Asleep Over 127 Days
MiH'h has been. said hy outside papers as to the case oi Miss May White, who has stept now over 127 (laye, and who is still sleeping; tho majority of the said roports, hou-ever, witi' errono-ous and false. Having received requests f rom severa! of the l&rge (iaily papers of the State for full partioiilars and also for the benefit of our readers, a representative of The Sun called upon Dr. Brown yesterday and learned the toUowlag feete: Miss May White is 28 yeara of age and is the yoangest rtaughter of Mr. Talmer White, of the town of Ingham, who is a farmer and also keeps tl general country store. Miss May is the youngcist of three children, she has a brother and a sister, the latter is now attending upon her. In IS'.H) Miss May White was taking a course in bookeeplng and short-hand at Cleary'a Business College, Ypsllanti, and only had a few weeks to romp'.ete said term wheo she was first taken Blek of neplirei is, on the ttli of August. Whiie there she recelved au injury by fal'ling on a sllppery pavement, wi Ich caused an abceea in her sidc aiul shc retourned home. Thls nephretia and abcess healed nlcely after treatmeat, bat In abo ut three montlis there developed historo epllepsy and she u-ould have from oue to fifty convuJslons In twenty-four honra, whlch twlsted the nerves in all shapes. These convulsiona ahe eontinued to have for about two montha. The doctor had been di-iving over to Ingham, whlch ia about ten miles trom thia place, t treal her twice a day durlng all thia time, and and when It had almOBt uaed him lip, he concluded to have her moved to his home in tJiis rillage, where lucould devote mor;' of his time and att ;ntlon to the casi-. About the middle of .luly list, shc was removed t.o Dr. Brown'a residence in thia rillage, where ahe now is. About the 2Oth of laat June she feil Into tliis alumber and has been sleeping now 127 daya. No one has ever Bucceeded t.o a waken her excepting tuie dot-tor, afthough several have bried to do so. It took over Uve houra for him to awaken h:r the first time; sho had then been Bleeplng 26 Uours. The averag time it now takes to awaken. her is 20 minutes. The shortest peribd that efforta have bucceeded to ksep her awake was 20 minutes and ilie longeet sic hours, vhirh w;ts a few daya ago. To-day Wednesday) she has been a wake four hours and thtrty minutes. Slie has lost over 70 pounds in weight, and l-st time only weinhcd ."() pounds. However, slie is aow galnlng flesh, the doctor says. his opinión is, thereFore, t.liat she will wear the sleep nul ml recover. As to nourishiiient. Blie a given brdlnary ('.i twtce a day. The doctor a waken-; her three timet) a day. viz: at 8.30 a. m., 2.30 p. m.. and between '■ and 10 p. m. Shc will awaken eaai r iï awakeiied at regular hours. When Bleeping she is rigid and f nol awakened would die of exha ustión. When awake she recognlzea all and as the full power of seaiseg; she most ol her time wlien awake in readlng books and newspapera, ihe falla asleep; when awake she vi'.l piek lip the buok and again will ontlnur to read fi-oin the place she vas reading when she feil asleep. Miss Muy White is a youag lady I sterling character and belore going o Cteary's Business College taught cvtral vcry successful terms iu the listrict BChool near her Home and Usn at Mount Pleasant schools. Xo doubt this is one of the most Ingular cases on reeord and is belng alked aboat all over the world. Sketches have appeared in papers abllshed in Germany, and also othcr onntriea i.i the old world. Br. Brown ecetves let hts of inqniry from all directjons. whlch, if all answered, would keep a few men imsy.- Stockbridge (Mieh.) Sun, Oct. 2'd, 1891.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier