade safety bieycle. Cost $135. Been nsed about four' moüths. C'ondition fully as good as new. $75.00. Cash will buy it. E."P. Hotchkiss, 21 S. Twelfth street, Ana Arbor. 81 FOR SALE- Four young new mllch cows for sale at reasonable prices ; also to twoyear-old steers at the Remvick farm one mile ■souih of Salem station. Address Mrs. A. B. Henwick. box 1515. Ann Arbor. 31 FOR SALE- One colt three years old, four colts one-vear old, one weauline colt, fiftei'U bruodiug ewes, top buggy and harneas. Third house east of County House. William Straigth. SI Üjjfr (f on liour. A few lady students can Kpt" 'k' earn flve dollars by au hnur'swnrk, For jiaptiiMilars cali on oradiVfs tlic i 'rescent llasp Worïcs, Anu Arbor, Mich. 31 EX. Teacher of Violin. Rooms corner of Main and Liberty Sts., Aun Arbor Organ ('o's buildiiiK. 42 FURXISHED ROOMS WANTED- Near Unlversity. Address H. T. R., ('ourier office BOY WASTED- At the ( oikier Office, a good. brifrht boy to learn the printer'a nade. M II. K. BüTTBB, STOCK- Fot sale at the j" CouDt-y Fui r A ürand. good Dew inik'h ow. Has no faults ana regular breeder. lias i rivoni ui 64 pounds of mllK a riay. Also for salea gelding one ycarold. sired by Sanford's norse, dam by Oíd Raven. 1, Y'. WI.KY. MISS GRACE HENDRK'KSON - Pnpll of Profs. Luderer and Yiun-k. oí Detroit, will give instructions on the violln. ['articulara at reeidenee, 72 S. State St. :m TOST A araall black satchel on the road fron) nn Arbor to Salem, (ontaiua lady'a clothlng. Ii found i ] e i u return toJ.Q A. Mo. 5 N. Main St., Aun Arbor WANTSD.APPLES- at the A mi Arbor Knilt A Vlnegar Co.'s Works. IITATER TANK FOR SALE.- Tault. 1 feet square by 4 feet deep, made oí 2 lnch pine l'lnnk, lined with heavy galvanizad ron. r.n■ quire at this office ■ fpq RKKT.- Two honsea on Vi. Ihirnn street. J_ Enqulreof .1. 1. Stimson, No. ö Maynard si. 'fTIO RENT- A n office eul te over F.& M. Bank _L cor. Main and Hurón 8ts. Apply atCoi i;n:i: Office. EfOB 8ALB OR BXCHAXGG.-Farm of IM -T aeres, all Improved but seven acrtx of tlmber. Good houae. Grainaud stock barn, 36 x r4 eambíil roof wi'li basement. Horse barn, x:;'. with ganibel roof. i-tock barn, 20x36, hay barn, wagon shed, and detached gralnery. Two good urehiird-. Kive miles east of Plint, Genesee ('o,, Mich., Chicago and Gd. Tk. Ry. statfon. Heisay on BOuth-easl corneroi farm. Will exchange forsniall farm or for Anu Arbor property. Dan 11. Church, II .icffLTMin Arbor .Mich. FAKM KOK SU. E- The Bullock or Kvfvxt farm, 3 miles west o: Salem Station, and 11 miles from Aun Arbor. contalning 109 and barnea, stock, and well water, tlmber; school and church wlthin a mile. Land natnrally the best and culti i good: also íqrty acre farm for sale, the S '.. 1 :f the IC. 'of the s. E. qr. 'í sec. :i of Ann Arbor towu, belng part of the Hoyvi place DOrtb of t Dounty Farm : "8 mi les from Mack &Schmld'8," l'-; inilrs from city timits. First-class land for peaches. Pricea and terma : able. Cal] on oraddress Andrew E. Gib- iiii.-vj Easl Washington St.,Aun Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Courier