Free Trade And Paupers
Some figures glven by Bon. Oscar I". Williams, D. 8. eounaul at Havre Franee, eompaxing pauperism in the "ï'iu-d Statos and in tho ünited Kinglom oí ( Brttaln, fïivcs i" f1libli of the dltterence in the conditions of the people in a protectlre tariiï country and ;i country where 'ree tradc is the prevalllng tinancial policy of the governineut. Wiiittaker, a recognlzed Brltlsh authorlty, in hls ciiii mis of statistics from 1884 to 18S9, a i'ivc-yrar period. ïives the numtK'r of reglstered paupers (exclusive of vagrants), by whleh it apppars that in 18st there were 1,?82,883, and In 188Í). the number had inereas"d to 1,446,065. The net inpeaee in pauperlsm in a period of live years, whcii ttoerB is perfect peacc, }rof)d cropw and free trade prosprity (?) was 163,682, or 12 7-10 per oesttt. in five years. The same Btatlstleal outhority is the basis of the folloivins: eomparisoas: In England and Wales there are more than ü:'. 1-", times as many )aupors in proportion to population as there are in the United States. There are in the T'nited Kingdom more than 31 38-100 times as many paupers in proportion to population as thero are in the United States. The actual net increase in the number of paupers in the United Kiugdom during the iive years prweeding 1889 was more thn 2 4:'.-10() times the total pauperism of the United States. There is no answor poeslble to such fiííures as these. Mujsíc by local talent every evenlng át the ï: ir in Palace rink. Admisión 10 cents. John. R. Clancy, son of the late Jumes Clancy, died at the home ol liis mother, on E. William st., Monday evening, of bronchial and huig trouble, at the age of 21 years 9 months. At Waterloo, Iowa, on the 22d inst., Mrs. Henrietta M. Coolidge, wife of J. T. Cooledgo, died of ipoplcxy aii-il years, and her body was bronght to this city for internnent On Monday, October 26th, Phebe P. Woodruif, wife of Peter D. Woodï-uff, died at their home on Forest ave., aged 75 years, of heart fallare Funeral services this p. m.
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Ann Arbor Courier