Some Bad Breaks
Some of our eaetern democratie rienda are now assertlng that the silver plank in the Ohio democratie ilatiorm got there by mistake, and lon't eount. Tluit is the trouble. They are always making mista k-s D tlwir uational as well as thcir Btate platforms, and for that reason are untrusi wort hy. Hre i.s aseries of democratie nüstakcs wliich the New York Press collvcted a few days aío: Thev made the mistake of advoca ing tlio eltcnekra of lavery to the free soil of the north. The ropiiblioan party made no mistake in defeating that program. They made the mistake of advocating wbat thi'y called peace with the rebellious south. The republicana answered that mistake by rallying around Abraham Lincoln. They made the mintake of opposing every step toward genuine reconstruc tion. Tlio. republicans under Grant reotified that error. They have made the mistake of ad vorrrtinii the lntcreetfl of foreign in dustry ;it tho oxpenfle of American la bor. They have not acknowledge that mistako yet, but they will aftel 1892. 'J'heir latfst mistake in the advoca cy of debased coinago as pay for the worklmgman'a labor. The republlcai party will show them luiw greal Hint mistake is next November.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier